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... CARDIFF, SATIIllDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1807. THE FERNDALE INQUEST. FERNDALE and the Rhondda Yalloy will long be remembered in connection with one of the greatest calamities of modern times. A month has now passed since we had to record the ap- palling event which suddenly deprived one hun- dred and seventy-eight human beings of life,- causing at the same time irreparable loss and immeasurable woe. ...

^lisallantoii.'i Jntollirieiue

... GENERAL NEWS. A iabourer named Reilly was remitted to the Sherif. on Friday, in Glasgow, on a charge of unmercifullj flogging a female with whom he lived. The girl's back was fearfully lacerated. A correspondent of the Florence Nazione, writing from Rome on the 1st, says that, should the co JereucE ineer, Cardinal Antouelli will go to Paris to sustain the rights and pretensions of the Holy See ...


... Jmperjat .pirlntmijnt HOUSE OF LORDS. —SATURDAY. Their Lordships met at twelve o'clock. The Royal Assent was given by Commission to the following Bills Sales of Reversions Bill; Drainage and Improvement of Land (Ireland) supplemental Bill; Metropolitan Street Act. 1867 amendment Bill Income Tax Bill; Consolidated Funds (27,000,000) Bill, and the Totnes, &c., Writs Bill. The Royal Commissioners ...


... LONDON CATTLE MARKET.—MONDAY. The arrivals of live cattle and sheep, &c., into the port of London during the past week have been very small. The Custom house return gives an entry of 169 oxen, 93 calves, 3,572 sheep, and 315 pigs, together making ,a total of 3,949 head, against 7,437 head at the same period last year, aud 15,571 head 111 1864. The total imports of live stock this year so far ...


... TERRIFIC EXPLOSION AT NEWCASTLE. A terrific explosion took place on the Town Moor, Newcastle-on-Tyne, at four o'clock on Tuesday after- noon. It appears that a seizure of compound uitro- glycerine had been made by the police. About three o'clock the Sheriff of Newcastle, Mr. John Mawson, the town surveyor, Mr. Bryson, Sub-inspector Wallis, and Constable Donald Bain left the town in charge of a ...


... The subjoined letter, signed Breconensis, appears in the money market article of a London contemporary A singular example of railway finance and the looseness of railway legislation has just been brought to light at a meeting of our Brecon and Merthyr Railway Company. It was stated, without contradiction from our chairman or the directors, that the railway, about 66 miles long, was contracted ...


... Tho usual meeting of the Board of Health took place on Thursday, when there were present, G. T. Clark, Esq in the hair. Messrs Overton, Martin, Jones, Harrison, Scale, Hari is, Williams, Lewis, Rosser, and Davies (Penydarren). The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed- THE WATER SUPPLY TO THE WORKHOUSE. The Clerk read the opinion of counsel on the water supply to the workhouse, ...


... ABERDARE POLICE COURT. TL'ESDAY•—(Before J. C. towlcr and R. H. lihys, WOUNDING A DOG. John Lowes, butcher, was charged with wilfully and maliciously wounding; a pointer dog value £3 100., the pro- perty of John Stewart.- Samuel Baxter, plasterer, stated that on Monday, the 9th, lie saw the dog in the defendant's shop bleeding. He went m and asked defendant if he had cut it, and he said he did ...


... TO CORRESPONDENTS. fir Our Correspondents are requested to favour us with their communications as early in the week as possible, as we are obliged, every week, to omit many commu- nications which would appear if we received them be- fore Thursday. A letter on Colliery Explosions, signed L. and other matters, are held over until next week. ...

[No title]

... THE WEST INDIA HURRICANE.—Mr. G. Moffatt, M.P., and Mr. Chas. Oppenheim having waited upon the principal bankers to solicit their support for the sufferers by the West India hurricane, the following sums were at once subscribed :-Glyn, Mills, and Co., £H ) Robarts, Lubbock, and Co., £ 100; Barnett, Hoare, and Co., JElOO Barclay, Bevan, and Co., £ 100 Alexander, Cunliff, and Co., :£100 Martin ...


... ST. JOHN'S VESTRY MEETING. A meeting of the parishioners of St. John's, at which the Vicar presided, was held in the vestry-room of the parish church at noon on Monday, for the pur- pose of considering a proposal for altering the western window and gallery of the church. The Rev. D. Howell informed the meeting that, in consequence of a letter which he had received from Mr. Staeey relative to ...


... THE MERTHYR POST OFFICE ARRIVALS OF HAlLA. The London, South and East of England, Scot- land, Ireland, Bristol, Glo'ster, Newport (Mon.), Cardie, Pontypridd, South Wales, and Foreiff) Mts 6.15 morn. NORTII MAIL. From North of England, Scotland, Ireland, North Wales, Glo'ster, Bristol, West of England, Newport (Mon.), Pontypridd, Car- diff, and South Wales. 12.50 after. From Tredegar 1.30 ...