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October 1867
13 26


Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales



South Wales, Wales

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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... The usual weekly meeting of the Board took place on Saturday, G. T. Clark, Esq., in the chair. Tht're were aluo present, Messrs. R. H. Rhys, J. Rhys, R. Thomas G. Martin. J. Edwards. I). Williams, B Kirhouse, G. Mat- thews, G. W. Russell, E W. Scale, H. Kirkliouse,D. Rosser, and L I ...


... POLICE COURT, GEORGE TOWN. FRIDAY.-( Before Abraham Darby, D. L. Williams, and J. J. James,Esquires.) A Feminine Row-Cunningham v. Scanlen.-This was an assault case between two women. A witness for com- plainant said he was present when defendant came into Mrs Cunningham's house and commenced an attack with a long pole, when witness went between them and prevented fur- ther damage be had just ...


... ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR. The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of his Correspondents. SERMONS. Sm,- I know you have a heavy pressure on your space just now from the number of political meetings which are being held to secure the return of Mr. H. Richard as M.P. for Merthyr. But still, 1 trust you will find room for a re- mark or two on the late sermon of the Rector, who almost ...


... THE SHOE TRADE. -The Old Police Station has been taken by Mr. North, whose increase of trade demands larger premises. The manufacture of his celebrated water- tights will now proceed with vigour; the benefit will be felt by several of the sons of Saint Crispin, as some new hands have been put on in the Market-street emporium. IMPROVEMENTS Now GOING ON.— At the Freemasons' Arms, Host J ones ...


... EBENEZER, TWYNCARNO.—On Wednesday last Thank- giving services were held at this chapel in the morning, afternoon, and evening, which were presided over by the Rev. J. Lewis the minister. They were well attended. PENUEL CHAPEL.—On Monday last Thanksgiving meet- ings were held at this place of worship under the direction cf the Rev. J. Jones (Mathetes), the minister, and were well attended ...


... I FAOETI J! WHBM TO CHEAP baths and Wasbhouses. Why in prudent man like a pin P-Beoause his head prevents him from going too far. A Chinese thief having stolen a missionary's watoh, brought it baok the next day to be shown how to wind it up LIBERAL.—An old mail is more liberal than a young one. The latter may always be willing to lend yon a hand the former will give you one, aad even thank you ...


... Owing to the late arrival of our Pontypridd I gence, and the pressure on our space fl0 n lengthy re we are compelled to withhold reports of the Polic Highway Board until next week. APPROACHING CONCERT -In a futrre number we sh before the notice of our readers a gran 1 concert ab take place in the Temperance Hall. I11 the meantime pleased to say that the Misses Foote are among the a tions named ...


... $9* Our Correspondents are requested to favour us with their communications as early in the week as possible, as we are obliged, every week, to omit many commu- nications which would appear if we received them be- fore Thursday. fiT The letters of 'An Ebbw Yale Irishman, and A Tredegar Working Man, will appear next week. ...


... MERTHYR LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. The usual fortnightly meeting of the Board took place on Thursday, G. T. Clark, Esq., in the chair. There were also present-- Messrs. G. Carton, W. Jones, E. Purchase, E. W. Scale, J. Jones, D. Williams, L. Lewis, W. Harrison, I). Rosser, and W. Harris. The minutes of the last meeting were read and con- firmed. A question arose out of the minutes with respect to ...


... A large meeting was held in Bethania Chapel, Dow- lais, on Monday evening, to hear an address from Mr. Richard. The chapel was densely crowded, and on tho platform were a largo number of ministers from Mer- thyr, Dowlais, and the neighbourhood. The proceed ings were most enthusiastic throughout, the welcome of Dowlais being not a whit inferior, either in demonstra- tion or fervour, to that Mr. ...


... THERE is always something grand and inspiring in ac- cumulated massivencss. A range of giant mountains inspires us with the humiliating thought of our own littleness an immense ocean, seen for the first time, be- gets in us a feeling of profound awe and a sea of human faces would make a dumb man almost ready to speak. Such a sea of human faces as never before greeted any applicant for ...


... nae bamber prodnotion of Maine thia year la eaUma- Ud at 660,000,000 feat. It i8 beliered that the Publio Works Congrees will aot be held at Poonah thia year usual. The Soldiers' Industrial Exhibition at Poona was Opened br tha Governor of Bombay on Friday, Sep- tember 14. The Government of Bombay hu refueeito appoint alOftrnment oommission to examine into the oauaea of the fall of the Bank of ...