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... AMU EMsl t8 FOR T .THE WEEK 1f {- I ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE. The short ?? season, extending overtwelve perfdrmances, wilnveminence this evening at thi - theatre with the performance of the delightful opera- Le Nowe dt'Figaro. A'change w1ilbe - made in' the opera every night during - th-, .fortnight, the LHst embracing many of the finee [Productions of the great master which have V . become ...


... ; PROFEBSAOR- STONE' I 2 AT T j. SATURDATY, EVNING cONO Rt. ProfessorO. ?? Stone, who has for some time paat been giving biological somnces at the' Queen's all-appeared on Saturday veening at the Ooumi certhau:Lord' Nelin btreetE under the suipices of thecommintteeofthe 6tiaidayi Evening oncerti. Notwithstanding the outdoor attractions of Sa.tlr- daiy there .waa aunamerouH attendancu. Provlous ...


... I hl. SOTFIMN AS A WILD GOOSE, WVhatever successes Mr. Sothern may achieve, he seems I dotormiued that the credit of them shall be all his own, I and that the dramatist at all events shall have no preteon 3lena to divido the palm with the actor, Of the various i new plays, comedies, and farces, which he has been the means of introducing to the notice of the English i public, scarcely one ...


... LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, AID ART S CRAP S. Costa i2 tiaily expected in Paris from Eoulogne. 31adlle, Caclotti I'tti has just visited Dresden. Tibalberg is in Paris, and w ill loavo for Naples in the mliddle of October. idadlle, Arktt has had considerable succoss r Alanabheiin, one of the mlost musical towns of Gor- 5155 n13'. i liesort uejesls highlbly of a forthcoomisg work, ' The Darwinian ...


... ?? Bfa. : .1 II *1 After- being lcloed or some mosaths on ?? sudden withdrawsai of lie Antipodea, this thea ;e-opened on Saturday night witham new drsmain-three acts, by Mr. T. W. Robertson, called For Love, which can hardly be considered one of the author's most ipto- miping and well-considered productions. Led away by a very praiseworthy admiration for the heroism displayed at the wreck of ...


... ittrature. 0- - I Old EnqoowZd; its Scnr-Atat People. BY ra 3JAMES Mi. HorrIN, Professor in Yale College. London: Samupson Low, Son, and Marston. L We are alway s glad to read accounts of our coun- try and ourselves written by Americans. The people of the United States Occupy towards us a position peculiarly favourable to thie formation of afair and yet a generous judgment. They are ,qnd are ...