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... BOOKS, ?? RECEIVED D EitING THE MONTH. The Art Journal. Virtue The Bulwark. Seeleys Saint Pauls. Ibid. Chambers's Journal. W. and Rt Blackwood's Magazille. Black- Chambers wood and Sons ,,Encycloptdiae The Gardened. Ibid The People's Magazine. 7, t CornbiilMagazine. Smitb,Elder Great Queen-sIreet t and Co. ,a?emillan's Magazine. Mac- Cassell's Illustrated Penny Read- millan and Co. ings ...


... BATEREALE (CO. LIMERICKS) OUT. FAIR i r . ?? s . . EI n' K ?? ?? -. .. RATIMEALE, TuRsDAY.-The October fair of this town was held to-day, and as regarded the display of horred cattle aid sheep in every department, unless heavy beef, was as largo as any upor. record, but there was an almost total absence of the usual buyers fronu the Dublin and Cork markets, a well as those from Liverpool who ...


... TELL WITH A VENGEANCE.' WHETHER the public has or not begun to weary of burlesques may perhaps be open to question, but there can be little doubt that the pro- viders of such entertainments are showing unmistakable signs of fatigue and exhaustion. Mr. Byron's latest production at the Strand Theatre is founded on the story of William Tell, although the Strand had been already furnished with a ...


... WHETHER the Egyptian Hall received its name in commemoration of the height to which Egyptians carried the magical art, it is hardly worth while to inquire but a great deal of modern magic has been performed there, as if it were a peculiarly appropriate place, and now we have more. The performer announces himself as Rubini, without any Colonel or Mr., or Master before the name; just as we say ...


... MaTA, Al, Duialk. .1R YR ENIETH FACH All EHOSYK. 'Rodeld g6neth, fechan un prydnawu, ?? rhodio rihwug y blodau, Oedd yn yr ardd yn brydferth iawn, A'imynwes bur o hedd yn lHawn, Yn canu fel y crwydrai Yn gwybio ao yn gwybio ba O dan ei choed cysgodol, Hyd nes y daeth at lwyn o fii, Yn troi at hlwn fe'i gwelwyd hi I dori rhosyn siriol, Cuarnodd ef a gwridog rudd WTrth fyned i orphwvso; Ond ...


... THE FENIAN ExHIBITiON IN THE CITA I . A LL. MR LAVELLY-MiS TXACfINGS ANF POLLWWERS To the Editor of the 7asgow Herald. 15th October, 1867. Sln,-I ask leave to make the following observa- tions on the above subject, simply to vindicate my co-religionists, at least the respectable part of them, from the suspicion of having anything to do with the senseless tirades of Mr Lavelle and his party ...


... WHAT HEAREST THOU? What hearest thou ? I can hear hearts break- One or two, here and there And cries to the dead, who cannot wake; And prayers; but no answer to prayer. Words that smite and sting; Wrongs that can only weep; And weak Truth wearily murmuring As she tosses in her sleep. Woe to thee! last thou found Nothing else under the sun ? The wheels of life go fiercely ilound; But they bear ...


... THE QUEaN. AnsaoseDN MONSDAY N1051T.-Until the present seanon, when it was dispensed with, A military guard of boorour has always been stationed at Ballater durlng the stty si 01 her 31Jesty at laiural. This afternoon, however, a bid L of 76 men. with three officers, were despatched 'rom the gareison here to the viotnity of the royal Ulghland real- P deties. A strict match Ia being kept on aft ...


... THEATRE -OYAL. 'THE XAN O AIRLIE.. Mr GW;-. Wills has made a welcom.e addition to the literature of thestage. Leaving the beaten path of isipid love.tales and stories of lost and found in- 1heritances, he has given us a drama, or rather a trag~edy, at once thful'nd vigorotd , with nore of the true poetry of lfe n it tha is to be ?? in a 8core of the plays which pass current now a-dayse The ...


... YONGE'S HORA CE.r *THE author of this translation is not that Mr. Yonge with whom the scholastic world is familiar through the medium of his classical dictionaries. Mr. J. E. Yonge is, we believe, that gentleman's brother; nor, indeed, is the Horace now before us the kind of work that would have been published for the use of schools; and its merit must be sought rather in its ...


... LITERATURE SNjOLLxI: His Life, and a Selection from his Writ- ing& Bay Robert Chambers, LLA.D, author of iTraditions of Edinburgh, &c. W. & B. Cham- hers, London and Edinburgh. (Pp. 221.) IN this little volume, forming one of the series of Favourite Authors, Mr Chambers has given us a succinct, but nevertheless an exceedingly interest- ing and complete Life of Tobias Smollett. He has ...