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... A Paris letter says there is somiething dismal about the Great Exhibitionibuildingaud its surround- ing garden, at least those who remember it accoin- panied by sunshine, bustle, and gay toilettes. NpD matter what section of the world's fair you enter, bu'sinesseems to have nearly ceased, and the princiL pal showmen are awaV. Many of the stalls are left to the guardi=uship of persons who 'are ...


... PUBLIO AMUSEMENTS, &a. I I rI ?? ltoyal Alexandra Theatrl.- Tho Tompest. prince of Wales Tbeatre.- t-ents and Guardians,. BurIlsque0 mazeppaB and ?? llb atLast.' Royal Amphitheatre.- lilobelen.r' BS. James's HRau.and Operett HlcuW - The Opera It Trevatora. J. o7 aV1PQit3I3 Theatre.-.eVfloy YO lintertainments. igler's Grand Cirqu, -u55t1's Perfoimances, &eO Now qta eourics aL- ?? ...


... ILittraturt. ?? of vephy.3ieal, Sta- dl Dictionaryof Geography, DescriptiPica tistieal, and Historical By A. KEITH JOIHNSTON;,T LL.D, ?? ?? F.G.S. ,Geographer h at Edinblirg in Ordinary to her Majesty. New z edition. London: Longmans. t The name of Dr. Keith Johnston is a certificate of the excellence of every geographical work which p bears it. This volume is beyond comparison the 51 most ...


... I FASHON AND VARIETIES. I HBALTEH OF LORD ROSSH. NO ohenge has taken piace in the halith of Lord Hisea AInce our last report. Lord and Lady Congleton have left the Oresham Hotel. Sir Thlomas aud Lady Tobin htve left the g' Gresiam Hotel. A Lord Valentia and Bu'te left Kingatown c, yesterday for London, P The Hon. W. Cooper, lady, and suita left T Kings Lown yestordas for England. tl | Major ...


... ?? l f ,4; : z t ?? X oui2-act !pliiy o strong crtnei allterest, by Mr.'WattJ' Phillips, founded, so the playbills say, on 4 n incident in a story by ?? Charles Q Bernard, was produced at this house last night, under the title of aud's8 Peri. The story alluded to, we believe, is called F L'Inioceflce tdun Forqaf,} a 'Iittle novelette, which has mo~st of the charae'teristics of modern ...


... THE FRENCH EXUIBITION. [Faom our own CorreqPoaclots] PARIS, Monday. Tone Emperor of Austria will enter Strasbourg to- morrow, and, after breakfasting, ho will proceed to Nancy, whither the Court carriages have already boon sent,to takehis Majesty instateto thePrefecture, where he will be entertained with music, but no dancing, for lie is still in mourning for the death of the Emperor of Mexico ...


... SCIENOE AND SCIENCE, TEACHING IN FRANCE, BY C. J. WOODWARD, B.Su. FIRST ARTICLE. Tim que. ion as lo whe her GreatExhibitions actually benefit,manufacte'rtm8 and workpeople has been much diacnsetd, one parly con'ending that such displays merely give en unprincipled manufacturer the oppor- tunity of copying patterns and processes without benefittingthe actual designer or inventor; and, farther, ...