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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... BATEREALE (CO. LIMERICKS) OUT. FAIR i r . ?? s . . EI n' K ?? ?? -. .. RATIMEALE, TuRsDAY.-The October fair of this town was held to-day, and as regarded the display of horred cattle aid sheep in every department, unless heavy beef, was as largo as any upor. record, but there was an almost total absence of the usual buyers fronu the Dublin and Cork markets, a well as those from Liverpool who ...


... 7 - sTERATUrRE. Osoaslc La.Nkforf.-By 4gir'4 Dolcrly, M.D, Trubnw dcd o ,atensfer.The present volume is. the s~cohd 'ri df a verbrpyfound work. The firs tvOluua, published in L8BE, treated of man's true place in nature. The second treats of the outlines of ontology, or eternal forces, laws, and prin. ciples. To know naan's true place in naturo we must firstknow something of what man is, and in ...


... . THE ILLNESS OF LORD BoSsZ. We are happy to be able to report that there was a slight Improvementln the condition of Lord Rone last night. The Marehioness of Ormonde, and i Ladies May and ?? Butler arrived at Kilkonny Castle, from London, on Thursday. The Eirl and Counters of Arran and suito left lingstown on Saturday for England. The Hon. John Mamsey, the Lady Lucy Mansey, and family, have ...


... I ruyt-. A no Ma mu - _ . Ad l KIls Oar. 16.-Tbis fair wau held today. The on. supply of ktock en te ground ?? extensive, inclrnd. we lag a very large show of store cattle. In the beef hat dopartment the supply was fully an large as that of led last year, including numerous splendid fat bullo.k onr as wsll a finished heifers, and theresappeered to be ex. from an early hour a determination on ...


... CIALLAN MICHAELMAS FAIR. O . t T E a. 2Hr.aas d \ .4 % __ _, SJALLAN (UOUNT hILEEN2T), WBDNISDAY.-T, fali- ti ich assembled on our spacious Green this dag ts the -largest we have had for some Montths. ]3y. ic4qg'was ratber dilatory in the begimiung bit, tpwa a noon3 bayerarid seller seemed to ausadej ; estdaelch other, and a considerabla numbe oc stock, especially those of good quality,, ...


... FASHION AND VA)R ETnB. It TilE ILLNEM E03f ROBSE. ke We regrt to 80nounce8 ?? isis lordship contounuw in a t ery critical state, Bud h'm exhibited Ao ?? of Isn- '~provement durng1 the peat few days. tiPR ENTATION TO LORD AND LADY MiILTrOl (FRoM OUR CORiREBroNDENT.) 1 SH]&LbzLi Ao, FRIDAY.-Thid deyhi hvee named for ? the ?? of preseoting an address and presentation to e Lord antid Lady Milton ...


... THE QUEaN. AnsaoseDN MONSDAY N1051T.-Until the present seanon, when it was dispensed with, A military guard of boorour has always been stationed at Ballater durlng the stty si 01 her 31Jesty at laiural. This afternoon, however, a bid L of 76 men. with three officers, were despatched 'rom the gareison here to the viotnity of the royal Ulghland real- P deties. A strict match Ia being kept on aft ...


... FASI4ON AND VAR1ETIES. rwX' : l Hf 0 THB PRUINCE AND PRINCET S Of WALES, BAUaKle, Oar. 17.-Th oroyalyacht Oborne, with thelir Ro ey.l Highoeriaes the Prince and Princess of Wales on ra bocrd, aelled fler her destination at half-past twelve to-day. ie THE LORD LIEUTENANT'S VISIT TO LIMERICK. (FR ( Knoe U COUttlrPOtfDxWr) . ?? ZOK,69HUUrJn AT, Foun ?? ?? Mayor arrived l. latown this morning, and ...


... FASHION AD VU1]n. |i DrPAItT R Op TlHE LOED LIEUTENANT. Yesterdxy morsinghls ?? the Lord Ienhtnantlaft the Aoti onatreegs terminus of the Drogheda RalIiviy by the ordintry mall train for the uorth. ntais Exceltetey, who wan accompanied by Lerd George lamiltsm; and attended by Mr. Oswald, AtD.Oe, will recrsa PAroas t Stra- banq, for a1 Month. The Queen of Holland, aceompanied by the ...


... I FASHION ANDI pI'YAIETI. I TiUE LOR L0EUTENA ?? VI1T. tO LIUERI't. (ruOcr OUR cOIliiwrONlm'NT.) inelfsos;g, YIZ ENEIAAY, 4 ?? M.-1 110stln to comnittll- ?? a piece of Intelligence which resworioI at 2 p1 at. t1his alter loo, andi haoe Ijn hallcil will the gl,6mtait tl0ifac ?? all ?? of citirets as ?? viit of ti'J Val'risy Ia this ?? 111onl tile beclalon of turning the. flir.iiod of tlie new ...


... NAVAN OCTOBER FAIR. INAVAUI~N . A- II *- ?? £'4AVAN, JMONDAy, Oer. 14.'-This Well.known fair was held to-day. We have ad copious falls of rs in this district thsroughout tbo entire oflatnighkaepl which continue0d UP to eight o'clock this muorning, Tho weaher, however, cleared up about ?? o'clock, am., to the evident satdsfacon of all thos. interete , The spply of stock, on the whole, was8 o ...