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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... AKTEMUS \V ARD'il OPINIOX OF JULIUS CÆSAR. It was late when I got home. The children and my wife was all abed. But a candle—a candle made from taller of our own raisin'—gleamed in Betsy's room it gleamed for I! All was still. The sweet silver moon was a shinin' bright, and the beautiful stars was up to their usual doins I felt a sentyment tal mood so gently ore me stealiu', I pawsed before ...

[No title]

... On Wednesday morning the mortal remains of the Right Hon. Horatio addington were deposited in Kensal Green Cemetery. The coffin was of polished oak, with gilt ornaments, and bore the following in. scription :—Horatio Waddington, born January 12, 1799. Died October 3, 1807, ...

I--._-.-.-----------.-. ci'orat JtoritijJCIWf

... ci'orat LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. Oct. 27.—SUNDAY. Celebration of Holy Communion at 8 o'clock. Morning Prayer. Venite—143. Daily Psalms-H2. Te DemU-8 5. Benedictus—11, double. Introit Hymn 174. Kyrie—N;ires in F. Hymn—171. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Psalms- -147,1 IS. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Nares in F. Anthem- In Thee. 0 Lord, Wtddon. Hymn—161. Litany and Sermon at ...


... THREE CHILDREN SUFFOCATED. On Saturday, an inquest was held at Moseley, nea* Wolverhampton, before Mr. W. H. Phillips, th puty coroner, on the bodies of three children who had been killed together under very painful cir stances. The deceased were named John ^■9Tr!5r' f. six; Wm. Morris, aged four j and Elizabeth Morns aged two, the children of a wagoner, named Benjamin Morris, in the employ of ...


... NEW CHAPEL.—We find that in addition to the new Church Schools that are being erected in this ancient town, with the Dissenters are also advancing in the times. On Wednesday last, Mrs. Lewis Davies, of I reswylfa, laid the foundation stone of what will be a neat Wesleyan Chapel, when completed. There was a large- attendance on the occasion and .Mr. Jno. Cory Mr. Sillifant, Mr. Trice, Messrs. ...

|jlpiilittjj Jiitcllijsittt;

... | jlpiilittjj Jiitcllijsittt;. The Sporting Gazette sats that the statement which has appeared relative to the purchase, from Mr. T. Dawson, of Diiffield, of a yearling colt by Blair Athole for 1,000 guineas, at Doncaster, by the Duke of Beaufort, is a pure invention.— Sam Rogers, the well-known Newmarket trainer, was seized with illness whilst on the heath last Saturday morning, and remained ...


... The usual weekly meeting of this Board was held on Satur- day, E. W. David, Esq., occupying the chair. There was vatlier a large attendance of guardians. The master of the workhouse reported that the number of inmates in the house was 313, being 64 more than iu the cor- re5pon ling weeh: of last J'ear. The Clerk said he had received a letter from Mr. John David, the contractor, who stated that ...


... CARDIFF POLICE COURT. SATURDAY.—(Before the Mayor, and W. Alexander, Esq.) DISORDERLY.—Barney Sullivan was charged by P.C. Humphreys with drunken and disorderly conduct in Caioline- street on Friday night, and was fined 5s. and costs, or to be imprisoned for five days. DESERTING.—A sailor, named Amble, vyas charged WI LI having deserted from the brig Prairie Bud, of Goote after signing ...


... The Rev. T.B. Pollock, the priest of St. Alban's, the most advanced ritualistic church in Birmingham, recently repelled a young woman from the holy com- munion, in accordance with that part of the rubric which provides that, If any of these (who intend to be partakers of the holy communion) be an open and notorious evil liver, or have done any wrong to his neighbours by word or deed, so that ...


... WEDDING FESTIVITIES AT LLANTRITHYD. MARRIAGE OF HUBERT CHURCHILL GOULD ESQ., AND MISS ISABEL F. TYLER. Some eighteen months ago we had the pleasure of chronicling wedding festivities at Llantrithyd in cele- bration of the marriage of John Darwin Wedgewood, Esq., of Woodfield House, Pembroke, late of the Gist Regiment, to Miss Helen M. Tyler, fourth daughter of the Rev. Roper Trevor Tyler, of ...

[No title]

... Charles King, a lance corporal in the Roya 1 Marines, twenty-eight years of age, fell overboard from the Ta- mar, in Portsmouth dockyard, whilst walking in his aleea and was drowned. The Italian Government have published the usual monthly statement of the progress made in the MOlt Cenis tunnel. According to this, the length of the boring np to tho 1st of September was 7,402 and as the total ...

[No title]

... Four pens were exhibited last week iu the shop of Messrs Le Conui, J erspy, which for size and perfediou excel;e,1 ;iny- tliiug ot the kind hitherto produced. These four specimens weighed respectively 19s, 21^2 tj, and 301 making the astonishing total ot 96 £ oz. The first three, wcighing tCJgether 604 oz., had grown 011 a single eye. were of the famous species known as the pear, aud were ...