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December 1867
74 14




Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... LONDON CORN MARKET.—MONDAY. There was a heavy arrival of foreign wheat and flour last week, but the other supplies were moderate. Exports 800 qrs. wheat. English imports, 5,216 qrs., foreign 51,491 qrs. The show of srlaples this morning from Kent and Essex was moderate. The best picked samples moved off more readily at the previous rates, but secondary and inferior descriptions remained very ...


... CARDIFF POLICE COURT. FRIDAY. (Before the MAYOR and R. O. JONES, Esq.) ROBBING AN EMPLOYER. —W. Evans, an assistant to Mr. Bliss, grocer, Bute-street, appeared on remand, charged with stealing 2s. 6J. from his master's till.—Mr. Elisor appeared for the prosecution, and M r. Kaby defended the prisoner. The evi- dence of Mr. Bliss was given on Monday, after which the case was adjourned to enable ...


... Sixty kegs of IVenoh brandy were found by the Islt of Wight coastguard concealed between Colwell Ba, and Cliff End, on the south west coast of the island, a few days ago. The officers of the coastguard have fol a long time had a sinecure. The health of Mr. E. J. Reed, the chief constructot of the navy, is so far re-established, after the serioui accident which he met with lately on the railway ...

[No title]

... Jittelligcitijt THE LATE BISHOP LONSDALE.—At a very influen- ti.d!y-,¡ttended meeting held at Lichfield, on Mond¡¡y, Lord Lichfield in the chair, it was resolved to erect in the cathedral a memorial to the late Bishop Lonsdale. CHURCH CONGRESS.—At a preliminary meeting in Trinity Coliege, Dublin, on Monday, the Provost occupying the chair, it was agreed, on the motion of the Lord Primate of ...


... RPBBERY AN'K SLTICLLIE NEAR BISHOP AUCKLAND. -On Monday the body of a woman was found in the reservoir near Fhidhoe Ironworks. It was identified as that of Mary Ann Pearson, who had for three years lived as housekeeper with Mr. Robert Young, overman, BSTO, Close Colliery. Ou the iu.t..h. taking with her £ 25 belonging to her master valued at £ 20. The police, up to the finding of the body, ...


... The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint Mr. Edward Thornton, C.B., now Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of Portugal, to be Her Majesty's Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Pleninotentiary to the United btates of America.—Gazette rPATFNEE B £ YS 5ROWNDED.—A sad accident occur- red at Norwich on Monday. While a number of bovs were drowned0. ...

[No title]

... THE BRISTOL CONSERVATIVE BANQUET. — Mr. Gathorne Hardy, the Secretary of State for the Home Department, has consented to attend the Conservative banquet to be held in that city on the 22nd of next month. DESTRUCTION BY FIRE OF A CHURCH.—A pretty little Norman church, situated at Letwall, in the most picturesque portion of that cluster of ducal residences which adorn North Northamptonshire, was ...


... COMMITTAL OF A POLYGAMIST. A well dressed, middle-aged, and gentlemanly looking man, named George Pearce, described as a sur £ ?°' was brought up at the Southwark Police-court, on lues- lay, for final examination, charged with intermarrying with Catherine Pearce. his first wife, Amelia Pearce being then and now living. He was also charged with having been convicted at Glasgow in I860, of ...


... LOCAL SUMMARY. THE Inquest to enquire into the deaths, and the causes of the accident at the Ferndale Colliery, commenced on Monday last, and is likely to continue for a fortnight. The opening address of the Coroner, G. OVERTON, Esq., was marked by several sound suggestions, and his re- marks with reference to the continuance of such acci- dents until some improvement in the condition of the ...


... On Tuesday afternoon, a special meeting of shareholders in the above company was held at the Warwick Arms Inn, Clutton, Mr. Gwinnett Tyler, chairman of the bjard of directors, presiding. The attendance was rather limited. The Secretary (Mr. G. E. Frere), having read the notice convening the meeting, The Chairman said the sbarehelders would remember that at the last meeting it was resolved that ...