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... tittrature. I The History of the Narn, during the Rebellion. By i, CHARiuES B. BOYNTON, D.D., Chaplain of the d United States House of Representatives, andb Assistant Professor at the United States Naval N Academy. illustrated with numerous Engrav- c ings. Vol. 1. New York: D. Appleton and Co. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston. s. We move in these days at so tremendous a pace g that in ...


... .1.11 . , ., :1. , -- , ?? ?, . . 1. Cap abilities', ?? I I ! ?? I ARURY.LANZ. WhenlMacbeth wag *epresented at this houel season, ?? -vey )liberally gave Miss Areedg- wick the opportunity of 'ebrforming Lady Msfc1h, last night, when the tragedy was again- revived, the same opportunity was given, with equal liberality, to Mrs. Herman Vezin. Mrs. Vecin has never performedt&tiikl character ...


... *PROOSED WORKING MENS ITERVATIO'AL EXHIBITIOA.Y Last evening a crowded public meeting was held in the Vestry Hall, St. Pancras, for the purpose of con- sidering the best means of promoting a Working Men's International Exhibition In London. The chair was taken by the Hon. AuBERON HxERBERT. The OCE ruAN, in opening the proceedings, said there had been, as they were all aware, several ...


... LITERATUREO AG LAIA. Oh, ?? away from oarthly noise W\iratrire all its shallow joys When love has lit the heart ? The light that renlders Lirth'E btt Rifts lebut tilnsol splendours, Anid ill her prizes but the toys Of ilril-growli children. Unto you and me Love, lovi otlon1e is ti e reality- All blside but empty roar, T'he larri bilrdws of a bellowing sea 1ir'erihg for ever on a headless shora ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &C. I Royal .lexandra Theatre.-The Opera DerFreischutz. Prince of Wales Theatre.- The Actress by Daylight, Jenny lind at Last, and Burlesque H elen. Theatre Itoyal.-The Married Rake, Leab, and The Rendezvoue. Royal Amphitheatre.- The Spectre Bridegroom, and I The Great City. Royal Colosseum Theatre. - The Wilfe of Seven Elusbands, Alone in the Pirate's ...


... BOOKS, &-c., RECEIVED D EitING THE MONTH. The Art Journal. Virtue The Bulwark. Seeleys Saint Pauls. Ibid. Chambers's Journal. W. and Rt Blackwood's Magazille. Black- Chambers wood and Sons ,,Encycloptdiae The Gardened. Ibid The People's Magazine. 7, t CornbiilMagazine. Smitb,Elder Great Queen-sIreet t and Co. ,a?emillan's Magazine. Mac- Cassell's Illustrated Penny Read- millan and Co. ings ...


... TELL WITH A VENGEANCE.' WHETHER the public has or not begun to weary of burlesques may perhaps be open to question, but there can be little doubt that the pro- viders of such entertainments are showing unmistakable signs of fatigue and exhaustion. Mr. Byron's latest production at the Strand Theatre is founded on the story of William Tell, although the Strand had been already furnished with a ...


... WHETHER the Egyptian Hall received its name in commemoration of the height to which Egyptians carried the magical art, it is hardly worth while to inquire but a great deal of modern magic has been performed there, as if it were a peculiarly appropriate place, and now we have more. The performer announces himself as Rubini, without any Colonel or Mr., or Master before the name; just as we say ...


... WHAT HEAREST THOU? What hearest thou ? I can hear hearts break- One or two, here and there And cries to the dead, who cannot wake; And prayers; but no answer to prayer. Words that smite and sting; Wrongs that can only weep; And weak Truth wearily murmuring As she tosses in her sleep. Woe to thee! last thou found Nothing else under the sun ? The wheels of life go fiercely ilound; But they bear ...


... YONGE'S HORA CE.r *THE author of this translation is not that Mr. Yonge with whom the scholastic world is familiar through the medium of his classical dictionaries. Mr. J. E. Yonge is, we believe, that gentleman's brother; nor, indeed, is the Horace now before us the kind of work that would have been published for the use of schools; and its merit must be sought rather in its ...


... Itterzature. l Louhl Crrib its Shor~es and slahnds, with NlotC6S WI of Coug Vash By Sir WILLIA -%ValDE . LoD. ViePresidenlt of the Royal Irish inc Academy, &ec. Illustrated with inumerouls wood ta engravingls. Dtiblin :MeGlashanl and Gill. rit Lodn Longmans land Co. bei Few portions of the BritishIse ar corntes atic beautiful or interesting than the westerncute r of Ireland. The beauty is ...


... CRIZTCAL AND SOCIAL ESSAYS.* THiEsr essays are a reprint from the New York Nation-a newspaper which has done much to show that American journalism may attain a far higher level than that to which we have been hitherto accustomed. It is written by men of ability for a cultivated audience, and is free from those appeals to popular ignorance and prejudice which deface the pages of most of its ...