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... ROYAL ALEXANDRA TH ATRE A striking transition was made in the perform- anep at this house last night, from the quiet beauty of Le Nozze di Figaro, with its plots and counter-plotH of love-making,, to the fire and massiveness of Les Huguenots fuU of the heat and fury of religious warfare. J'udging from the attendance last night, war would seem to be more powerful than love, and the ...


... LITER AT U RE. Part miusic ford Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bmse. Edited 2 by JOHN HULLAU. No. 11. London :Longinans, Green, Reader, & Dyer. THco is an excellent Number of this valuable publication, It consists of two Glees, two Madrigals, and a Part Song, Of the first, it is enough to montion their names, to satisfy *our readers who cultivate thle choral art that they are genuine. One is by ...


... TO THE EDITOR Or THE DERBY MERCURY. Sir-I beg to call your attention to the following arrogant remarks, issued in your paper of September 25th, as under, viz. : Class 10-This is a Derbyshire class all over, and one which we are surprized the society, with so many practical men upon its committee, has allowed at all, for the very con- ditions are a hindrance to good.farming, and we have seen ...


... L4ITE4RARY NOTICES. THE OCEs OF THE CHUERCH EnnurciTos Sorra-rr ?? I I IRELAND. By Rev. CHARLES SEAVER. [BeEfs W i. & G. Baird.]-The paper, which is now pub- ( jlished.inpamuphlet form, was read at the recent r meeting of the Social Science Association, and has a nowa annexed to it an appendix and notes. M~r. Scarer disposes of the case in an able and segges- s tive manner, for which the ...


... ELIZABETHAN DRAMATISTS, No. VII.-WEBSTER.* THE traditions of the frame sanglant which had been inaugurated by Marlowe and Kyd, and had been carried on by Marston, were maintained with the force and concentration of superior genius by Webster. Webster did not write much, but what he wrote is of solid and enduring value. His characters are as definite and real as those of Shakspeare, though it ...


... THE LAST BOAT. Musing I sit upon the shore, Awaiting till the boat shall come, And bear me to my far-off home, To cease from wandering ever more. Wearled with waiting, pjnch'd with cold, D;in eyes of mine still watch the stream, Which rune as In an endlesg dream;- Runs now, will run, and ran of old. Ever unchanged the constant swirl In little whirlpools eddies still, The straws and leaves foat ...


... Mr. Charles Edmonde (of the house of Willis and Southe- ran) sends the following communication to the Tines:- ,,The extreme rarity of all the very early editions of the poems of Shakspeare is well known, but perhaps of all of them, with the exception of the ' Venus and Adonis' of 1593, which was the first published work of Shakspeare, the rarest and most curious is the remarkable collection of ...


... I4 Lord and Lady Headiord have left the Pr Ililtoss Hotel, for HillAbiwiogh Castle, Hillbsorougb. thb Sir Rowland Blennerhiosset has left the cOI Silton Hotel for London, Wt The Hon. S. R. W. Cotton and the Ho.I be Mre. Cotton have left the Billton Fotol for Hilhboroaugh Castle, Hillsborough. Captain Tisdale has loft the Bilton Hotel for Charlesfort, Rells. Mr. and Mrs. Barron Newell havv ...


... BAILINABLOR FAIR. (FROX oUR 5ikiOa1, MU.) BAL4UXiASO, TUXSDAr Ev i. '-The heavy Waia which fenl Jat ne ht softened the fair green go thoroughly that the asenmbling of the stock on it ihis' morning, amildst a transient ECA~OU of Sunuene, Ilestroyed 'every vestige of grass under foot, con- verting nearly the whole of the vast area into a ploughed field of sticky nud, throiugh which buyers' and ...


... titeraturt Three Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institwtion, on the Ancica Regime as it existed on the Continent tl beforc the Freuch Revolution. By C. KINGSLEY, A M.A., Professor of Modern History in the a University of Cambridge. London: Macmillan M and Co. f Professor Kingsley has prefaced his volume of lectures on the Ancien Regime with a long E statement of his views concerning reform ...


... I * - . . - fr. PAuI.'a (VirtUw and Co., London,)-Zvery. thing &bout the new comer is admdrable except the cover, which isdull, though there is a simplicity about its homeliness which many will appreciate. It does not flaunt in a hundred criours like BroaiCuy which ?? Herod. The editorship of Mr. A. Trol. lope guarantees the success of St. Paid's, and theugbi first numbers are rarely got up ...