[No title]

... STEERING AND SAILING RULES. AIDS TO MEMORY, IN RHYME. By THOMAS GRAY, A.I.N.A. (Assistant Secretary Board of Trade). TWO STEAMSHIPS MEETING. Meeting steamers, do not dread When you see Three Lights ahead- Port your helm, and show your RED. TWO STEAMSHIPS PASSING. GREEN to GREEN-or RED to RED— Perfect safety—Go ahead! TWO STEAMSHIPS CROSSING. If to your starboard Red appear, It is your duty to ...


... EARL DE GRE Y ON EDUCATION. Lasit night, the annual meeting of the Iludldere- fiel aMechanics' linstitution. was held in the Theatre Royal in that town, and, wes attended by a numerous audience, ever ptoftebulig being occupied. The chairman wet do 0mEy ArD ERION, and amongst the gentlemen wyho supported his Lordship on the stage wore the lIeIn, Auberon Herbert, Mr. E. Bainee, M.P., Mr. E. A. ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4751 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ADDRESS TOQ THE EIMARQ-IS OF DOW-SE[IRE. 1Aifoio the most interesting evidence of, the re- spect in which, as a landlord, the Marquis of Don shire is held by all sects and classes, not the least gratifyirng is that to be found in the proceedings which took place yesterday. It appears that some weeks ago, and during the excitement that pro- vailed over the different properties of his lordship ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 953 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE COURT, BALMIORAL, OCTOBER 29.-The Queen went out, accompanied by Princess Louise, and attended by Lady nly and Mrs. A. Gordon. Lord Cairns and suite have arrived at the Shel- burne Hotel, Dublin. The Lord Bishop of Kilmore, Mrs. Verschoyle, Mr. and Miss Verschoyle, and suite have left the Breslin Royal Marine Hotel, Bray, for Xilmore House, Cavan. AZRRiAGE IN Hi4G1f LiFr-The marriage of ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 600 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... To e Editor of tk GWsow Herail. SiR,-After reading your leader upon Trades Unions in this day's paper, I consider it my duty to lay before yon and the public a dastardly case of assault, which was committed last night, not in Sheffield, but in Glas gow, and for. which, perhaps, the ingenious and original orators at the late trades meeting raq- be able to offer a good apology or About six ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 528 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LFxsDs. -NORTU-EAST WARA-Last night a meeting was held at the Temperance fall, St. Pe'Lr'e- street, in support of the candidature of Mr. Win. Mason (Liberal), and Mr. Ald. Carter took the opportunity of replying to certain statements made by Mr. Ferns, the Conservativo candidate HIe answered at considera'ls length Mr. Ferns's claim to bathe working man's friend, and pointed to that gentleman's ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 471 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FATAL GU. ACCIDENT. A painful fatality occurreil on Tuesday at EdIling- bam, a. village afew miles west of Alnwick, where Sir Hedwortlh Williamson, MLP., and a party of friends, including Colonel Harrison, of the Indian service (brother of Mr T. E. Harrison, C.E., well known in Ncewcastle), had been shooting inthe woods belonging to Sir. Jolhn 8winburne. The party had followed the s1)ort ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 864 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... 15 IZ? c , .rqj NE'W SQ I, AAT-E -t . - I X- 1tL',U!I'JS TLE.SELCAMfS) THE 1 IN ITALY. FLORENCE, (etober 31,.-General Cialdini has left by special train for Borghe -'tC A battalion of volunteers marching from larni td the Papal frontier were stopped by the Italian , Tho Government has ordered the closing of ?? *elief committees in the provinces, and the same iueast1res is expected to be ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1694 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... TgE BRITISH MUSEUM AS. A SC5OOL OF ART AND HISTOR Y. . [FIRST ARTICLE.] VRaC M eight to ten thousand persons stroll weekly through the lon(f galleries cld coluidors of the British Museum. It is impossible to watch them- in 'all their endless varieties of rank, age, dress, and individualities of character, and not ask oneself what they think of all that they see, and float impression it all ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2345 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... NOTICE is hereby given that the TOLLS arising at the several Toll Gates in the County of Glamorgan, hereinafter specified, will be LET BY AUCTION, gan, hereinafter specified, will be LET BY AUCTION, from the 31st day of December, 1867, to the 3lst day of December, 1868, to the highest bidder, at the TOWN HALL, Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgau, on TUESDAY, 26th November, 1867, at One o'Clock ...


... Joral Jintcllispct LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. Nov. 3.—SUNDAY. Jubilate—174. Introit Hymn 142 (part 1). Kyrie Aldrich in G. Hymu-204. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Psalms--21. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Aldrich in G. Anthem- 0 where shall wisdom be found, Boyce. Hymn-146. Litany and Sermon at 7 o'clock in the evening. Hymns 163, 190, 17. UNSTAMPED GUARDIANS.—Owing to an ...


... fg, FENIAN TRIALS AT MANCHESTER. I MANCHESTER, OCT. 81. ar. Justice Blackburn and Mr. Justice Mellor entre, 1the Crown Court this morning at nine o'clock, Whel the prisonees Allen, Larkin, Gould, Maguire, and Shore vere again placed at the bar. The prisoners had been brougit front gaol under a strong military escort as before. Thl tiist itness examined was Richard Spencer, who was examined by ...

Published: Friday 01 November 1867
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6148 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News