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... ` MRs. NORTON has been for too many years known to the public as a grace- ful and accomplished writer to require any introduction from the critics. Her pen, whether as that of an advocate or a novelist, has almost uniformly been employed in defence or in behalf of her own sex. In the first character the wrongs she so effectively portrayed carried to the minds of those who read her letters and ...


... THE GALLANT LOVER. T on thre bonks of a strcarnl, near ar wood, thoro etainds an old castle, T have forgotten its name nosy, but that des not matter) , Roofless its walls, arid its towers, long o&ergrown with tho ivy, hock to and fro with the wind1(s, (:ecl the Sort winds of summcr. In hfail and in ehinfber rank grass aind weceds grow together, t And wherre lrrumpct and sword long sirico hung, ...


... BOOKS, &c., RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH. ybe Art Journal. Virtue The Bulwark. Seeleys EAlmt pauls. Ibid. Camnbers's Journal. W. and R. BPoLwood3's Magazine. Black- Chambers wmdtadSons ,, Encyclopadta ftc Gardener. Ibid The People's Magazine. 77, rcsaitlMsagazine. Smith,Elder Great Queen-street EnrCO. Macmillon's Magazine. Mac- S:'ge altluatrated PennyRead- millan and Co. ings Churchman's ...


... (noM OUR SPECIAL CORRSPODwsNT.) The new lease of life which the Emperor has given to the Exhibition will be, it is to be hoped, turned to account by British excursionists: not, however, on the plan of the Lancashire man given last week in the Athennurn. This provident gatherer of useful knowledge has misapplied his energy. I'm looking out, he said, all the strategic points of the place. You ...

Adolygiad y Wasg

... 2&w 11 Y BBEUDDWYD YN LLYFRGELL Y GlEADIGAET1, AC AxBYWIAETHAU. Gan Egwisyn. IC Y NAE Egwisyn er's liawer dydd bellach, wedi profi )s yn ddiymwad ei fod yn un o wir blant yr awen; ae r- os oes rhywun o'n darllenwyr yn ammeu hyn, cynghor- u wn ef i ddarllen y Ilyfryn bychan hwn. Cynnwysa : fwy o farddoniaeth wirioneddol nag a geir mewn ei Ilawer awdl gadeiriol. Wele ddau neu dri o -benui- o ion ...


... N ittricture. il? Ecclesiasdtical History of En1glanl. From the open- De ing of the Long Parliament to the death of th Oliver Cromwell. By JOHN STOUGHTON. Jack- all Son, Walford, and Hodder. an The long parliament met November 3rd, 1640, fat and Cromwell died on the 3rd of September, 1658. wI In the space of these eighteen years almost every ge kind of question, religious as well as civil, ...


... ; ~ ?? til qM I , -, A- %rrr . X?94!I - - At ;e- TO Y. --it )ago 1 .: ;; A-B NFg .T . 9 9T ox.e~ THIEh a (AeWI aa Ohrtsoffgnepeajd bu L atrepr._,1 o lowe~E ftleiia ?? humrahlo i1 Sa, . .I ?? o i, end sen. Lauoaet 2~.,0are vWtoA In . aero 1, 0, ?? OU. L'UnI~hO -Aufrda~usiWMueLi IVv, AE. AAnd fidends! ,0 ' piec 5- ?? ~~!a Bro ~ ~ afe fdnd JTMrs1wit ?? 'n00.. . ?? 10 a ~$ ?? o 'he 2,1 .0 do,1r0 ...


... A GIRL'S ROMANCE., THis book might have been called a romance without romance, for it is singularly destitute of the contrasts, the brilliance, and the passion which sometimes make at any rate for a brief moment romance in this life some- thing dearer than the most comfortable of prosaic realities. The story is natural and probable it is carefully written and wholly unobjection- able, but ...


... ABUtION AND VA ES. ILLW.F8 OF TJU EARL OF 1E0SB3. On 111111dng Inquiries lsat night,~ woe ?? that lila lorm,,P h state lid not mipord, and thai he still O- tituied In a most feeble slate. The following are ambonagst the lbttiat arri Tale at the Shel ?i :zOs Hotel :-Archulexcen Cotton, the, Misses C)or r ?? to, Tipperary; Mrs DO Montmorency, Mr n Jr M-'tViu oraeUY, Pn Bockey Mkse Kirk and ...


... COLLON (COUNTY LOUTHI) OCrOBER FAIKI (OLLON, OcronA 22.-The above ancient charter fair was held on yesterday. The day, as far as the weather was concerned, was an exception to any we have had for the last fortnight, being beautifully fine. The supply of stock was hardly an average, and, in cb.sequence of an old fair being held in Virginia on same day, the attendance of buyers was less than it ...


... THE EDUCA TION OF THE MUSCLES.* CCGe/eis jar/bits, a man who can perform the ' grasshopper jump, which is a peculiar sort of jump, in which we start from the squatting position, stretch the body during the leap, and come down again into the squatting position, is of course by so much the superior of a man who cannot. But' there are not many professions or trades in which advance- ment or ...

In Memoriam

... t3z emxi2V lut. The late Revd. John Phillips, l3angor. ss; abs And is he, then, for ever gone, sac That dearest most beloved one, - PO The beam of whose enchanting smile °I a Could darkest, deepest woes beguile: AA By high and low, by wise and good, DR a Alike his worth was understood, T For he was like a brilliant star, day That sheds its lustre bright and far; lug, sott E'en o'er the sinner ...