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... (FILOM ova SpEOL nr,,monms.) BALLINASLOE, MONDAY EVENair.-The morning opened favourably enough for the horse fair, with a bright sun and clear blue sky; but the uesual BaUiua. sloe weather came on, rainmolouds gathered before noon, and for the rest of the day business was for the most part transacted amidst a dowa-pour, which ren a]ered the thoroughfares seas of mud, drenched equestrians to ...


... 1 1'ASHON AND VARIETI |S. THE HEALTHI OF MARL RUSSLLr BgAT, MORDAt'T NronH -ThetS are no grounds for sayglg Earl REnsell le seriously ill, His lordship, who has been ateyieg on a voit with tord Dufforln, at 0lsndeboye tince Teoaday 1eat, caught a alight cold while present at the rifle mastch Jasi week, bnt nothing more. ERrl taisoll loft Ciandeboye on Saturday last for his Heglisl seat. His ...


... I4 Lord and Lady Headiord have left the Pr Ililtoss Hotel, for HillAbiwiogh Castle, Hillbsorougb. thb Sir Rowland Blennerhiosset has left the cOI Silton Hotel for London, Wt The Hon. S. R. W. Cotton and the Ho.I be Mre. Cotton have left the Billton Fotol for Hilhboroaugh Castle, Hillsborough. Captain Tisdale has loft the Bilton Hotel for Charlesfort, Rells. Mr. and Mrs. Barron Newell havv ...


... BAILINABLOR FAIR. (FROX oUR 5ikiOa1, MU.) BAL4UXiASO, TUXSDAr Ev i. '-The heavy Waia which fenl Jat ne ht softened the fair green go thoroughly that the asenmbling of the stock on it ihis' morning, amildst a transient ECA~OU of Sunuene, Ilestroyed 'every vestige of grass under foot, con- verting nearly the whole of the vast area into a ploughed field of sticky nud, throiugh which buyers' and ...


... L4ITE4RARY NOTICES. THE OCEs OF THE CHUERCH EnnurciTos Sorra-rr rOs I I IRELAND. By Rev. CHARLES SEAVER. [BeEfs W i. & G. Baird.]-The paper, which is now pub- ( jlished.inpamuphlet form, was read at the recent r meeting of the Social Science Association, and has a nowa annexed to it an appendix and notes. M~r. Scarer disposes of the case in an able and segges- s tive manner, for which the ...


... I * - . . - fr. PAuI.'a (VirtUw and Co., London,)-Zvery. thing &bout the new comer is admdrable except the cover, which isdull, though there is a simplicity about its homeliness which many will appreciate. It does not flaunt in a hundred criours like BroaiCuy which ?? Herod. The editorship of Mr. A. Trol. lope guarantees the success of St. Paid's, and theugbi first numbers are rarely got up ...


... FASHIOX ADTARiETIES. ARRIVAL OF THE LOiBRD LiEUTHMAI(T. nib Excoell'y the Lord idoutenant, accompanlo byTrb, Owewld and Captein Gregory; ?? will Arriio in town frona Baroecotrt this morbfoig, and proceud Ismediately to the Viteregal Lodge, Phkoeix Park. HEALTH OF TUB; EARLL OF BOSSEf. OM miking ?? at 41%tno hour last night we sioer- I Waoed that the Xa1 ot Roeoc bad siightly railfed tOveAS ...


... KILKENNY OCTOBER FAIL. KILKWHY, WHDNRBDAY.-Thla morning was rather nnileasant, a thick milt prevalled until noon when a right wet ?? set in, aund Wpatbw yers and sellcts-were neeesrtated to take &helter in hotels and refreubmenthougeo. Harestbeing now over, farmers are enabled to calculate how many head of cattle they are able-to mainti during the coming winter, and, as a matter. of oeurse, ...


... I FASBION AnD VARIETES. ARRIVAL OF T17, LORD LIIBUTENANT, 11t Excelleny the Lord Lioutonini Mr. Oswald, Cap- tain Ctregcry, ?? nnd suite arrived at the Armlaus. street terminus by tlie fl4l train, gesterdey, from Barrne. b ceurt, andl proresded to tho Vlcoregal Lodge, Phoolrx-park, 9 In cno of his Raeelleney'e private carriagex. We under- IT Xtand that the Macquin of Abereern ?? return to ...


... ASTLEPOLLARD OCTOBER FAIR I . - . CASTLEPOLLMW, OCT. I.-OUr harvest fair, held on yesterday, was one of the largest witneesqw for 0o3me tiin, blsak cattle particularly being in ir. meuse supldy. Bede of beat quality reached aboct 60s. per ewr., while second-cloa might be quoted a4 56s. per do., or dd. per lb., ulaking the offal. Finished heifere generally r.nged from 151. to 20, per head. The ...


... . ~ un , lana~ ~Il ?? KENEAGH (COUNTY LONGFOUD) FAUZ. I' D. . IV ?? Mu Iaa JKNURAOH, T'HUMNDAY.-'Th above reoined fair of this town took place to-day, There was a large supply of cattle, but the buyers were not as awnuerous 5 Iat yeer, on account of the fair of Ballinmloe. The following way be taken as the price of stock:- Milch cows from 1IL, to, 17410s. each. There was a large supply of ...


... I .r s o . . .A D .I.. I * S iHEALTH OF LORD Ros&; . W; 'a WO ?? leae that tho condittor oS hbi lordship ts Smnprorigg .Ycsytirdax~h ethltsi Sruthr slmtn4 ot piovoment I ahiave bpen observeld udrig b* lt-po .he oirqi Of onyoghamr atixd5 q itq r rlred at lgiotwn yeetosrday per roysmalii tqlp 4om bllylfl~ed. ?? .*,t - Lord Wnd LAdy o6ng'len hive arrived at tbe lineilal'B e e Betht ' 'ifea- ...