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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ** ON~8O f R* Kb5iageg, DOIbin5~t d nnle5 aothf0eated tot na end eddres ofthe csadr. t5 oids ao ess, os anrlilas addtlon to the s enno t amg ee or 395th ?? ?? mM ao n advsetbemn. BIRTHS. Bal gun-Ian. 52, at 88, Alexandra-terrace, the wife of Georgo'Bbirend, REal of ason. DoDSON-JaD. 19, tho wile of Mr. Thomas Dodson, of DUSBIRO-an 10t hS 2, llderfltflBBoLato,5agdil.5tr5t, the wife of r. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE EM- PEROR MAXIMILIAN. The Triete correspondent of tbh Stnaird far- nishes the following particulars of the crypt of the Capnoin Church in Vienna, whioh in to be the resting-plaoe of the body of the late Emperor Maximnil n, ?? At Pola, where there was a delay of ocme hours, the coffin containing the remains of the Zmperoe was placed in a large copper coffln, which a few days ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIMIs, vlxvlxdo, rnod Itlo ?? No ?? dR 1rt, orI5S ?? ?? ?? =utentlcarte br teano and ar of the shdes. Twod o rd, or aol v ls to bo tho pimle inononnement of a zorct 05 deth, cubj it to payment as for an advocae.tit, . BIRTHS. ADAM-4ae. 25, at 110, Ipllngton, the wifo of Dr. X Adam, of a son, 108-Ja. S7, at 28, Speilow-lane, Walton, the wfe of llr. Aunauto Oros, of a daughter.: HAnE1oEO-1en 2 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 28th instant, at the Parish Church, Mr. Richard Howard to Miss Sarah Jackson; Mr. Joseph Iddon to Miss Sarah Marriott, On the 29th ultimo, at the Parish Church, Mr. James Standen to Miss Alice Nickson; Mr. Matthew Whittaker to Miss Charlotte Mary Metcalfe; Mr. Thomas Piuder to Miss Catherine Ann Gillett. On the lst instant, at the Parish Church, Mr. Jonathan Tom. linson to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 6 l Notice of et b, Me4eis, or Death ne be Inserted la auhteatod t7e un9 a4 d o t md. hae nmte , orand fll add1o to tho e dmpe ?? f ane asdeth, awhiet nt so Darmont ean fo an any d l W seila BIRTHS. MW-n. i t 19, Greeleld road, Old bwan, the widow of he}.ev. Jon AMUen, of Ooggesball, REeas, of a son. ADISOr - 21, PA i8, Smith-eteet, the wife of Mr. AMIhNb Anderson, of a daughter. BmnOUr-ov. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. ti; On the 14th iastant, at Christ Church, by the Rev. Rajwoed 6 Firth, M.A., Mr. Daniel Hleavysides to *Mrs. Elizabeth Brain- of ley, On the 12th instant, at St. Thomes's Church, by the Rev. be J. P. Shepperd, M.A., incumbent, Mr. John Carefoot to Mrs. H Ellen Woods. ri On the 11 th instant, at thle Parish Church, Mr. Thomreis Wil- kinson to Miss Catherinie Roscoe; Mr. Thomas Brown ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of BIRTHS AND DEATHS IN ml LIVERPOOL. be FIRST WEEK,'1868. of In the week ending last Saturday, 4059 ho births and 2DG4 deaths were registered in eleven 3d large citles and boroughe of England, Inaluding London. The births exceeded by 317, and tho LD deaths by 305, the average weekly numbers in the u ten years 1851-60, corrected for Inorease of popula.. L tion to the middle of this year. The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR~. CHlARLES KEAX~ In 1Men of the Thme we find the followhxg meor Mr. Carle Kea, whose death weaanounce yesterda3, Mr. Charles Kean,1 ?? ?? tragedawn, tk seound but 1 onysurviving son of the late RdEtudni RNs wsborn Jan 18, i8il, at Waterford, where his fbafth wa peroing9. At that time the fortunes ofthe were at a low ebb. but In 1814 the Fettge.i ?? = di Loin -and the t'cea i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Alaboofl ardavs Av patuo. ?? No Notce o Be, ae, or Death can bo aseotod unless ?? by the name and addres= of th sender. The woods No eards, or anyW r l addliton bo the simple wnonoement of a m gor 4eath, ?? It to Dayment as for an #Aversema. BIRTHS. ADANSOIN-Jan. 19, atl, St, Domingo-grove, Mire. Rilhard Adamson, of a daughter. BAzNn-Jan: 18, as the Parsonage, Roby, the wife of the Rev. G. J ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * No Notice of Uirth, Mlage, or Death can be laserbed mvileas art henloatte b the naoe and addros of the seeder. Tho word aesor aysimfr ?? to the simdle an oemnent of a ?? or dtalt, _ ubject 11Mt paymet as tor an advertleouiers. IER-THS. HElrE-Jan. 6, at 17, Croos-streat, Blirkenead, the wife of Elr. Thomas Hope, of a daughter. KiIDip-Jan. 8, at 62, MiIU-atreet, the wife of Mr. A. W. Kiddle, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? loieo Btb, Moe, ?? bei ued ?? authe tD hr th ane nd o the sender, Tho words 'lro eerdso eV imar addton to thealo annuemtd ol n mslige cr death suble it to ?? t saf, m esEetn. BIRTHS, ElqstiRsoln-Jan. 8, In Ryda-tree2, Eerion, the wile ef Mr. D. hendereon, of a son. RoPRIff-Jan 8, at 88 Thaxamstreet, Windsor, the wirs of Mr. aeorge F. &nopki, Ofa daughter. Liyonus-Jan. 9, at Stbnehouse, near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? No Noties of Ucth, aeage, 'o Deathaan beliuaed Inless antliencloated bw the name and adds of te exdex, The words 'No eard* ee an dimller addition to the simple announcement ot a marriage ow 4eath, subject It to ament aes fore a a dvetement.d BIRTHS. AISSI-Jan. a t 1, Llaooln-strett, the wife of Mr. John Ak In, of a Bon. DAVIo-Jn. 27, In Everton, the wife of Mr. Willlam Davis, of a daughter ...