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... FASHIPON ADRYIETIE$. E The Marehioness of Downshire and anite loft lingestown yestoiday for Raglard. The, Marchioness of Waterford and Lord Beresford have left the BiltonHetil for urralghmore, Port- law.I . The Earl of Hillaborough and suite left Kingetown yeteirday for Holyhead. Lord G, Garvagh arrived in Kingstown yea- teorduyt'frtm folNhead. Lord and I dy 'Milton have left ?? Hotel for ...


... I THE VICEREGAL COURtT. Tbeir Excellceotes the Lord Lieutenant and the Mr- ?? of Abercorn and cultoare expected to arrive in town on Manddy eveningfor the tgiater season, Lord Cairns, LIrd Chief Justice of England, and anite have arrived at the Shelbourno Hotel from Crom- woll Houee, London. We uniderstand that Mr. Lesage, of 40 Lowor Saehville.etreet, baa boen again most eoccessful tn Ida ...


... PROTrsANeTS, up I the hour is come, 'Tis your country's voice that calls Von- ror your God, for your Bible, truth, freedom, home, 1 Up, up! ere the worst befalls you. t Much too long have ve all idly lain, J While the coils were round you spreading- Up, or your children's blood shall stain The soil that your feet are treading. Oh. do ye not see yon shadowy hand? Your Church-will ye not defend ...


... THEAkTRE ROYAL MP, tOE CLA RiE IN OURS.n LAsT evening, Mr. Join Clarke, a clever metro- politan comedian, made his debut before a Belfast audience in Mr. Robertson's comedy, entitled Ours. There was a goodly attendance, and Mr. Clarke received a cordial and encouraging welcome -a welcome which, in coming seasons, we hope to hear frequently repeated. Mr. Clarke's fame had preceded him, and, ...


... I ILLNiESS OF lORD ItOfii3. Qn making Inquiries late Last night, we were hapw C. learn that his lordship rallied aornuwiat duing the dq. It is stated in the 0103fl1e'r thtat her Ma. jrsty baa resolved to caerge from the nerclwion Ito whirc bble haes lived since the death of tho Priuce (toeort, sald t&U - the next sceaon will be one of the woot briliant on reo during her long and beneficent ...