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... &c. PUBLIG.AIMSE.IU,2 ';fl I _ oyl AleIKndZJ' y e~tr.r-'-'he .TewpOL't.. Prince. bi 'WalR Theait'-Llttlo s.oddlehlns and R~oyl Ampb$teitre* Bamboozling,' antid Thoe Lacahie Las at. James's IAP,4and Operetta Eouse. ?? The Opira :Un ?? ?? obahere. oyal Col0,0Ain Thtesis - Belphegot, ,The TIte signal,s ' aother rintertalnments. New Sar Mso ?? Harry sydgey, Mr. Nathan lH4ghea'slctures ...


... pUTBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &a Royal Alexandra Theatre.-Tho TempOet. yrinoe of Wales Theatre.-Parents and Guardiaus, ]BUrlonque Mazeppa, and Jenmy Lind at Last. SoyalAmnphtheatro.-Mr. Lawrenoliarrett: Aamlet. Ek Hall and Operetta Houe. - The Opera 11 Trovatore. Royal Colosseum Thoatr&-Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, 'Alone ID the Pirate's Lair, &o, 3tew SlaPr Mdso HalL-CooQorl ...


... ; ~ ?? til qM I , -, A- %rrr . X?94!I - - At ;e- TO Y. --it )ago 1 .: ;; A-B NFg .T . 9 9T ox.e~ THIEh a (AeWI aa Ohrtsoffgnepeajd bu L atrepr._,1 o lowe~E ftleiia ?? humrahlo i1 Sa, . .I ?? o i, end sen. Lauoaet 2~.,0are vWtoA In . aero 1, 0, ?? OU. L'UnI~hO -Aufrda~usiWMueLi IVv, AE. AAnd fidends! ,0 ' piec 5- ?? ~~!a Bro ~ ~ afe fdnd JTMrs1wit ?? 'n00.. . ?? 10 a ~$ ?? o 'he 2,1 .0 do,1r0 ...


... I PRI~NCE'S TEATImE. I Half a dozen ?? Such as those given by the company Or from Her Majoaty's Theatre at thq I'rinoes this w~ok nmale met tsp a series of performances which for brilliance and high enti ex.oeliencecan hardly be surpassed. Faust was selected nu for the opening on Monday evening, and both in respeot met of audience and performance was perhaps the least success- ful of the ...


... 0 WITHERED LEAVES. BY CHARLES C. MACKLEY. O withered leaves that ride the gale, Ye nourish sad reflection ! Spring's golden dream in summer's hue of odorous boughs and cloudless blue I-lad scarcely sunk-and autumn too Is but a recollection ! Not ye alone are in the sere, M),y days are also waning ! The hopes that once weie vernal-green, Wax'd later of a duskier sheen, Now yellow, yellow, may ...


... BAS-ILIEFS AS SIGNS.-The stranger in London is greatly struck with some of these pictaresque specimens of the modeller's art. There is the Bull and Mouth at St. Martin's-le-Grand, on the facade of the Queen's Hotel, once the Bull and Mouth Inn. This curious relief re- presents a large mouth and upper part of the face fore- shortened, with a bull standing across it. This grotesque sign ...


... PUBLIC AMUSERS AfNT,1 ?? * & a. PI A I I I Royal Alexandra Thoatro.-' WN Iho, eak Frt aud 8The TeMpest. I Roehk b Oper prince of Wales Theatre.-IIIa an3t a ai £orelerqe seM qzeppa, and 'enn ind tntlast. Shlr~tmont gF .-A Gand onoert. t. 3oyal Amphitheatre.- TheTndy of Los~ se. amoess Hall E and Opu rott1 Pou nT Oper 8eleaus a trom. be Opern ' Mar ue the o. Royal Qolce880um Theai' ...


... Written for the Chroneicle.) a - ?? According to a promise that I made, I feel bound to v write something about our trip. Briefly as possible, there- E fore, I will endeavour to give a rough sketch of what we t saw, and how we saw it, during our ten days from home. The out being projected long enough before it took place, the day fixed on for our departure was earnestly looked for; it came ...


... 1 _ __I ?? U~I~AMUSMETS, & *1 Prince,, of 'Wadej;Thcesro.-.Parenta, and Guardiacs| BXIO'.qne lMaztepp and *Jeany lind at Last. R°Y~t i nphttheas.. - ichard IlL I 1,,. Junes=, Dpi 2and Operetta House The Opera ,J,$naluoleew ?? !Sua p1ey, Th9' St. George'e HalL-Organ Perform o.,eaq, HOW Starlundo HaLjnc j naume Talokensero, selection from the Opera' !iaie tuart,c &o.. , queen's ll. ...


... PUBLIO AMUSEMENTS, &a. I I rI ?? ltoyal Alexandra Theatrl.- Tho Tompest. prince of Wales Tbeatre.- t-ents and Guardians,. BurIlsque0 mazeppaB and ?? llb atLast.' Royal Amphitheatre.- lilobelen.r' BS. James's HRau.and Operett HlcuW - The Opera It Trevatora. J. o7 aV1PQit3I3 Theatre.-.eVfloy YO lintertainments. igler's Grand Cirqu, -u55t1's Perfoimances, &eO Now qta eourics aL- ?? ...