... a The ill which flesh is heir to sometimes exhibit themselves In the most strange and painful forms. There are oases which seem as if they wereintended to show the maximum of suffering that the human frame i capable of enduring before this mertal coil is shuffled off-diseases whioh baffle the skill o of the physician, and pitilessly work their ravages on the sufferer uncontrollable and ...


... |PUBIsC -AMUBJJMENTS I m I . I .. ' . I ~ . PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. The burlesque of Ixion was last night pre- i ceded by. BEandy Andy, with Mr. Frank Drew il In the character from whom the piece takes its tb name. Handy Andy is not a piece, nor is Sp Mr. Drew an actor, to please fastidous testes; tie but those who delight in very broad and oocc- it sionally rather coarse humour will ...


... FASHIOX ADTARiETIES. ARRIVAL OF THE LOiBRD LiEUTHMAI(T. nib Excoell'y the Lord idoutenant, accompanlo byTrb, Owewld and Captein Gregory; ?? will Arriio in town frona Baroecotrt this morbfoig, and proceud Ismediately to the Viteregal Lodge, Phkoeix Park. HEALTH OF TUB; EARLL OF BOSSEf. OM miking ?? at 41%tno hour last night we sioer- I Waoed that the Xa1 ot Roeoc bad siightly railfed tOveAS ...


... WORCESTERSHI2RE AGRICULTURAL SOOU!TY. The exhibition of Stock, roota, vc., in connection with the above Society, which took pla-e b Worcester, yester. day, was poi solray noteworthy, and had krtioular interos a attached to it, Inasmuch as since the year -1l64 the Showa have necessarily lapsed, chiefly owing to the pr-alence of the cattle pllagne, and the great danger of infection rmlaing from ...


... NORTH TYNE AND REDESDALE AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY. The twenty-eighth annual show of the North Tyne and Redesdale Agricultural and Pastoral Society was held on Friday in a field at the high end of the town of Bellingham. The exhibition was an improvement both as regards the quality of the produce and the number of the entries compared with that of any former year. The sheep embraced some splendid ...


... I I i : T I . VOLUNTEER ARMOURIES AND j ' ;. . MAGAZINES. . V The following official notice hashbeen ihsued to commanding officers of volunteers:- War Offlce,;Oot. 9, 1867. ?? am direoted by Secretary Sir J. Pakingbla to inform you that, in consequence of the frequei:t representations which have been made to him xsepecting.the insecure state of the' armotrles and magtzlnes of the volunteer ...


... KILKENNY OCTOBER FAIL. KILKWHY, WHDNRBDAY.-Thla morning was rather nnileasant, a thick milt prevalled until noon when a right wet ?? set in, aund Wpatbw yers and sellcts-were neeesrtated to take &helter in hotels and refreubmenthougeo. Harestbeing now over, farmers are enabled to calculate how many head of cattle they are able-to mainti during the coming winter, and, as a matter. of oeurse, ...


... I FASBION AnD VARIETES. ARRIVAL OF T17, LORD LIIBUTENANT, 11t Excelleny the Lord Lioutonini Mr. Oswald, Cap- tain Ctregcry, ?? nnd suite arrived at the Armlaus. street terminus by tlie fl4l train, gesterdey, from Barrne. b ceurt, andl proresded to tho Vlcoregal Lodge, Phoolrx-park, 9 In cno of his Raeelleney'e private carriagex. We under- IT Xtand that the Macquin of Abereern ?? return to ...


... ITET REVIEW [ISEFTON PARK. I I *; . ,. ?? o .- :, f . The followingis a 'opy of the report addressed .b the' Duke of' CaMridge to the Searetary for lyatr:- - Knowsley, Presoot, Oct. S. :SirI have great satisfaction in informing you .that 1inspected on Saturday, at Sefton Park,'near Ltverjool, betwre'en 10,000 and 12,000. volunteers, belonging chiefly to ~Lancashire and.the adjacent counties, ...


... necce : e fifth The We which flesh'fs heir to Sometimes exhibit themselves in the most strange anrd paf l forms. ql~~1e There are cases whioh seem as if they were intended .o rels- to show the maximum of suffering that the human So far, 'frame Is capable of enduring befoxe this mertal tended coil is shuffled off-diseases whioh baffle the skill of the of the physician, and pitilessly work ...


... THE OCTOBER MAGAZINES: SECOND NoTICI. The Dublin University Magazine devotes a brief paper to the War Poetry of the South, introducing to notice a collection of war ballads written during the late civil war in America, and illustrating the varying fortunes and feel- ings of the Southerners as the struggle proceed- ed. The reviewer, wgho appears to be a sympa- thetic admirer of the South, ...


... It appears that the report of Mr Paget's speech respecting the Princess of Wales at the St. Bitrtholo- mew's hospital dinner the other night, was misappre- hended. Mr Beget did not say that her Royal High- ness would shortly be able to resume her active habits of life, but that much time must elapse before she could do so. TnE COURT AT BALMOnAL.-INAIGURAT5ON OF A STATUE ITO PRINCE ALBERT.-A ...