... PRMnOR AsTauun.-Hi, Royal Highness Prince Ar- thur having thoroughly recovered from his recent in- disposition, on Monday resumed his studies as a gen- tleman cadet in the Royal Military Academy, Wool- wich Common, in preparation for the half-yearly ex- amuination. It was proposed ?? the .Prince should cruise a few weeks ali sea to recruit his strength, and Her Majesty's steam-yacht Vivid, ...

[ill] AMUSEMENTS, &c

... ~1~A - 'IJO A'UB~MENT5, &C -- 5oylOtkmphe ll'^n ?? - : ' * W 'alee Thea- 'Thej. in ?? Dootor Davy. Aklc,\ and. 5e|ral Am ?? T Awas nol Lass. t., james Rau a3 d pet AG Honse.-The Opera La' eonlnbum aud The, Wandertng Mi5nustrel. Beyal 0010o50um Th°ht~u-The Vaults of France, Al.onle In the ftste',s Lir. Matthewsx Family,&o New Sr Music Hp4L -. Concert, Seleato6 from the Opera ...


... FASHION AND VAXIETIES, I Their SEcellenoies the Lord Lieutenctat and the Marchlonees of Aberoorn and ?? arrived by the snail steemtr yesterday morning from Holyhead, and ?? by train to Weatland-ro w, and from thence to tho Vime- regal Lodge. The following are amongst the ?? ar- rivals at the Shelbourne Hotel-Sir W D Stewartand sulte, Murthley Castle, Drnkeld ; Mr Nioholl and sutie, do; Ron Mrs ...


... I YOUR MTSSION. If you cannot on the ocean Sail among the swiftest fleet, Rocking on the highest billows, Laughino at 'he storms you meet; You can stand among the sailors, Ancbor'd yet within the bay, You can lend a band to help him, As they launch their boats away. If you are too weak to journey Up the mountain steep and high; You can stand within the valley, While the multitudes go by; You ...


... *.3 Ut ,2:1UegA NE 5 ,&o a OR-- I, I-1 Soyal A &Thea*e;.-' Tmb8ng of the rEOw, n . The Temest. ,~ a Mahice i Wales Thestre.- The MfA O' Arble, a Ruleaque 6Fblaskoayed Suse .- aeya bthe - : The Unoeabire TaM, -tL JamvVe JlSU and Operetta nowle.-' ', thm 9 YK Grrge'e HaL-Organ Pexfotcj X ?? c - * New StrMSI ...


... THE THEATRICAL AND MUSICAL: EXAMINER. OLYMPIC. Here Mr Charles Mathews and Mr Addison still go merrily on, in senior and junior coupling; though The Liiar has given place to a version of Morton's comedy, The Way to Get Married, which might as well have been called by any other name for what it contains in the way of hints upon that difficult subject. If we go to the theatre merely to loll, to ...


... 0trw. NOVEMBER. -0-- November, month of mornings misty-bright Witil golden light: Month when the many tinted leaf Lies thick upon the smo3s below, While to and fro The breezes moan as if in grief. November, who dost swell the mountain-6treams To break the dreams Of the long summer s hely sa ay And rousest the tumultuous 'doods Through glens and woods To thunder, all the sullen uoy. The ...


... No. IV. (Written for the Chronicle.) Paris, by gaslight, is a eight worth seeing. The streets are literally ablaze with light, giving to a stranger, at first sight, theidea thatan ilhluination istakingplace, in honour Of some great event; this impression, however, soon wears away, and the visitor becomes quite enamoured of the dazzling brightness which nightly lights up the gay and beautiful ...


... I JABBHION' AND VARIETi __ The OOOnzaoT Don and D. O'Connor, Esq., have left iibke r>bm Hotel. b The following are aaonost, the latt ar- sivels at the GrisuhAeWHotel :-Mr TSomm A P Mapotber, :Kll3eeven; Mr BSO FavellL sd; Mr Frenhb, Mr Dillon, Mrs Lvell Mr ~zdelo'irko, Beifat; lit11 Henry B julo, Cork;, gMrAW:E Levinge, Rhine; Mr Little, Mr and Mrs J W Pollck, ?? ?? JobnmW Moore, Limerick: ...


... A SUNDAY IN FRANCE.-It was difficult to believe, as the train passed on, that it was Sunday morning, so quiet and peaceful at home. There was mowing and shearing, waggons laden with corn and timber, barges loading with stone, quarrymen working, and builders and bricklayers. In fact it did not seem Sunday with anybody or anything. If it did not on the road it did not in Paris. The first sight ...


... Beer fills many a bottle, and the bottle fills many a bier. Whenr a church catches fire, which part must be burt : -The organ, because the engines catuiot play on it. What is the difference between a vwatchmakcer and a gaoler ?-The one sells watches, and the other ?? cells.-Jssdy. A FALN NONE 0or eYS OBJECT TO.-A ?? lAlinmarck. A A negress, speaking of one of her children who was lighter ...


... .i1 , I SACttDHAURMONIC SOCIETY. The thirty-sixth season of this great metropoli- gas musical institution commenced lost night with a fine performance of Uijsb. This society has now for many years past occupied a high and ?? position, and -one of special value and influence on the public taste in musical art. The per- formance, by the best solo singers and a vast instrumental da choral body, ...