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Warwickshire, England

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... I S O R A P S A monument to Graiun is in Contemp]ation. Carlotta Patti is in Hungary, creating a great sen- sation. Thejournals speak well of MdUe. Milde, at Weimar, as a singer of promise. Mr, Bonedict's St. Cecilia wvill be shortly given at one of Mr. E1alle'a Manchester Concerts. MM. Anager and SardOtl fire preparing now ?? for the winter season of the French theatres, The Council of the ...


... THE FREUICH EXHIBITION. [From oear own Conesrpdtfn.1] of PARIS, Wednesday, October 30. d T'iE Emperor of Austria is as popular in Paris at thet present moment as was the Be Galantuomo at the time h when France sent her troops to fight the Austrians, t ins xad of tie Italians, in I aly. Upon his arrival, be 400,000 people turned out to see his Imperial and i Royal Majesty, sand they greeted him ...


... 15 1,ast week we glanced briefly at some of the contri. Pe ?? ?? butions by local artists. WVe have now, in' a coan Ti H. eludliug notice, to mention the remaining painters sit 0, -whose works fall within the above mentioned division, hi r, Let us take the portraits to begin with, Mr. loinde pi Dr sends four-varying considerably in mode of treat* ye 1g in cut, in character, and in merit, ...


... THEATRE RUYAL. Mr. Mafilday, whose reat City was produced here Uset nnipt for thle first time in Birmingham, ts Oon Of. the most ingenious and ou esild roacr of wha we may term the Cruirmirs school Of theatrical art. Other playswrights inay be more realistic, burt none are more ariftliqa esome may introduce their roal pumps and pony carriag~es quite as author of 1The Great City the ...


... TITE FRtE.qCll EnXiiIBUIlON. I Feoi cur 0,0 ?? PAUR, Monday. Tie Great Es'xhibition of 1867 is at an end ! The palace loors were closed last evening at five o'clock, not to be reopened save for the paclkers up, and therein 4onsisted the whol ceiemony of the closing. No Mtate pageant, no military, no Imperial speech. Why not ' That is the question that everybody is asking, And it would be very ...


... THE DOG SROW. The entries for the Dog Show fall considerably below the number last year. This result was arrived at by the com. mittee when they decided that the guinea subscription should henceforth be for the exhibition of two dogs Instead of three. It will be remembered that the Carzon Hxhlbf. tion Hall was not large enough last year for the number ol dogs shown. Hence it was necessary to ...


... BATURDAY PROMENADE 0OXCERT3. A waste spot in our musical week has at length been brought under cultivation, and a problem which has long puzzled our shrewdest public caterers satisfactorily solved. The great Saturday evening blank, we are happy to aay, no longer exists, The breach has been filled up, the mslsing link restored, the desert patch transformed into a mulling and fruitful oasis, ...


... THEATRF -ROYAL, Granted the raw uppUeds, It In a comparatively casy task to cater sadiafacotriy for hungry guesas, but the trae gastronomic artist ever disdains such ignoble trlimphs, and directs hie ambition. 'rather to delight the sated and faa- tidious gourma' Adwith whom It is not so much the ques. tion to satisfy, &s to coax, provoke, and regenerate the appetite, Simln'arly, it may bo ...


... THLIE FLENCII ME BITION. - .I ?? ?? [Freos our own Coireipondentt. PARTS, Saturday. It' is an error to say that the Exhibition swas closed on Sunday evening last. The doors instead of being abut were taken down bodily, and therein consisted the whole form of bringing to a close an Exhibition vhicb hac occupied such a place in the history of the year 1887. At live o'clock the visitors quitted ...


... TREA'TRE DROYAL. Anotber work by tbe apthor of C3sto wa prolucal lien oin the occasion of the beutfit perforunuice of MlIr. J Clarke, oni Friday i;igbt,. Ours, :13 tho new pl'y is entitled, belr a I: liixiy reaciubliuce to Mr. Iberriso1ii other comedics, ' Caae,' and ?? Society, not only in tile monosyllabic brevity of the title, but it mauY of Chu snore essential attributes of style, ...


... SATURDAI PROMENADE CONOERTS. That the golden results of DMr. Davls's first musical d exploration wero no more surfaco deposit or accidental r find, but Indicated the prosenoe of a rloh and substantial vein of precions ore, that only required to be judiolously worked to prove a veritable musical California, is a fact we c thick incontestlbly established by the saccessful issuo e of the ...


... We have seen larger audiences than that assembled last night to greet Mr. T. C. King's return to these hoards, after long illness ard remote sojourn, but we can con- scientiously say we have never witnessed one more heartily and unanimously onthulastlo. The pit half rose in Its excitement as the familiar form of the popular tragedian. diaped in the oharsoteliatle rngeof JuIlian St. Plerre ...