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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... OLDOASTLE OCTOBER AMr. I OLUCASTL, Ocrosen 21.-The October fair of jhfs town, which has improved so much since taken under the patronage of Mr. Naper, and from the facility afforded for the transmission of cattle since the extension of the two railway lines to the town, woS romarkably well supplied with atookr, while the attendance of purchasers was pretty considerable, taking into '-count the ...


... | -1FASHI'ON AND VARIES. : I - .1- - X,'IX S The Earl and Countess of Meath, Lord Brabazon, Lady Kathleon Brabasio and mitt, kavy arrived at the Sbelbourna Hotel, 'Ihe Earl of Bective, AP., famnily and suite, is, bax riv.fa bgl parro? mail Katoa, The 19ml and Oouute of Egmoat and. suib have arrlved at tle IWYAl Marie Hote Kingetown. The Right EIon- the Earl of Howth and 5.114 left Klngtown ...


... LIfTRATUEB. * rUBLO EDUCIATioN -rA EssHA BY BY IANOIS H. O'DoNNHnn,-(DlbiUn 1W. B. Kf ?? the eve of the settlement of 'the Irish Tniversit 4satlon this essay appears, and it may. oerve to mould public opit th DiOn on the subject. The Htyle is somewhat laborred mi and pedintic; so' that it requires careful perusal or re-perusal to appreciate the resil abit which the .F pamephlet displ~Ha.. Mr, ...


... I FASHON AND VARIETIES. I HBALTEH OF LORD ROSSH. NO ohenge has taken piace in the halith of Lord Hisea AInce our last report. Lord and Lady Congleton have left the Oresham Hotel. Sir Thlomas aud Lady Tobin htve left the g' Gresiam Hotel. A Lord Valentia and Bu'te left Kingatown c, yesterday for London, P The Hon. W. Cooper, lady, and suita left T Kings Lown yestordas for England. tl | Major ...


... I . ARDEB OCTOBER FAIR. I Anwxn (CouNTY LouTru), OcToiiErs 24.-The im. portant October fair of this ancient town was held on yesterday. The day was remarkably fine, and from an early hour in the morning a considerable number of horned cattle and sheep, were driven into the spa. ciouB enclosure. A large number of graziers, dealers, and victualler also arrived before ten o'clock from several ...


... FASHION ANI UVARIs. ILL- 1S OF LOUD ROSSE. On miaking inqulrle late last night, we wee Informed that his lordship's eiabditon 4e. not exhibit any symoptoms of impryevlent - The Princess of Wales drove out on Jiday attended by Vlsecoitean Walde. Their Royal Highnesses Prinoe and Princess Christian of Schlswfg. Holstein were expected to arrive at Windsor on Saturdjy morning from the royal amilg ...


... MOUNTMELLIOK (QUEEN'S COUNTY) FAIR. MOOUNTMULLICK, MONDAY EVENIG.-The above monthly fair was held totday, and there was a very large show of stock of all descriptions, which met a pretty fair ele at late rates. The supply of springers was about the average, and were early disposed of for shipment at price,, rauging from I1 Z. to 101. lOa., the forsnek being the top figure of the fair. There ...


... 1 1'ASHON AND VARIETI |S. THE HEALTHI OF MARL RUSSLLr BgAT, MORDAt'T NronH -ThetS are no grounds for sayglg Earl REnsell le seriously ill, His lordship, who has been ateyieg on a voit with tord Dufforln, at 0lsndeboye tince Teoaday 1eat, caught a alight cold while present at the rifle mastch Jasi week, bnt nothing more. ERrl taisoll loft Ciandeboye on Saturday last for his Heglisl seat. His ...


... | .AALLIABSLOR PAIM; - F - ^ I (FROM OUR PArCIAL RPORFsR.) BALUINABSLO2, SUNDAY EVZVING.,-Yestorday morning the sheep siles were resumed on the green, There was a scant supply of wedders, and ewe. were le ameromth usualpon theo r day. Boyers' who held over from the previous day were taken Oback by the thin aspect of the green, and at Once yielded to an advanco of from one to four shillings ...


... . THE ILLNESS OF LORD BoSsZ. We are happy to be able to report that there was a slight Improvementln the condition of Lord Rone last night. The Marehioness of Ormonde, and i Ladies May and ?? Butler arrived at Kilkonny Castle, from London, on Thursday. The Eirl and Counters of Arran and suito left lingstown on Saturday for England. The Hon. John Mamsey, the Lady Lucy Mansey, and family, have ...


... BATEREALE (CO. LIMERICKS) OUT. FAIR i r . ?? s . . EI n' K ?? ?? -. .. RATIMEALE, TuRsDAY.-The October fair of this town was held to-day, and as regarded the display of horred cattle aid sheep in every department, unless heavy beef, was as largo as any upor. record, but there was an almost total absence of the usual buyers fronu the Dublin and Cork markets, a well as those from Liverpool who ...


... FASHION AND VARIETJE-I(. I not- mr- - . ?? . . ?? .. 'ille Marquis and Marchioness of, IDs~yn oihre, Ladty Alie T111 Iliciptirl'of llilbiborratilh, lard La)rd Aeiliiir 115ll have arrlvedr at ifiiihsrnicgh Camisa L~ordi St. Lawretice, left Wsntbatssrd Inx, Fri- dey for. (0lisAn L~ofge, noi c visit to jarritma .vyis J tl8ls cshcrriflit thy Uoincty. 'Lrrd ?? kft cijullattill iark yes- Ieroiy ...