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... persons appointed by the Liberals, and of Mr. HIBBERT, the member for Oldham, a man of ex- treme opinions, statss that there are about 4,000,000 houses in England, and under the Act of 1832, 1,000,000 of the occupiers were enfran- chised. By the recent Act about 520,000 more will be added,—and this, our enemies shout out is household suffrage But, with our leader, we ask, are we to be ...


... NE SUTOR ULTRA CREPIDAM.—We record in another column the result of an inquest on the death of an infant. We heartily endorse the very appropri- ate femarks made by the coroner, and concurred in by the jury. We cannot too strongly protest against the most objectionable practice resorted to by chemists in town and country, in venturing to prescribe for per- sons suffering from dangerous ...


... FThe following appeared in our Second Edition of last week.] THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. The following letters have been sent to the Secre- tary of the Ratepayers' Association :— Cardiff, October 25th, 18G7, Sir,—I observe in the Cardiff Chronicle's report of the meeting called by the Ratepayers' Association, it is stated that all the candidates had been respectfully invited to attend. I write ...


... Robert Lincoln, SOli of the late President, has been admitted to the bar in Ciiicago. THE HIMALAYA TKA Co.'s PURE TEA has all advantage? of reduced duty, moderate in price, of excelleut quality' being the purest tea in use it is ti e most wholeseme theie- fore the best aud cheapest. Sol 1 only in Packets. Signor Mario is to appear for a few nights at the Victoria Theatre, Berlin, on his way to ...


... M. 13rissoe, the at aes Action- naires, and M. Gaulier, the writerofan article in that paper, charged with exciting to hatred and contempt of the government, have been condemned by the Cor- rectional Tribunal to a fineofSOOf. each, and the lat- ter to a month's imprisonment in addition. Four hundred caskspalm oil, belongingto theBenin, wrecked near Brest, are reported as saved and on the quay ...

[No title]

... AN INTERVIEW WITH AKTOISELLI. The Rome correspondent of the Etendard publishes an account of an interview which he had with Car- dinal Autonelli on the 17th. The statesman,who is said to combine the qualities of Mazarin and Richelieu, is now over sixty years of age, and his hair is white, but lie is as vigorous as ever. He was very vehement 1 gainst the Italian government. He asked how it wa3 ...


... Mr. Evan Powell, of Montgomeryshire, North Wales, has addressed a letter to our ably conducted little con- temporary the JS^ivtofvn and Welshpool Express, in which he furnishes a graphic, although brief, descrip- tion of the above interesting meeting, held at St. Briene. Wereo-ret to find that notwithstanding the inflated promises made by our enthusiastic Welshmen to be present on the occasion ...

County of Glamorgan. !

... County of Glamorgan. WHEREAS at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace held at the town of Swansea, in and for the said county, on Tuesday, the Sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, the statement of GEORGE THOMAS OLAHK and RICHARD BASSETT, Esquires, two of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said county, that it was ...

[No title]

... Jtrtt;lltt)t;itct LONDON, MONDAY, Oct. 23. THE ROMAN QUESTION. Garibaldi having once more escaped, and his journey to the Roman frontier being unimpeded by the Italian authorities, the natural result has been the entire overturn of the momentary- settlement of the Rumen question. Fighting has recommenced in the Papal States with varied success—an attack of a thousand- Garibaldiaos on Viterbo ...


... AIR. DISEAELI IN SCOTLAND. On Tnes evening, a grail was given in the Corn. Exchange, Pldinhu gh, :n honour of the Chancellor of tho Exchequer, by the Conservatives of Scotland. The Corn Exchange was brilliantly decor- ated for the occasion,, the upper walls beiug blazoned withthearms of Scotland wreathed, with sidewreaths exhibiting the armourial bearings of Lord Derby and Mr. Dinrael', with ...

Sifi;riii;g Jlofe

... ACCIDENT.—On Friday evening last Mrs. Mitchel more, wife of Mr. Mitchelmore, builder, of Charlec- street, experienced a narrow escape. In walking on the gravel walk in her garden she felt the ground givinbg way. She succeeded in extricating herself. the soil fell in to a depth of 15 feet. It appears that an old well had existed there, and it had for years been covered over with boards which ...


... CARDIFF BOARD OF HEALTH. The usual monthly meeting of this Board was held on Friday last, at the Town-hall, C. W. David, Esq., in the chair. There were also present Aldermen Pride and Alexander; Messrs. Bowen, Winstone, P. Bird, S. D. Jenkins, Spencer, P.Jones, Whiffen, Evans, Flint, Taylor, and Ingledew Mr. Salmon, Town-clerk, Mr. Waring, Surveyor, and Mr. Roberts and Mr. Taylor, the ...