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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... THE excitement incident to the protracted canvas- sing before the momentous lstof Nov. decides who are the good men and true that Cardiff delighteth to honour, is daily increasing. The local jour- nals have already selected their men, and corre- spondents from all quarters are rushing to the inkstand. The zeal of many of the latter, how- ever considerably outruns their discretion, and their ...


... THE event which has for so long a period been looked forward to brl the borough has at length taken place. The thousands whose expectation had been awakened and curiosity aroused by the heralds of Mr. Richard, have been satisfied by the visit of that gentleman himself. For nearly three months his qualifications for the representation of the Borough have been dilated on by a number of his ...

20ti> ^ai|diff & J$t £ i[%r

... 20ti> ^ai|diff & CARDIFF, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1867. THE ORDER OF THE DAY: FENIAN- ISM AND UNIONISM. SUCH was the motto to the cartoon in last week's Punch, representing a gaunt, weird, masked figure, stalking through the land-the badge of murder across its bosom, and its feet trampling on law and justice on either side were groups of the well-known types of Unionists and Fenians. It is a ...

[No title]

... Edward Kiernan, a porter in the employment of the Dublin and Wicklow Railway Company, has been remanded for further inquiry by the Dublin magistrates, one of his fellow- porters having giveu information of his having revolver bullets in his uniform pockets. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT.—Billions Disorders. —In no organ of the body does disease present itself so fre- quently and in such varied ...

[No title]

... THK DRKFOR (.AWBRIP.IE AT KXOWSI.Ky. Q-i Sunday His Royal Highness tne Duke of Cambri lffe and the distinguished visitors at Knowsley attewle i Knovrsley Chnrch. Divine service was perforinc? i by theRr-v. W. L. 1 eiblen, memnbent, assisted by the Rev. J. B. Bolron. Intho afternoon His Royal H.^hnoss drove over to Croxteth, to inquire after the health of the Earl of Setton, Lor bl/.eufenant of ...


... THE BAND OF THE 19TH GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.—We are informed that the members of this band have sent in their resignation. This, by some, if not most of the residents, will be regarded as the most sensible step they could have taken. We trust, as the instruments belong to the corps, that an effort will now be made to get up a really good band, which will be worth hearing, we shall then ...

[No title]

... Du BARRY'S Delicious Health Restoring Revalenta Ara- bica Food, which contains three times the lJounsluuelJt of the best melt, saves fifty times its cost in other remedies, rcstores perfect digestion, strong nerves, sound lungs, healthy liver, re- treshing sleep, functional regularity, and energy to the most. disordered or enfeebled, removing speedily anil effectually in- digestion (dyspepsia) ...


... About 40) men, including labourers of all classes, are engaged on the vast extensions and revolutions that are being gradually carried forward at these works. A few weeks ago we furnished our readers with a detailed account of the progress made in the long embankments and the Pier that are in progress of erection. The operatives have made considerable way since that period. The embankment from ...


... As clear a case of murder from motives of jealousy as ever tcok place has just been tried by the Council of War of Paris. The prisoner, Emile Ernest Thom- meray, a gunner serving in the 10th regiment of Artillery, was charged with the murder of a woman named Devary. It appears that towards the end of 1863 the two met at a Sunday ball at the village of Issy, near Paris. They soon became ...


... REMOVAL OF GARIBALDI TO CAPRERA. PARIS, Sept. 27 (Evening).—The Patrie of this evening says that according to advices from Rome tranquility prevailed in that city, and no movement had been made on the frontier. Intelligence received here from Genoa, dated to- day, states that Garibaldi was conveyed at nine o'clock this evening to Caprera on board a Govern- ment vessel. THE ABYSSINIAN PRISONERS ...


... At the last meeting of the members of the South Wales Institution of Engineers, held at Swansea in September last, a paper on this subject was to have been read by Mr. Alexander Bassett, C.E., of Cardiff, but the length of the discussions in connection with the preceding pa- pers precluded that paper as well as several others from being submitted to the meeting. Since that time a quantity of ...


... MURDEROUS FENIAN OUTRAGE IN LONDON. On Saturday morning between two and three oclook three performers in the band at Weston's Music-hall left that establishment on their way home. they be- longed to the Guards, and were not in uniform. As they were going along Vernon-place, Bloomsbury- equare, Holborn, they were met by a party of Irish- men, who, it appears, had all been at a public-house, ...