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... 1 1'ASHON AND VARIETI |S. THE HEALTHI OF MARL RUSSLLr BgAT, MORDAt'T NronH -ThetS are no grounds for sayglg Earl REnsell le seriously ill, His lordship, who has been ateyieg on a voit with tord Dufforln, at 0lsndeboye tince Teoaday 1eat, caught a alight cold while present at the rifle mastch Jasi week, bnt nothing more. ERrl taisoll loft Ciandeboye on Saturday last for his Heglisl seat. His ...


... El ittrature. - ?? NEW NOVELS. t Polly: a village Portrait. 2 vols. London: i Tinsley Brothers. 1867. The Confessions of Gerald Esteourt. By Florence e Marryat [Mrs. Ross Church]. 1 vols. London:f Richard Bentley. 1867. e Until the End: a Story of Real Life. By John p Pomeroy. London: Charles W. Wood. 1867.. d Bidden Fire. A Novel. 3 vols. London: Tinsley f, Brothers. 1867.b The White Cockade; ...


... {a .PUBLIC AM9USEMENTS, &0a. 'va'lnandnS eave.-lt.llan Opera ulnot.. 1'uiaer of Wales Theat-e'nfe ,Points of the Law, ?? The ATU4 1Dodge., Theatre RoyaL- :,The a -aried e ad .The RendszvOU%. 3oAJ AmPh~thOSAi15:Th6 Spectre Brdegroom, and The Gireat Cip., eye 3 o- sum ?? in the Pirate's Lair, 'The lron Casket. and other lEntertenmentL , Sew Btal Xusc flal. v-Cozilcrt, Avolo, ...


... Vi KID o Mauit Ter,, ind oe oree'apeioy ' litar; an4 aclni,,%e, 'but ~wi'usgi to eaient. London, Grlsgowe,, and Edllnburgh: Dluskie -.and o.I3D . , ?? _ ThiS bueful lvoiume, compiled' br'tbe late Adullral ?? W.tE Snth, mee ?? etlsl1og'deiloency hn nauthl literature., Marine' ditionriiies have .previously been pu~l~ishql, but pmost of -hem are now imperfect! b1y raon of the ?? y abagee ...


... I I I iTH ae PARIS CR~IITIC. T. ' rom' orn Sf.Osr Con SmPOND1T.)' In no departments of the Exhibition' has there been more scandali;misrepresentation, and provo- cation of bad blood than in those in which the cloths of the' several exhibiting and really compet- ing nations are spread. To begin with, let us observe what M. Georges Bell, the authority of the Patrie, has to say on the whole ...


... FOR L O VE. IN his new play, entitled For Love, produced at the Holborn Theatre on Saturday night, Mr. Robertson would seem to have set himself the task of expanding a plot suitable to a comedietta into the subject of a long melodrama in three acts. The story of For Love is of the slightest and simplest kind. One John Wyse, a young physician, is deeply attached, and has been almost ...


... ?? THE FIRST BLUE-BIRD. IY 1EMILY s. OAIEy. Whatever weight the hours lhave borne Along the path, of frost and snow, The world is never too forlorn For birds to sing a'gain; We know That earliest bods will soon expand, That Spring is pocsewhselo in the land, For hark! the bluo-bird singe. Somewhere the grass is green sgxio, The meadow mild with shower and ?? Out-bud the trees, upstarts the ...


... BALLINA8LOB FAIR. BDtaLiNABLOE, Saturday. This morning, the second of the sheep fair, opened most unpropitiously. Heavy showers continued withbout cessation, and a more disagreeable spectacle than the fair green presented has seldom been witnessed at Ballinasloe. Theo exhibition of sheep this morning com- prised not only those unsold yesterday, but also consider- able numbers which had been ...


... (FILOM ova SpEOL nr,,monms.) BALLINASLOE, MONDAY EVENair.-The morning opened favourably enough for the horse fair, with a bright sun and clear blue sky; but the uesual BaUiua. sloe weather came on, rainmolouds gathered before noon, and for the rest of the day business was for the most part transacted amidst a dowa-pour, which ren a]ered the thoroughfares seas of mud, drenched equestrians to ...