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DI öLhe Cardiff Cimes. '

... DI öLhe Cardiff Cimes. i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1867. THE COMMERCIAL CRISIS. BANKS, railways, and contractors, all seem alike to be overwhelmed with ruin. Companies whose credit has been beyond question, and firms whose solvency Ud reputation might have commanded any amount If Of capital from the commercial world, have now lifted into bankruptcy, and brought ruin upon thousands. Since May of ...

Published: Saturday 26 October 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 586 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... POLICE COURT—MONDAY. (Before T. W. BOOKER and G. PHILLIPS, Esqj.) Tne jury list for th; pamhea in t.. division of Kihhor wt'e brought in, verified, IInd allowed. OBSTRUCTION.—Patrick O'Brian, Michael Regan. Timo- thy Brian, William Scott, Michael O'Briin.aod Bartholomew Bryan, wpre fined 2i. 6d. each and costs, for obstructing the highway at Roath, after being repeatedly cautioned by the ...

Published: Saturday 05 October 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 504 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... POLluHU ROBBEIT OF FaUlT FBOM TBI COTENT GARDEN Maw, KET.—There appeart to have been for some time a series of robberies in Covent Garden Market. On the 23rd of August last a quantity of fruit having been consigned to Messrs. Pankhurst and Draper, salesmen at the market, eighteen half-sieves were stolen. A polioe-constable saw the fruit taken away and apprehended the thieves, Edward Finn, John ...

Published: Saturday 05 October 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2139 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... POLICE COURT, GEORGE TOWN. FRIDAY.-( Before Abraham Darby, D. L. Williams, and J. J. James,Esquires.) A Feminine Row-Cunningham v. Scanlen.-This was an assault case between two women. A witness for com- plainant said he was present when defendant came into Mrs Cunningham's house and commenced an attack with a long pole, when witness went between them and prevented fur- ther damage be had just ...


... An important salvage case was heard at the Cardiff Police-court on Wednesday last, by previous arrangement, before R. O. Joins and W. Alexander, Esqrs. Mr. R. W. Williams, solicitor, appeared to support the chum of salvage, which was made by some fishermen of Ilfracombe, who picked up the French barque Adoiphe, which had been abaudoued by her officers and crew. Mr. Ingleclew appeared for the ...


... MURDEROUS FENIAN OUTRAGE IN LONDON. On Saturday morning between two and three oclook three performers in the band at Weston's Music-hall left that establishment on their way home. they belonged to the Guards, and were not in uniform. As they were going along Vernon-place, Bloomsburyequare, Holborn, they were met by a party of Irishmen, who, it appears, had all been at a public-house, ker>t by ...


... On Thursday, the annual prize shooting took place on the East Moors. The different firing squads were under the command of Captain Rees. The first on the programme was THE LONG RANGE PRIZES. First prize, 13, or value second ditto, a gold Mal. tese cross, with enamel centre third ditto, a pair of shooting boots fourth ditto, a gentleman's gold ring. Ranges 500 and 600 yards, five shots at each ...


... Mc Donnell, the bandsman, who was shot in Bloomsbury, died on Saturday, and the Government has raised the reward offered for the apprehension ofth assassin from £ 100 to £ 300. The Sunday Gazette says^ For some days past alarm has been occasioned at th head-quarters belonging to several corps of metropof itan volunteers in consequence of private iuformatio that a Fenian attack on their ...

[No title]

... IMPORTANT TO RATEPAYERS.—We do not envy the Cardiff Assessment Committee their functions. They have to sit for dreary hours to hear all kinds of comptaints and we regret to add to defeat numerous artful and subtle devices tor evading legitimate claims. But we certainly are not aware that they have had to resort to the miserable subterfuges that the Newport Assessment Committee appear to have ...

§alitii{;tl Jnmiijqnqc

... It is stated that Mr. Anthony Trollope, ambitious of a seat in ParlialllprIt, will stand for Birmingham at the next election. The Right Hon. J. Stuart Wortley, who is at present on a visit to his relative, Lord Wenlock, at Escrick Park, was on Friday suddenly attacked with a serious illness while in York. We understand that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will have the honour of being the ...


... A religious procession unusual in Ireland has just taken place in Kilkenny, the occurrence of which was explained by one of the Roman Ca.holic clergy- men who took principal part in it, along with the Roman Catholic Bishop (Ossory). During recent excavations in the cemetery of St. Calistus at Rome, in the Catacombs, the body of St. Victoria, a young Christian martyred in the time of the ...

Published: Saturday 26 October 1867
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 627 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE MARKETS. MARK-LANE, MONDAY. There was an increased supply of English wheat on sale here to-day, coastwise and by land carriage As very few millers were in attendance, and as there was a large quantity of foreign wheat on offer off the coast, the trade was in a most inactive state, at a decline in the quotations compared with this day se'nnight of from 3s to 4s. per and a clearance of the ...

Published: Saturday 26 October 1867
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 791 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News