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... Sixty kegs of IVenoh brandy were found by the Islt of Wight coastguard concealed between Colwell Ba, and Cliff End, on the south west coast of the island, a few days ago. The officers of the coastguard have fol a long time had a sinecure. The health of Mr. E. J. Reed, the chief constructot of the navy, is so far re-established, after the serioui accident which he met with lately on the railway ...


... THE Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords is a restless and crotcketty statesman. In an exceptional session of Parliament, and at a time when the Government were busy in maturing their schemes of legislation, he has introduced the subject of national education in a series of resolutions and an elaborate speech. He failed, however, to command much attention for during the two hours and ...


... In the matter of the Railway Companies Act, 1S67, and of the Cambria Railway Company, which is the first that has come before the Court of Chancery under the Railway Act of last Session (by which rai'way companies are enabled upon filing a deed of arrangement with their creditors ti stay legal process against the property of the company), Sir W. P. Wood, on Tuesday, decided a point of ...


... At half-past eight on Saturday morning the priso- ners Burke and Casey were removed from the prison to Bow-street police-station, for further examination. A strong body of mounted police formed the escort, and theywercfollowed through St. James's-placeand across Clerkenwell-greon by large crowds of people. On the bringing up of Burke and Casey, at the Bow- street police-court, on Saturday, Dr. ...


... MAGISTERIAL ENQUIRY. A Special Petty Sessions was held yesterday afternoon, s by J. C. Fowler, Esq., and the Rev. J. Griffith, the rector, t in consequence of the sudden arrest of two men residing in Dowlain, suppose to be Fenians. Information had been given to the police (by whom does not appear, but the reader of the evidence of the principal witness may form an a Opinion) upon which they ...

[No title]

... We understand that tho estates of Failih, Inverernie and Wester Gask in the district of Strathnairn, have been purchased bv J. Smithson, Esq., Ileighington, Darlington, for £ 20,500.—Inverness Courier. At a meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Company on Monday, it was announced that the cables are now earn. ing £ 1,000 a day. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke ofNernours, the D'.ikeT d'Alencon, and ...

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... FURTHER EXAMINATION OF BURKE AND CASEY. The prisoners Burke and Casey were again brought before Sir Thomas Henry, at Bow-street Police Court, on Saturday morning. — Mr. Giffard and Mr. Poland, instructed by the Treasury solicitor, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Merryman for the prisoners.— William Greening said I live in Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham. In December, 1S65, I was in lhc ...


... SUSPECTED MURDER IN SHADWELL. A strange affair occurred on Sunday morning in Phadwell. Between the hours of one and two o'clock the police on duty in Gravel-lane, Shadwell, heard a great disturbance on the drawbridge over the little ranalleiding from The river to the Shadwell basin of the London docks. Upon going thither they saw some men hurrying away from the spot, and they found evi- dent ...

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... Jittelligcitijt THE LATE BISHOP LONSDALE.—At a very influen- ti.d!y-,¡ttended meeting held at Lichfield, on Mond¡¡y, Lord Lichfield in the chair, it was resolved to erect in the cathedral a memorial to the late Bishop Lonsdale. CHURCH CONGRESS.—At a preliminary meeting in Trinity Coliege, Dublin, on Monday, the Provost occupying the chair, it was agreed, on the motion of the Lord Primate of ...

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... CONSERVATISM IN HUI.L.—The first general meet- insr of the UolderneKs Ward Conservative Associatiol1 has just bren held in the Dawson-lane Schoolroom, Hull, under the presidency of Mr. J J. Field. Up to the time of the meeting 110 fewer than 120 members had lieen enrolled. Letters of apology from Litut.-Colonel Pease and Mr. H. J. Atkinson, J.P., were read. The chairman lmide a very stirring ...


... [FROM OtTR OWN REPOBTERS 3 MONDAY.—TRIAL OF HUNTERS. On Monday the trial of Weight-carrying hunters, prior to their exhibition at the show of Tuesday, came off on the splendid turf land adjoining Tredegar Park. The morning set in rather hazy, and a dulness pre- vailed up to noon, when the clouds in the horizon cleared off, giving way to pleasant sunshine which lasted up to about three o'clock ...