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... The usual monthly meeting of this Board was held at the Town-Hall, on Friday, the 2!)th ult. The Mayor, R. L. Reece, Esq., presided. There were also present, the'ex-Mayor (C. W. David, Esq.); Aldermen Pride and Alexander; Councillors D. Jones, P. Bird, S. D. Jenkin, D. Lewis, J. McConnochie, J. P. Ingledew, H. Bown, S. Nash, J. Elliott, T. Evans, J. Bird, W. Vachell, H. Whiffen, E. S. Hill, ...

Ferndale Colliery Relief Fund

... THE COMMITTEE at PONTYPRIDD (Mr. H. HCSSEY VIVIAN, M.P., Chairman) gratefully ac- knowledge the following Subscriptions :— Her Majesty the Queen £200 Lord Dynevor 150 Mr. H. Hussey Vivian, M.P. 100 Mr. Thos. Joseph, Dunraven Collieries. 100 Mr. G. T. Clark, Dowlais House 100 The Countess of Dunraven 50 Mr. N. Edwards Vaughan, Rheola 50 Provincial Banking Corporation 25 Messrs. Brown, Lennox, ...

Jntporjat parliament

... HOUSE OF COMMONS. —SATURDAY. The Speaker took the chair at ten minutes past twelve o'clock. Mr. GOSCHEN gave notice that on Monday next lie will ask the A Horney-General a question with regard to the construc- tion put upon certain c1auspsof tbe Reform Act, 1:3G7, in rela- tion to separate ratinir. The Metropolitan Streets Act (1807) Amendment Bill was read a third time and passed. The Lordon ...

[No title]

... THE INFIRMARY, CARDIFF.—Week ending Dec. 3rd. —Remaining by last week, 42 admitted since, 6 discharged, 3 died, 0 Remaining in the house, 45. Number of out-patients on the books, 321. Medical officers for the week Physician, Dr. Edwards; Sur- geon, Mr. Keece. Gentlemen visitors for the month liev. D. Howell and Mr. Henry Heard. -Edward C Evans, M.R.C.S., House Surgeon. AcciDEXTS.—William ...

[No title]

... TUE D JBMN- FEXTAX FUNERAL.—A scene occurred in the Dublin Police Court on Monday, when Mr. John Martin and two other persons summoned for leading the demonstrationists in the city on Sunday week ap- peared. Whilst the counsel for the Crown was proving that it was all unlawful assembly, Mr. Sullivan, of the Nation newspaper, who had bee I summoned as a wit- ness, interposed and declared in an ...

[No title]

... EXTRAORDINARY FENIAN DISCLOSURES. On Friday morning, four men, named Nicholas Engliuh, William Desmond, John Mullany, and John O'Keefe, who are represented as leading members of the Fenian conspiracy, were arrested in London on a charge of treason-felony. They were brought up at Bow-street, in the afternoon, before Sir Thomas Henry. The prisoners are, with the exception of Nicholas English, ...


... LONDON CORN MARKET.—MONDAY. There was a heavy arrival of foreign wheat and flour last week, but the other supplies were moderate. Exports 800 qrs. wheat. English imports, 5,216 qrs., foreign 51,491 qrs. The show of srlaples this morning from Kent and Essex was moderate. The best picked samples moved off more readily at the previous rates, but secondary and inferior descriptions remained very ...


... CARDIFF POLICE COURT. FRIDAY. (Before the MAYOR and R. O. JONES, Esq.) ROBBING AN EMPLOYER. —W. Evans, an assistant to Mr. Bliss, grocer, Bute-street, appeared on remand, charged with stealing 2s. 6J. from his master's till.—Mr. Elisor appeared for the prosecution, and M r. Kaby defended the prisoner. The evi- dence of Mr. Bliss was given on Monday, after which the case was adjourned to enable ...

[No title]

... ^A FOOLISH ACT AND A GALLANT RESCUE.— Soon after tho Union screw steamer Briton had left the Cape of Good Hope, and while running under full sail aucl steam, a Government messenger, named Jones, an officer of the royal navy, jumped overboard in a fit of madness. Immediately a cry of A man overboard was raised, and a young man, named Dunn, the third officer of the Briton, at once snatched up a ...


... FENIAN ALARM AT CARDIFF. For some time there has been a growing apprehension that Fenian sympathy exists to a great extent among our Irish population. That collections are made to support the movement is generally believed, and also that meetings of the Fenian brotherhood are held in th-o town. Last week Mr. Superintendent Stoekdale received a communication from New York, stating that two ...


... A BOY SHOT BY HIS BROTHER. A distressing fatality occurred at Fenu's Fields, near to Wolverhampton, last Saturday afternoon. Fenn l ief;> is about two miles from Wolverhampton, on the road t j Stourbridge, and it comprises villa residences, ihe curate of St. Philip's Church there is the Rev. W. Uay, who has a. family of three sons and a daughter. instruction of their father the boys had been ...

[No title]

... MY FIRST AND LAST STEEPLE-CHASE. In the year 18oi>, the Irish militia regiment in which I had the honour to hold a commission was disembodied but, as a reward for our distinguished'services at Ports- mouth, where we mounted guard daily on the dockyards for more than twelvemonths, each subaltern was pre- sented with a gratuity of six months' pay-a boon that must have been highly appreciated at ...