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... . THE ILLNESS OF LORD BoSsZ. We are happy to be able to report that there was a slight Improvementln the condition of Lord Rone last night. The Marehioness of Ormonde, and i Ladies May and ?? Butler arrived at Kilkonny Castle, from London, on Thursday. The Eirl and Counters of Arran and suito left lingstown on Saturday for England. The Hon. John Mamsey, the Lady Lucy Mansey, and family, have ...


... L4ITE4RARY NOTICES. THE OCEs OF THE CHUERCH EnnurciTos Sorra-rr rOs I I IRELAND. By Rev. CHARLES SEAVER. [BeEfs W i. & G. Baird.]-The paper, which is now pub- ( jlished.inpamuphlet form, was read at the recent r meeting of the Social Science Association, and has a nowa annexed to it an appendix and notes. M~r. Scarer disposes of the case in an able and segges- s tive manner, for which the ...


... 'The Most Noble the Marquis and Mar. ,liloneam of Drogheda and ?? arrived at Moore Abbey, Dlonasterevan, hroer Londonc for the season. The L~arl of Mrsyo is expected to raturn to lown on Friday. Lord acid Lady Asenal~y have left the Royal, a !!slgrsne Hotel, Ktngetowni, fvi Woodlsadri. 'Lady O'Donnell, Mrs. Kirwin and suite lave arrived at the Iloyal Marine Hotel, Kingstownr. Sir Ralph Howard, ...


... I * - . . - fr. PAuI.'a (VirtUw and Co., London,)-Zvery. thing &bout the new comer is admdrable except the cover, which isdull, though there is a simplicity about its homeliness which many will appreciate. It does not flaunt in a hundred criours like BroaiCuy which ?? Herod. The editorship of Mr. A. Trol. lope guarantees the success of St. Paid's, and theugbi first numbers are rarely got up ...


... NAVAN OCTOBER FAIR. INAVAUI~N . A- II *- ?? £'4AVAN, JMONDAy, Oer. 14.'-This Well.known fair was held to-day. We have ad copious falls of rs in this district thsroughout tbo entire oflatnighkaepl which continue0d UP to eight o'clock this muorning, Tho weaher, however, cleared up about ?? o'clock, am., to the evident satdsfacon of all thos. interete , The spply of stock, on the whole, was8 o ...


... I ILLNiESS OF lORD ItOfii3. Qn making Inquiries late Last night, we were hapw C. learn that his lordship rallied aornuwiat duing the dq. It is stated in the 0103fl1e'r thtat her Ma. jrsty baa resolved to caerge from the nerclwion Ito whirc bble haes lived since the death of tho Priuce (toeort, sald t&U - the next sceaon will be one of the woot briliant on reo during her long and beneficent ...


... , The Earl and Countees of :Egmoat have ar rirad at the Bhton Hotel. WB am glad to be able to announce an 6i- yrovennont in the health of the Earl of Riose, Franees Countess of Waldegrave, and the l1on. Chichester Fort6scus have lft the Blltoo Hotel for London. Lady Louth and the Hon. Mrs. Plunkett have left the Bnlton Hotel for Louth Hall, Ardea. Litdy A. B. Simpson and suite left Kings- town ...


... FASHION ANI UVARIs. ILL- 1S OF LOUD ROSSE. On miaking inqulrle late last night, we wee Informed that his lordship's eiabditon 4e. not exhibit any symoptoms of impryevlent - The Princess of Wales drove out on Jiday attended by Vlsecoitean Walde. Their Royal Highnesses Prinoe and Princess Christian of Schlswfg. Holstein were expected to arrive at Windsor on Saturdjy morning from the royal amilg ...


... MOUNTMELLIOK (QUEEN'S COUNTY) FAIR. MOOUNTMULLICK, MONDAY EVENIG.-The above monthly fair was held totday, and there was a very large show of stock of all descriptions, which met a pretty fair ele at late rates. The supply of springers was about the average, and were early disposed of for shipment at price,, rauging from I1 Z. to 101. lOa., the forsnek being the top figure of the fair. There ...


... 1 1'ASHON AND VARIETI |S. THE HEALTHI OF MARL RUSSLLr BgAT, MORDAt'T NronH -ThetS are no grounds for sayglg Earl REnsell le seriously ill, His lordship, who has been ateyieg on a voit with tord Dufforln, at 0lsndeboye tince Teoaday 1eat, caught a alight cold while present at the rifle mastch Jasi week, bnt nothing more. ERrl taisoll loft Ciandeboye on Saturday last for his Heglisl seat. His ...