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... ,ANI ADDITION AL THEATRE'- FOR GLASGOW. At a special meeting of Justices di the Peacefor, the Lower Ward of Lauarkshire,,heId in the Justices' Hal, Glasgow, yesterday ?? Thomas Thomson presiding-three applicationsfor theatrical ' licenses, under the Act 6 and? 7Vict cap. 68, were .presented. The first of these was the application of :M'&Jame Stevenson Bawylisproprietor of the Scotia Music Hall ...


... -LaArtN OCR CHEESE SHOW. TILE . ,h;fjnn of dairyproduce inthe Cor TLS tsalibti.~of dairy produce, mtfle u~orn aridaa tark-et, under the auspices of - -- ?? ?? was much superior, as regards bot h arldexceI~, to any that has ever yet tla j1 iths part of the country. The opt Wa De. tn~jinguo fewer than five ooun7 f0ee O 1saelcrkcudbrightshire, Dnmfriew~hire 3`ai Reyrfrewshire-heing now em. 3,n ...


... To the EdAitor of th Glasgow Herdi. SuB,-In common with many others, I attended the City Hall Concert on Saturday evening, as there was an, unusually attractive programme. I little anticipated the.c ush at the doors after the assr- ance given by the directors last season. A parM of us, ladies and gentlemen, had gone early expecting to get good seats; but seeing the crush at the door we watteld ...


... L I T E It A ' U R E. Te Debts Rccserv)I (Scotti'cc) Act, 1807, withc the Incocrpo- ratetd Sections of thce cSmacel Debt Act, 1 Vic., c. 41 ;with Not-es, and a Preetiesi Digest. By JAMEs BADENoOH NICOLSONc, Advocate. Edinburgh T. & T. Clark. heidiL we have the text of thue Debta, R.{eovery Act, the incorporated Sections of the Small Debt Act- being inter- woven in their proper places, and ...


... FASUtONS FOil N(iV'EMBER[. (From Le Follel.) TIIF. cold Weather we halo had lately Ias boIJI the Sigeorl for tihm appleaalnoluf ofthoroughly wilittr toilettes, so that tIlair forill, miaterial, and style nov lie consieb.tered as er)crfectly decided cii. As far as itt-door dIre.s is iesieitellil, thoe ma terials tire Iiich the i sanime as those worn last itisoth, but tho wvalki g costoutes hlva ...


... JU.BRATUJRE. ¶r5OTAS Or ABYSSIUL, £&10 TE| %IT£ Slp T.aR OF xIII1 ARA~sS By el ;v Baker, ILA., ?? author cir pae tN'Y5DzS Great Basin of the Nile, . don: Macmillan & Co. 1867. (Pp. f.o '9g K.xs inbisgreatandnolwwell-known yzatells us that he spent cr' t>4ear after leaiving England in exploring the t nie3 of Aby;sara; but, being extensive, ,;Te tribcto L;olated from the great White Nile Lj ?? ...


... C I ASP IRATIO NS. I No nlortal pOn can c'cr deseriie, or hlmnnan tongue can tell I Ulowv wvell I love thle lowly cot wlhore I ii youth did dwell, I Whon lit a lovig othoi's knee I lisped my infatnt prayer, And olic killnd world d(idil ls awa valy Illy seand illyey cale. I Thouglih feItc aiyi bind line to this lied, alI fortune may decreo _ That the Secnes of early days again may never se, ...


... To :'o Edior; of Zs Olssgo Hgig. Glsgow Abstalners' Union, Office, 18 RenfieldSt, Glasgow, 6th November, 1867. Sx,-.rWould you allow me an opportunity to advert briefly to the alleged grievance of crushing at the City la doors on -occasion of the Saturday Evening Concerts? The directors at once admit that there may be some cause for complaint, but how to remove it is'a matter of great ...


... ALITERA2TURE A flicrbt Or rHE LAW OF SCOTLND RELATING TO ,wa Poos. By J. Guthrie Smith, Esq., Advo- cate. MVsers T. & v. Clark, Edinburgh. (Second' Edition.) 1Y this book-niakrng age it is strange that no one has yet attempted a history of the law. Such a work would be integesting and useful, even more to the general public than to lawyers. Oar older statutes, which, for their brevity and ...


... IERATURE. ?? t% BAB-lsra fly TI. Guizot, Trauslatod by tabs initoof o,'4ohnIHalifax,Gentleman. Lon- 2ii'aSt&~~srendered Engliah readers a good ser- A'b in~pse ±de g this charming little work. As the acoorn lauthores and translator says her- selfa in preace-- Its lifelike portrai 6i a true and great man, painted unconsciously by himself in his letters and biography, and retouched and ...


... INVERURIE, 0 Provost-Jarnes Davidson, Bank Agent. Ba;flics-Johel Bisset, Merchanit. r r ,, Jsrpli lloplkis, Cabinetmuaker. n di ,, George Taylor, PoStlmloster. o d Treasurer-AI. Smith, WVatelmaker, s e Dean of Guild-Win Allall, Buiier. s Councillors-Win. Wyness, Flesher. 5 o ,, John Annandl. Holtdl Keeper. a 0 ,, Jalmes Skinner, Merchan t. t ° Town Clerk--C. B Davidosin, Advocate. t Depilte ...


... IN MEMORIAM. Soft be thy slumber: o'er thee fair vWild flowers Culled by thee evcr in thy waideriNg hours WaVC iS their tranly. 1u1tM their swect porfume- A fragraut cssclcc waItft acros thy tomb. We m1journ thty loss, t1hou, giftedi sot (of sons, Tby rich-toned lutc Hit to1ade nor bosom thrill Yet, though departed, fecl Noy ot alone, Thy gelltlc spil'it hovcrs rouId UtS still. Ob, where ...