... The series of classical and popular concerts | in the Newcastle Town Hall, under the able anid enterprising maragement of Mr Rea, continue to attract numerous and delighted audiences. The programmes are most judi- I ciously chosen, popular and standard works I being blended in a mannea calculated to please all tastes. We have nut space to particularise tile performances of each night, but must ...


... Lord and Lady Amberley are making a very plea- sant and useful tour in the United States. They have recently been visiting the Shakers at Mount Lebanon; and our latest news from America tells of their visit to the Bible Family at Oneida Creek. The fensale saints were curious to see a real live lord an'd lady, and we cannot doubt that the English travel- lers were ias wonderful to their hosts ...


... ,ANI ADDITION AL THEATRE'- FOR GLASGOW. At a special meeting of Justices di the Peacefor, the Lower Ward of Lauarkshire,,heId in the Justices' Hal, Glasgow, yesterday ?? Thomas Thomson presiding-three applicationsfor theatrical ' licenses, under the Act 6 and? 7Vict cap. 68, were .presented. The first of these was the application of :M'&Jame Stevenson Bawylisproprietor of the Scotia Music Hall ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMBNTS, &he I floyal Alexandra 'Theatro.-'The Tempest. . Prince of Wales Theatlre.-'¢On 'OhangA and 1ttAe 11oyal Ampphitheatre. - Bamboozling, ani nIe Laftrshire leesJ'- : t.. 3emea's::Hilk and Ilpertta Rouse.- The' Oponra Alarths. . Yal Colomeum TheOtr. . - The Cattaway,` The Iffe Stgrizl, &C. 3ew Star Maudso Rall-r. Iarry Sydney, Mr. Xathan,' ioge'al Pictures, lectton ...


... WINTER HEALTH RESORTS IN THE SOUTZiP THE summer tourists have had their holiday, and are once more home again till next year's sunshine allures them to pack up and go forth from the hlomes of their fathers. These are of the working, able-bodied traveller kind-determined pleasure seekers, who will do and suffer much to get at the object of their quest. Travellers who will march footsore in ...


... : : FASHIONS FOP NOVMB4 i1, ?? ?? ; ?? :. 'i , .1 f':r * :?r r4Pi?1h,.L~6, FoUct,) j4V S: IThe odD dweather We.have bad latel has b~een the agul~ f~rth peav~i of0 th 0ugly iter tollettes, go that;theattorii; Imatel~all Isidityle ;AY10or mt#,y aod ',pps P ly dq*ld4 on.u,.A Adoh* ca dq4tte ,4dem -d66driij~i14q~u the 'MAelase shudh the sake as thdii e wbrvltiion jbut h .waOin gaqstumeshave-&muc ...


... .FABHlON AND. V4ARiTIU' | The Harl of Mayo left town yeF4 Yt_. attend i meetnmg of thoe Cliabinel G61111i0e. i 5' 1; 4O, Lord and lady Cairne and Englar d yesterday. , r John William E(ilen, l J o ity Clrk', stad family, havo loft Mth e1bbu lel fo . Cork. ' 4 On the 3rd of Ocioher, in t{hd Ohnfluh f flft' P'sRsv, ?? , Va, by thQ o tr. Mt:, Pito, Alhepnarg Counly fa¢th6t F thr brideor oon). ...


... 1. , .11 R I :inceo the Droduetioik 6 Mauw'e Peril at this . house, thr author, A F. Watts hi]iips, has made several h alteratiosainutbe or, Na,,idWthse alterations were tried Llast nig'ht, wve beliew tor the firsttime, with encouraging * Success.; Mr. Phillips, wve thin . has very judiciously strengtbened thesecond act, which wasrather weak near l its closes, by making the returned convict, ...


... THE NOVEM1tER, MAGAZINES. Caassell's Ifoqazfne ?? this month a j new novel, i'llor Elumanity ; and amongst other papers of general interest we find Per- sonal Recollections of Professor Aytoun, by James ?? The Emperor of Abyssinia - his Character and Policy * ' Gossip about (4reevnwich Hospital ; BE;iyin, Horses and 1'ricks of the Dealers, ' Sesing Machines, English and American ; ...


... (oROM OUR SPECIAL coRREspoNnDENT. The dinner offered by the Foreign Commissioners to the Imperial Commissioners was given on Satur-' day last at the Louvre Hotel, under the graceful chairmanship of Lord Granville. The record of it will remain as a memorial of the amiability of the foreign exhibition representatives. You will have received an account of the speech-making-and who among ...


... THEA TRICALS IN GERMANY. [THIRD ARTICLE.] WHAT are the pieces usually performed in Germany? The answer to this question is significant of the present condition of the Art. Thanks to the existence of Court Theatres there is still some strenuous effort to keep up the character of the stage, and stem the rush of vulgar appetites towards vulgar food. In Germany, as elsewhere, costumes and bare ...


... I I - -- Limsrauxc, TnlUDaAr.-The quantity of horses which came in yesterday surpassed expectation. It was so large that it was with the greatest difficulty stable accommodation could be provided, as there was not a stall vacant at any public establishment in the city at three o'clock, and every stmall oabiu near the town was availed of for standings for the night. On no previous occasion was ...