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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - .Z No Notlee Of -Birth Masnisge, 0r Death can be InsUe Unles eatbentlcated by''the name and addres of the seader. The words ticard,or s raddition to the simple ?? of a mrriage or ath, aubject 1it0 ?? as for a sdvertemen. 2:, BI1BTllS,\ AnnoT1-Ot. a2 t 45, llumptot -stree, Everton, the wfile of Mr. J. Abbott, of a daug'tN r FouDLKErS-Oct. 15, at 12, Torbock street,'the wffe ofhir Joh-a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mirtbo wtfrizgot ?? * No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death ca be Inserted unless authenticated bwthe ne and address of the sender. The word crda, or any addition to the simple announcement ol a marrage or death, subject it to ?? as for n advertiement. BIRTHS. DAvrES-Oct. 8, at 7, Derby-place, Edge-lane, Mrs. James DaVies, of a son. Jo8RB-Sept. 2W, at 22, Luton-street the wife of Mr. W. P. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... **t lie Wotlce of Dirttl, esfs*4e, oX Death ean be inetd hiess aouthent as- the namel naddrE of the sender. TI5hea ords oeads.ora smlar adition -to the simple ?? o' a mage or dht- subject tH to papmesit as fo an advertisment. . Z - . fBIRT iaS'. ?? .. . BLAM-Sept. 9, at 81,n Belltopstreet, olayton-Equare, . the w~e S Mr: J. B i.or o0 a. son. ?? - Glenwl 29 at'90, 9 arCdenstreet, lrkenhead ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. J. ASPINALL TURNER. We regret to hear of the death of this gentleman, which took place at Almond's Hotel, London, on Saturday. Mr. Turner had been suffering, especially since his retirement from parliament, from a painful internal disease, which, in fact, wvas the chief cause of his having quitted public life. A. fortnight ago he left Pendlebury House to consult his medical ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... io ' ?? : . ?? ?? :,i *JNo Netfeef it B, ?? e, Ge Dehh ean bCO it I ?? ?? utbeupt- ad b the name te ?? ot the asndere.' Thewo ^rds oasids or anysmiar adition: - E50 the simple aenouneement of p a;riae ordaeath * *n;blobietttomenasiefor aG ertieremeut.'[; - ALLI11-Sept, 20, at 101, Due-atreet,-th wifeof Mr~l. Samlia1 iAllen, ol twips. , ' .: 'A~IDiW, ept. 29, at'.83, Waiter-st'raet, Newtown,' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * to the 4ij,1e.w n meeb of ha ?? or death sauljeot it to oaraefl ater an advertaement..: ,BIRTH ?? ' EVAN+Oot- 2, .at 128, ]falneT.4troeeb, the wile 01 of . John Ryans, of 4 son., WAiBSNAnT-Sp b.:20, 'at'TeNow Orois, Londonthewife of Mr, G. A. Warinaby, of a Eon. ; !; ?? D,22AG398' ', BslOw&LM-BM`aY-Oot. 1 atS the, Parilsh' 'chnrch 'of .Ormakirk, by the Rev. YBRush, fMr. James Bromiey, Bof ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... si2'ts0, wIg*0, rn5 faffis ?? No Vo se of B3rth, 1a, Derath o be Inseuted nzless eauhenticated tie ame ada s othe sender. The words o ,orany ira on to the lne nnoem nent of a nie death, ebd I t P=meas a for ae eT, BRTHS. BARR-Oct. 24, at 10, I;Dgewa reet, Edg*bhll, the . weo otdM. A. har, of a daughter. BUtRMAL-Oot 23 a the Temperance Ian, Castle HIlU, Denblg, the wlfl of Mr. Charles Burohall, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Atev.niur, ?? o y-aes, onlyf daugherof the bite EL) uY-ROrW.O hllt ot. tte elyn Chap, 0 Aoflkstrm by the Re.te. A. hieaoln, OJaNorflk Bahlory, Edofad Tir ey tof An, ?? Noruthte autotn, Baite, toh MdryRoslin, of w Alrlecauham. ftl e, bo phr o ib ae BLIVY-COA PH-CL On,-J the 23rd lu et., at the Cathedral, aia. by9, th CS bthVeyRev. D. TtBullock,.nine ?? . WillimJlcial o emt ay T1r liasaol, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No§ ?? of Biirth, Marriage,;or thcan be Inserted unless autheuticated by the name and address of the sender. The words 'No aards, or any similar addition to the simple announcement of a. marriage or death, ?? ittbo psrnneut'as for 'an edverisement. BNERS-ept. 27, at P7, Apringfeld; St. Anne-street, the wife of Mr. T. H. D. Beer, 'of a daughter. DAvIEs-Oct. 2, at Oak Cottage, 3artnlus'lane, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ^NO Notice omith, ari, Death cnbe Inserted : nlu autheonticated by t d the 881nd10. slhe ors N cads.or an iia dditioa to the simple announcerment of a marrge or death.' subject it t ent s for adrtient. BIRTHS. DOSE-Oct. 10, in Cluhton road, Blirkeabead, the wife oft Mr. ames Dunn, of a daugter. LivXsam-Oat. 21, ?? House, arosby, the wife *of :Martin Uvesey, REq., of a daughter. PEARGS-Oct. 21 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . - w 011n 0082_ot 6t -1 O euhbect It to D r an advsr e 0 : BIRTHS. e VOLI-S4ept. 28 at 9 HRxout°Uthdeett4 a J. Inglis, of a Iaugh4er atreet C JACESON-Sept, 28, 2at 40 t Goo 0 of Mr. J. Jackson, of a, egh, origeatzeu 2MOOiR-Oct. 8, In W 0 of Mr. Henry Moore, of a son. ' e1eru 01 MORsSON-fett. 25, at West Indiar1a wife of Captain Alla , Amazon, prematurely of a eon, ;Ite i * O ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Zhth, aZ R4 §*fftg. % NoNotee of Birth, Marriage, orwea nbehinasred Mieen autheuticato bv the zame and address of the sandeer, Ihe words Wo.ard, or ny smlar addition to the simple uneunom of a riaege r death eubject t to aent as form adver ent. BIILTHES w o . r- All a-Oct. 16, at d1 Weat Derby-road, the rt omr. William Allen, of a son. - ATrn-OCt. 17. at 122, Upper KiMstreet, thewife of Mr. ...