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... PuBLIC AMU RMEBTS, &a. I - I~:. . . BIoyslAIennd&The&t-atItaIlau Opera ItTrovatore. 'rinee of Wales T.4xatre.-landy kAndy, IXIon, and The Artfu dtAodge. Theatre oyal- The Married Rake, Leab, and The nlendeAVous. Royal Amp ?? Spectre Bridegroom,' lad .The City. BoYal 0,ewC Theatre.-Alone in the Pirate's Lair, oe Iron Casket, and other Entertainmeuta. ?? &o. eow Star ...


... We have before us Part I., Vol. II., of Bishop Percy's Folio Manscit : Ballads and Romances (published by Trubner and Co., for the Early English Text Society). We noticed the first in- stalment of this work a few months ago, and must now repeat the commendations we then expressed on the care and ability shown by the editors, Messrs. John W. Hales, Fellow and late Assistant Tutor of Christ's ...


... PRINCE OF WALES TUBATRE. 1TEME AND TinE. M One of the inevitablo drawbiast Of a great dramatic be success, such an VMr. Bouclooalt's Flying Scud1 han ~ lately achieved here, is the shficunlty of providing a worthy pri succenssr, and guarding -e~aint a fatal attioltusacx whent to the time for withdrawin~g the succesfu pise'. han arrived, W5J AB it would have been bopeloan to look for a new ...


... mteratum The Romance of Chaitiy. By JOHN nI LISrDE. London: Strahan. In this prettily illustrated volume Mr. do Liefde has included the substance of the larger work issued by him about two years ago under the title of Six Months among the Charities of Europe. He describes in its pages certain religious and charitable institutions, on the Continent, but chiefly in Germany and Holland, and by ...


... a The ill which flesh is heir to sometimes exhibit themselves In the most strange and painful forms. There are oases which seem as if they wereintended to show the maximum of suffering that the human frame i capable of enduring before this mertal coil is shuffled off-diseases whioh baffle the skill o of the physician, and pitilessly work their ravages on the sufferer uncontrollable and ...


... |PUBIsC -AMUBJJMENTS I m I . I .. ' . I ~ . PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. The burlesque of Ixion was last night pre- i ceded by. BEandy Andy, with Mr. Frank Drew il In the character from whom the piece takes its tb name. Handy Andy is not a piece, nor is Sp Mr. Drew an actor, to please fastidous testes; tie but those who delight in very broad and oocc- it sionally rather coarse humour will ...


... FASHIOX ADTARiETIES. ARRIVAL OF THE LOiBRD LiEUTHMAI(T. nib Excoell'y the Lord idoutenant, accompanlo byTrb, Owewld and Captein Gregory; ?? will Arriio in town frona Baroecotrt this morbfoig, and proceud Ismediately to the Viteregal Lodge, Phkoeix Park. HEALTH OF TUB; EARLL OF BOSSEf. OM miking ?? at 41%tno hour last night we sioer- I Waoed that the Xa1 ot Roeoc bad siightly railfed tOveAS ...


... WORCESTERSHI2RE AGRICULTURAL SOOU!TY. The exhibition of Stock, roota, vc., in connection with the above Society, which took pla-e b Worcester, yester. day, was poi solray noteworthy, and had krtioular interos a attached to it, Inasmuch as since the year -1l64 the Showa have necessarily lapsed, chiefly owing to the pr-alence of the cattle pllagne, and the great danger of infection rmlaing from ...