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... m-- OUBLIO AMUSEWMNT,& & - 1 UerandrmTbh6fltWBhe Stops leaier ?? xId T aaithekU mfdryi' s * ?? Thetr w~:I Mel'BDVeriGD,' m- t1;he J2ureahu fien.! o metr,. iiya en~biheatrq~ e . .js on a f~er reno MdsielU, The WanderinS Ioyal &oe.; EHengier'U Grand Clrque-EqUes.6n'a~eluien~e,.o ?? Muio ?? Concert. A .jojo Selection of 8tadard llih Music, Uc.;. . , concert Hall, ;Lrd Nelsbd .tNr -HEWTH ry ...


... TBE PANTOMXMDST.-SO long as the season lasts, be en- joys comparative affluence, but at its close he is again cast adrift in the world, and wanders from town to town, hoping against hope, and generally in a state of abject destitution. In process of time he may reap distinction. But the while he must be resigned to contempt, toil, and starvation, protracted neglect, and the hazard of a pau- ...


... rtJ' .1 UBLIC . A M E 1, ,S I ROYAL ALBXANDRA,'THEATREL a 'e lfBouclcault'e* London Aesiiiance, epro- ti .duced' at this theatre lst evening,- does- not t'ccmp~ate favourably with the olider -eomedieif pre'-, .s.ented lest week. -It'ib not so naural as Qold-. ri sminth's 'She Stoops to Oonquer't nor sao sparkling a as Se heridan's RBivals. 'At the same timea it is t.l . spaplible of being ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &O. Royal Alexaadra Theatre.-The Temnpeat. Prince of Waele Tnitroe- On 'b'hauge, and little Toddleins. p,- 'ioyal :mpbhtlettfiv. ft'daboozling, and The Lencashirc Lnss. St. Jam6s's Feall aind Operetta House. -The Opera Marh~taa. ?? Coloefenll Theatre.- The Castaway, The Life Oigue1,- . St George's ?? PertormancoX Concert Hall, 'lord Nelsoa-strest.-A (Qrand ...


... pUTBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &a Royal Alexandra Theatre.-Tho TempOet. yrinoe of Wales Theatre.-Parents and Guardiaus, ]BUrlonque Mazeppa, and Jenmy Lind at Last. SoyalAmnphtheatro.-Mr. Lawrenoliarrett: Aamlet. Ek Hall and Operetta Houe. - The Opera 11 Trovatore. Royal Colosseum Thoatr&-Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, 'Alone ID the Pirate's Lair, &o, 3tew SlaPr Mdso HalL-CooQorl ...


... ; ~ ?? til qM I , -, A- %rrr . X?94!I - - At ;e- TO Y. --it )ago 1 .: ;; A-B NFg .T . 9 9T ox.e~ THIEh a (AeWI aa Ohrtsoffgnepeajd bu L atrepr._,1 o lowe~E ftleiia ?? humrahlo i1 Sa, . .I ?? o i, end sen. Lauoaet 2~.,0are vWtoA In . aero 1, 0, ?? OU. L'UnI~hO -Aufrda~usiWMueLi IVv, AE. AAnd fidends! ,0 ' piec 5- ?? ~~!a Bro ~ ~ afe fdnd JTMrs1wit ?? 'n00.. . ?? 10 a ~$ ?? o 'he 2,1 .0 do,1r0 ...


... {a .PUBLIC AM9USEMENTS, &0a. 'va'lnandnS eave.-lt.llan Opera ulnot.. 1'uiaer of Wales Theat-e'nfe ,Points of the Law, ?? The ATU4 1Dodge., Theatre RoyaL- :,The a -aried e ad .The RendszvOU%. 3oAJ AmPh~thOSAi15:Th6 Spectre Brdegroom, and The Gireat Cip., eye 3 o- sum ?? in the Pirate's Lair, 'The lron Casket. and other lEntertenmentL , Sew Btal Xusc flal. v-Cozilcrt, Avolo, ...


... ITET REVIEW [ISEFTON PARK. I I *; . ,. ?? o .- :, f . The followingis a 'opy of the report addressed .b the' Duke of' CaMridge to the Searetary for lyatr:- - Knowsley, Presoot, Oct. S. :SirI have great satisfaction in informing you .that 1inspected on Saturday, at Sefton Park,'near Ltverjool, betwre'en 10,000 and 12,000. volunteers, belonging chiefly to ~Lancashire and.the adjacent counties, ...


... a The ill which flesh is heir to sometimes exhibit themselves In the most strange and painful forms. There are oases which seem as if they wereintended to show the maximum of suffering that the human frame i capable of enduring before this mertal coil is shuffled off-diseases whioh baffle the skill o of the physician, and pitilessly work their ravages on the sufferer uncontrollable and ...


... |PUBIsC -AMUBJJMENTS I m I . I .. ' . I ~ . PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. The burlesque of Ixion was last night pre- i ceded by. BEandy Andy, with Mr. Frank Drew il In the character from whom the piece takes its tb name. Handy Andy is not a piece, nor is Sp Mr. Drew an actor, to please fastidous testes; tie but those who delight in very broad and oocc- it sionally rather coarse humour will ...


... DLiC AXUSEMSB,*,, ?? Royal Alexandra Theatre.-Tho TempestS ?? o1 sales Thestm.-LUlttIo Toddlehins, and On '('bange. Royal Amiphitheatre, ' Bamboozling, and The Lancashire Les. ge James's Iall and Operetta House. - The Opera ?? Un Bello In Maschers. Royal Colo3seum Theatre. - The CAUaWtay,. ..The Life Stgufl, da. Nqew Star Music Hnll. -Mr. BTY SBydrney, Mr. Natban Hugbo5's Pictures, ...


... necce : e fifth The We which flesh'fs heir to Sometimes exhibit themselves in the most strange anrd paf l forms. ql~~1e There are cases whioh seem as if they were intended .o rels- to show the maximum of suffering that the human So far, 'frame Is capable of enduring befoxe this mertal tended coil is shuffled off-diseases whioh baffle the skill of the of the physician, and pitilessly work ...