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... LITER AT U RE. Part miusic ford Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bmse. Edited 2 by JOHN HULLAU. No. 11. London :Longinans, Green, Reader, & Dyer. THco is an excellent Number of this valuable publication, It consists of two Glees, two Madrigals, and a Part Song, Of the first, it is enough to montion their names, to satisfy *our readers who cultivate thle choral art that they are genuine. One is by ...


... ~LTRAT-URE -~ .L AXD OTHR FoLs. By Robert ?? London: Bennett. 1867. tbook is not without special inte. trt tS ders. The author is the son of a dir ngaisbed In~ rmissionary and well-known writer bn philology, thetSev. Dr Caldwell, and was himself a student at Glasgow LUnivertity, where, in 1863, he gained the Poetry Prize, by the unanimous award of the judges. The verses of university prizemen ...


... THE PARI-S EXHIBITION. - U MY A GLASGOW ZEGfl{K v t No. VI., A-nD LiAs. a Is a treatise which I once read on the natural his. t tory of our species, man was described as a gregn nous anima, or one having a tendency to flock or t -herd together; but I found in the Exhibition I was a very much isolated by my want of the means of 1 communicating with those around me. And cer- tainly, I thought, ...