... MRI REA'S CLASSICAL AND PROMENADE CONCERTS. On Monday evening last. the second series of Mr Rea's classical and plromensade concerts was commenc- ed in the Town Hall, Newcastle. If an inferenue may I be drawn from the opening night, the enterprise may already be pronounced to be a success financially. To gratify musical appetites which had been whetted by I a long fast, Mr Rea has secured for, ...


... Ij_ 4NEG RvN. HARVEST TfnASOI]-Iz{h.G The harvest festival of the above-named parish took place on, Tuesday, the 15th instant. The church during Monday was profusely de- corated with flowers and ears of corn. A large crop of dhalias stood on the rood loft The pillars of the same were entwined with ivy and virginia creepers, dotted with flowers. On the re-table stood six vases of choice flowers ...


... PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, Last night, the new and exciting drama, by Mr. Clarence iolt, based on Hugo's famous romance, Les biserables, was produced before a large and enthusiastic audience. The piece was not only put on the stage with new scenery and many novel effects, but was played throughout with a completeness rarely found on the first night of a now piece. As tbe detailu are numerous ...


... 1 _ __I ?? U~I~AMUSMETS, & *1 Prince,, of 'Wadej;Thcesro.-.Parenta, and Guardiacs| BXIO'.qne lMaztepp and *Jeany lind at Last. R°Y~t i nphttheas.. - ichard IlL I 1,,. Junes=, Dpi 2and Operetta House The Opera ,J,$naluoleew ?? !Sua p1ey, Th9' St. George'e HalL-Organ Perform o.,eaq, HOW Starlundo HaLjnc j naume Talokensero, selection from the Opera' !iaie tuart,c &o.. , queen's ll. ...


... PUBLIO AMUSEMENTS, &a. I I rI ?? ltoyal Alexandra Theatrl.- Tho Tompest. prince of Wales Tbeatre.- t-ents and Guardians,. BurIlsque0 mazeppaB and ?? llb atLast.' Royal Amphitheatre.- lilobelen.r' BS. James's HRau.and Operett HlcuW - The Opera It Trevatora. J. o7 aV1PQit3I3 Theatre.-.eVfloy YO lintertainments. igler's Grand Cirqu, -u55t1's Perfoimances, &eO Now qta eourics aL- ?? ...


... ` MRs. NORTON has been for too many years known to the public as a grace- ful and accomplished writer to require any introduction from the critics. Her pen, whether as that of an advocate or a novelist, has almost uniformly been employed in defence or in behalf of her own sex. In the first character the wrongs she so effectively portrayed carried to the minds of those who read her letters and ...


... ILittraturt. ?? of vephy.3ieal, Sta- dl Dictionaryof Geography, DescriptiPica tistieal, and Historical By A. KEITH JOIHNSTON;,T LL.D, ?? ?? F.G.S. ,Geographer h at Edinblirg in Ordinary to her Majesty. New z edition. London: Longmans. t The name of Dr. Keith Johnston is a certificate of the excellence of every geographical work which p bears it. This volume is beyond comparison the 51 most ...


... MISS BATEMAN AS LEAH. Ifence,valn deluding joyn of Comedy ! avaunt ye nods and beoks and wreathed elmiles; ye qudps and crank and wanton wiles, with which, as with husks of swine' we have too long been striving to sate our intellectual appetites I Suach hallow trifles please us not, or rather please as no longer. We crave more solid and ser1 enduring enjoyment, Gaiety palls, wit loses ...


... THE GALLANT LOVER. T on thre bonks of a strcarnl, near ar wood, thoro etainds an old castle, T have forgotten its name nosy, but that des not matter) , Roofless its walls, arid its towers, long o&ergrown with tho ivy, hock to and fro with the wind1(s, (:ecl the Sort winds of summcr. In hfail and in ehinfber rank grass aind weceds grow together, t And wherre lrrumpct and sword long sirico hung, ...


... xiter'Iturt. NEW BOOKS. Mlr. Murray has added to the admi'able series of Choice Travels, which he is publishing in volumes of convenient size, Mr. Layard's abridg- ments of his Nineveh and its Remains and and? Babylon. The first of these volumes contains the narrative of the author's expedition to Assyria, during the years 1845, 1846, and 1847; the second records the results of his ...


... I . ARDEB OCTOBER FAIR. I Anwxn (CouNTY LouTru), OcToiiErs 24.-The im. portant October fair of this ancient town was held on yesterday. The day was remarkably fine, and from an early hour in the morning a considerable number of horned cattle and sheep, were driven into the spa. ciouB enclosure. A large number of graziers, dealers, and victualler also arrived before ten o'clock from several ...


... (From Puinch.) BRADFORD BEREAVED.-liall has- lost the Bradford election. Bradford may indeed exclaim, I have lost My-all is-, Tssro IS}.YPE ATING ITSELF.- Take away that Bauble I said Sir Thomas Henry, giving his order to the police, and pointing to the Mace. COaING CHAmIps.-One result ofthe Reform bil some old women seem to fancy, will be that the East-end will be the fashionable quarter, ...