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... The usual monthly meeting of this Board was held at the Town-Hall, on Friday, the 2!)th ult. The Mayor, R. L. Reece, Esq., presided. There were also present, the'ex-Mayor (C. W. David, Esq.); Aldermen Pride and Alexander; Councillors D. Jones, P. Bird, S. D. Jenkin, D. Lewis, J. McConnochie, J. P. Ingledew, H. Bown, S. Nash, J. Elliott, T. Evans, J. Bird, W. Vachell, H. Whiffen, E. S. Hill, ...

Ferndale Colliery Relief Fund

... THE COMMITTEE at PONTYPRIDD (Mr. H. HCSSEY VIVIAN, M.P., Chairman) gratefully ac- knowledge the following Subscriptions :— Her Majesty the Queen £200 Lord Dynevor 150 Mr. H. Hussey Vivian, M.P. 100 Mr. Thos. Joseph, Dunraven Collieries. 100 Mr. G. T. Clark, Dowlais House 100 The Countess of Dunraven 50 Mr. N. Edwards Vaughan, Rheola 50 Provincial Banking Corporation 25 Messrs. Brown, Lennox, ...

Jntporjat parliament

... HOUSE OF COMMONS. —SATURDAY. The Speaker took the chair at ten minutes past twelve o'clock. Mr. GOSCHEN gave notice that on Monday next lie will ask the A Horney-General a question with regard to the construc- tion put upon certain c1auspsof tbe Reform Act, 1:3G7, in rela- tion to separate ratinir. The Metropolitan Streets Act (1807) Amendment Bill was read a third time and passed. The Lordon ...

[No title]

... THE INFIRMARY, CARDIFF.—Week ending Dec. 3rd. —Remaining by last week, 42 admitted since, 6 discharged, 3 died, 0 Remaining in the house, 45. Number of out-patients on the books, 321. Medical officers for the week Physician, Dr. Edwards; Sur- geon, Mr. Keece. Gentlemen visitors for the month liev. D. Howell and Mr. Henry Heard. -Edward C Evans, M.R.C.S., House Surgeon. AcciDEXTS.—William ...

[No title]

... ^A FOOLISH ACT AND A GALLANT RESCUE.— Soon after tho Union screw steamer Briton had left the Cape of Good Hope, and while running under full sail aucl steam, a Government messenger, named Jones, an officer of the royal navy, jumped overboard in a fit of madness. Immediately a cry of A man overboard was raised, and a young man, named Dunn, the third officer of the Briton, at once snatched up a ...


... THE Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords is a restless and crotcketty statesman. In an exceptional session of Parliament, and at a time when the Government were busy in maturing their schemes of legislation, he has introduced the subject of national education in a series of resolutions and an elaborate speech. He failed, however, to command much attention for during the two hours and ...

[No title]

... We understand that tho estates of Failih, Inverernie and Wester Gask in the district of Strathnairn, have been purchased bv J. Smithson, Esq., Ileighington, Darlington, for £ 20,500.—Inverness Courier. At a meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Company on Monday, it was announced that the cables are now earn. ing £ 1,000 a day. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke ofNernours, the D'.ikeT d'Alencon, and ...


... MONMOUTH AND SOUTH WALES IRON AND COAL TRADE. From the various ironworks in the district the reports which have been received during the past week charac- terises the iron trade as beiug dull, and in a state far from satisfactory. There is no doubt whatever that orders are not so numerous as they were at the com- mencement of the present quarter, when there were scarcely sufficient to keep the ...


... FERNDALE COLLIERY. -The workings at this colliery are now in in a forward state for inspectional examination. The total number of bodies now recovered, with the number who died from their injuries, is 173. It is ascertained that at least six more are missing. The number of deaths therefore be put at 180. On Tuesday evening the members of the Pontypridd Committee met, and the secretaries read a ...


... MUfeTUM IN PABYO. A music school is to bo founded at Manheitn, with Herr Pohl as its director, Guillaume Tell is to be revive 1 at the Grand Opera of Paris wiih great carp, A Stockholm paper states that Sweden is about to es'ahlish a Consulate General in China. Signor Verdi's Don Carlo his, we are told by Italian journals, made a furore in Bologna, Mendelssohn's Reformation Symphony was ...


... MB. DICKENS IN AMERICA. A letter from Boston of the 19th says :— The groat event in Boston to-day has been the arrival of Charles Dickens from Enrope per the steamer Cuba. Through the agency of the telegraph annonncemenfs were ma le which gave currency to the belief that the Cuba ani the distinguished novelist would arriveiuthe middle of the afternoon, and although there was no public ovation ...