... Ij_ 4NEG RvN. HARVEST TfnASOI]-Iz{h.G The harvest festival of the above-named parish took place on, Tuesday, the 15th instant. The church during Monday was profusely de- corated with flowers and ears of corn. A large crop of dhalias stood on the rood loft The pillars of the same were entwined with ivy and virginia creepers, dotted with flowers. On the re-table stood six vases of choice flowers ...


... MRI REA'S CLASSICAL AND PROMENADE CONCERTS. On Monday evening last. the second series of Mr Rea's classical and plromensade concerts was commenc- ed in the Town Hall, Newcastle. If an inferenue may I be drawn from the opening night, the enterprise may already be pronounced to be a success financially. To gratify musical appetites which had been whetted by I a long fast, Mr Rea has secured for, ...


... THE ADELPHI THEA TRE. M. CHTARLES DE BEttNARD'S stories of Le Gendre and La Peine dn. Talion having furnished materials for the popular comedy of it Still MWaters Run Deep and the exciting melodrama of Retribution, it was. naturally to be expected that recourse would be had to other works, of the admirable novelist the next time an English dramratist expe ijenced any difficulty in ...


... ILittraturt. ?? of vephy.3ieal, Sta- dl Dictionaryof Geography, DescriptiPica tistieal, and Historical By A. KEITH JOIHNSTON;,T LL.D, ?? ?? F.G.S. ,Geographer h at Edinblirg in Ordinary to her Majesty. New z edition. London: Longmans. t The name of Dr. Keith Johnston is a certificate of the excellence of every geographical work which p bears it. This volume is beyond comparison the 51 most ...


... ` MRs. NORTON has been for too many years known to the public as a grace- ful and accomplished writer to require any introduction from the critics. Her pen, whether as that of an advocate or a novelist, has almost uniformly been employed in defence or in behalf of her own sex. In the first character the wrongs she so effectively portrayed carried to the minds of those who read her letters and ...


... LITERARY, SCIENTIFiC, AND AIR SC RA PS. A new daily paper is said to be abou t to appu , uned cc the title of :/ l'/,cu M r. Map peon announces -A fewv perfo rmancq Italian Opera, to ?? on the S tthr ...


... OLDOASTLE OCTOBER AMr. I OLUCASTL, Ocrosen 21.-The October fair of jhfs town, which has improved so much since taken under the patronage of Mr. Naper, and from the facility afforded for the transmission of cattle since the extension of the two railway lines to the town, woS romarkably well supplied with atookr, while the attendance of purchasers was pretty considerable, taking into '-count the ...


... A Paris letter says there is somiething dismal about the Great Exhibitionibuildingaud its surround- ing garden, at least those who remember it accoin- panied by sunshine, bustle, and gay toilettes. NpD matter what section of the world's fair you enter, bu'sinesseems to have nearly ceased, and the princiL pal showmen are awaV. Many of the stalls are left to the guardi=uship of persons who 'are ...


... YOXFORD ALLOTMNT rNPROVEMENT SOCIETY EXHIBITION OF VEGETABLES. YESTEIMAY (Friday). The annual exhibition of this Society, which embraces a district extending for sevcral wiles round the quict village of Yoxford, took place yesterday (Friday) at the Three Tuns Inn, under favourable circumstances. During the morning, the cottagers flocked into the vil. Inge with their productions, and the ...


... BOOKS, &c., RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH. ybe Art Journal. Virtue The Bulwark. Seeleys EAlmt pauls. Ibid. Camnbers's Journal. W. and R. BPoLwood3's Magazine. Black- Chambers ?? ,, Encyclopadta ftc Gardener. Ibid The People's Magazine. 77, rcsaitlMsagazine. Smith,Elder Great Queen-street EnrCO. Macmillon's Magazine. Mac- S:'ge altluatrated PennyRead- millan and Co. ings Churchman's Shilling ...


... it BENZEFVZIT O IS II ATXI. 1 WE. wvere not inistaken when 're &nticipated a crowded house for Aliss Heath's benefit. Last 1 night the upper boxes and pit were literally crammed, and the other parts of the house were *e filled, hut not to inconvenience. The first piece set down in the bill was Lord Lytton's familiar comedy, oner, 'iss IHeath takiing the part of e the constant and devoted ...


... I FASHON AND VARIETIES. I HBALTEH OF LORD ROSSH. NO ohenge has taken piace in the halith of Lord Hisea AInce our last report. Lord and Lady Congleton have left the Oresham Hotel. Sir Thlomas aud Lady Tobin htve left the g' Gresiam Hotel. A Lord Valentia and Bu'te left Kingatown c, yesterday for London, P The Hon. W. Cooper, lady, and suita left T Kings Lown yestordas for England. tl | Major ...