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Leeds Mercury


... In England ncl in Frasiee, from all accounts of the weather, we have to b) well satisfied with the selasont. Summer, in the middle of its lifeti ne, was neither sultry nor even hot enough; and rain wats enough and to spare. Burt a. beautiful young autunlu time case, the sweet and healthful Indian summer, the after-season, as is France we call it, and has made full and rich amecds for any ...


... MORECAMBE BAY, l3Y IILAi-im BELt, The tbrong had departed, The village lay still, a!thed in the soft moonlight That streamed o'er the hill In Luight's Bolerun silence I wandered alone, Ily the fisherman's cottage, Where the wild waves moan; And di eply I pondered Oil life's devious way, As the curlew'i shrill whistlo Came over the bay. The throng had departed, But whxrs were they now? The ...


... EXTRACT8 FROM LUNCH. A SONG OF TEE SYNOD, -caet virtue in an ii--ToueusrosTr. The Pan-Anglican Synod has met; The Pau-Anglicen Synod has parted; Lambeth's board has for forty been set; Hosts of clerical bares have been started Colonial mitres and Yankee Have wagged PnsATa Lomonr1's hesiekl, And earned a most unctuous thankee) Froim the Bench with whose call they've complied. It's stout ...


... LITERATUREO AG LAIA. Oh, ?? away from oarthly noise W\iratrire all its shallow joys When love has lit the heart ? The light that renlders Lirth'E btt Rifts lebut tilnsol splendours, Anid ill her prizes but the toys Of ilril-growli children. Unto you and me Love, lovi otlon1e is ti e reality- All blside but empty roar, T'he larri bilrdws of a bellowing sea 1ir'erihg for ever on a headless shora ...


... HALIFAX LITERtARY AND PHILOSUPHIC&L I SOCIETY. The anunal meeting of this society was held oil TuuEday night in the lecture room of the institution. Mr. STANSrEs.LI, the president, occupied the chair. Mcr, 1c4Ti1t Nicsisosoo, hieu, secretary, read the report, which wats vexy complete in its character, and well received. It stated that the arrangement with the Halifax Subscription Libiary had ...


... ?? THE FIRST BLUE-BIRD. IY 1EMILY s. OAIEy. Whatever weight the hours lhave borne Along the path, of frost and snow, The world is never too forlorn For birds to sing a'gain; We know That earliest bods will soon expand, That Spring is pocsewhselo in the land, For hark! the bluo-bird singe. Somewhere the grass is green sgxio, The meadow mild with shower and ?? Out-bud the trees, upstarts the ...


... LORD CLARENDON ON EDiUCATION AND WORKING MEN. Yesterday, the Coventry and Midland Industrial Exhihition was formally closed, when the Earl of Cnrnri- DONS, E.G., delivered the valedictory address. The exhi- bition was opened in June last, in the new Market fall, Coventry, end has proved a great success, having been 4 visited by about 100,000 persons, and the committee have a handsome surplus ...


... LI T F. IAT IJ RE. MY DREAM. A bb'r dir U.1rre, a g i rilis faece, Ilhie IV'N Itil u-19oldvir hair S'Ac CiM eii' i it, 1111s ! cu auoy smiules, A viio elilingel fitr Oh., -lItte eN I, ohl, el el eyee Wh ' ?? 01l k liiiti ?? So ' Fi'k %Kit l th~e I ?? tUUdern's9 'The love ?? bogII ago. A mnerr i- inchb, a plesisint voice, ?? ebitnei, like silve'r bell ; Swr ee Music0 tnilforeottunrit I A ron id ...


... BALLINA8LOB FAIR. BDtaLiNABLOE, Saturday. This morning, the second of the sheep fair, opened most unpropitiously. Heavy showers continued withbout cessation, and a more disagreeable spectacle than the fair green presented has seldom been witnessed at Ballinasloe. Theo exhibition of sheep this morning com- prised not only those unsold yesterday, but also consider- able numbers which had been ...


... LITERAT RE. Tn1 SOlNU UPON Tllh SHOnE. (IFTai fict i'osirsd Tsblc.) 0i , NaT, wait me ?? nrot bo long; 'is but a little way ; I'll ousle vre you hive snung the song The 'ong I. mntte you yesterday. *'Tis lhut to ?? you streak of light- Arid frris the br ee zes Now ; You will isot ]-)e rie from your sight- (Ono kisis, and now I go.' So in the pleasant nlight of Jmne, Ile lighily sails tiwasy, ...