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... MRI REA'S CLASSICAL AND PROMENADE CONCERTS. On Monday evening last. the second series of Mr Rea's classical and plromensade concerts was commenc- ed in the Town Hall, Newcastle. If an inferenue may I be drawn from the opening night, the enterprise may already be pronounced to be a success financially. To gratify musical appetites which had been whetted by I a long fast, Mr Rea has secured for, ...


... I . ARDEB OCTOBER FAIR. I Anwxn (CouNTY LouTru), OcToiiErs 24.-The im. portant October fair of this ancient town was held on yesterday. The day was remarkably fine, and from an early hour in the morning a considerable number of horned cattle and sheep, were driven into the spa. ciouB enclosure. A large number of graziers, dealers, and victualler also arrived before ten o'clock from several ...


... pUTBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &a Royal Alexandra Theatre.-Tho TempOet. yrinoe of Wales Theatre.-Parents and Guardiaus, ]BUrlonque Mazeppa, and Jenmy Lind at Last. SoyalAmnphtheatro.-Mr. Lawrenoliarrett: Aamlet. Ek Hall and Operetta Houe. - The Opera 11 Trovatore. Royal Colosseum Thoatr&-Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, 'Alone ID the Pirate's Lair, &o, 3tew SlaPr Mdso HalL-CooQorl ...


... A CHRONOLOGICAL PSALTTER.* TEE best educated Englishmen have been mostly accustomed to a coura- geously desultory course of classical reading, and may be tardy in appreciating either in profane or sacred literature the obvious advantages of a steady chronological method. Our canonical books, and the con- stituent parts of some of them, are far from being easily laid hold of in order of time by ...


... The Paull MfaZil Gatte bears that a movement is being made for a testimonial to Mxr Gladstone.- The death of Lord, Colehester is announced;; he was Fast-Mlaster General in Lord Derby's first ad- ministration. The Herald understands that tho Chancellor of the Excheujierwill he the guest of Her Majesty before the Edinbargh banquet, and that he will prooeeol from Balmoral to that city. Lord ...


... HULL SCROOL OF ART BAZAAR. On Tuesday a grand bazaar was opened at the Public Rooms, Jarratt-street, in aid of the Hull School of Art, which, we regret to say, !is not so much encouraged as it eminently deserves. The principal feature of the bazaar is the numerous and varied paintings. drawings, and other works of art ST .. ?? ±lmauem Art and Science Department has allowted many Of its ...


... ILNES1S 01F LORt) ROSBE. on mailng Inquiries last night we wore informed that we (the BErt of Romse continued in a sinking state withaut any O clesngs for the better. The0 King of Bavaria has conferred upun the PIInce Imperial the insignia in diamonds of the Coclor the of Sti. If iube'rt. e The E arl and Countess of Derby will go te POT London, for six weeks on the 4th of Noreneber. M The ...


... pralra. THE NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE, LONG-ACRE. th The new and elegant theatre in ILong-acre, sh built on the site of St. MIartin's-hall, and called the el, Queen's, of which we gave a detailed official description a ucr few days ago, was opened last night, under the losseeship in of Mr. Alfied Wigan, in the presence of a large and in brilliant audience. Mr. Wigan has been so long and so en ...