Advertisements & Notices

... b~i Prhimit C5!0fltrActt r0Ioii lX(o ft, Stroog EcR. I,'rg iii(rai, 124, Bioad 8treet. rn ol '-)'~rdiIcil l~~ Oii - iao, 12, Bril atriit-,ral' I OIAOTblChufltivr &. Ah balg --th Orion s 124,O Briti ltroie t.2~I,~ ~iltilo eal ornoai IS o1ffer r'et squd fre lattIa.i( r. ac1l clorinot Str ict.Ilw avc4l. Ilmla.Ott ftn~ni6 OrllmAR.tiitir l l ilfO/i4 firond titri~~~~~i~~t tie cu ijlit lebalii, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHIBA P P.REPAJ D A DVERTJSE2IIENTS. For consecutive insertions of the classes of ADVERTISEMENTS pavrticulitriscd below, thle followitng ro tile, charges : Two lhoes (nine words to a line) ..0 iDitto TrIee i.Oo rtion's .. I Ditto SIX inlsertiulns. I Three and foul. liiios, Onle .1.. I Ditto PThrec itistrtinit 2 0 Intjt( 8ix insert-ions . 3 ( Thes Uliltges aPPly Osily to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AL at poRTER STORFS, in a lending thoroughfare, for LT, bLLE. I'cie £4S.-Apity_, Mr. S. Clitric 101, New btrtest. cm0 11AGOUN13 Greet Birook Street.. 1),,irableQTavertr, clone to tile ALE ,arad P0 R T12 it4't1,TIIES.' wi th N irtle ILicenase, very Cen tre of .A. tihe town. 100A-tsty tr, New Street. 1 Y0 be SOLD), a good cOAL YARID. Price £9.-Addessea, 155, T~ Dlatly Post. '3 1AN4OVOItTE, jo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !'V he StOLD, a good GIU, nearly niew.-Apply. ostler. Hell Polo T1 Inin, P'erhore Street. c2103 A. gu~orain ur- T trinneSO Dl. t ror light Spring CART, forli- AbO. tnk' or (paearv.trlie i, pluall1 C~lhlnge' Put AxleS. ll~lY~leut.-EninjnoiT. BettlO, Molut ShO~~~t. Lieh, Sprng s.FI ---- r'lh lChsaihtC Xt'-'5,' bi, seel I~ at24o1g T W~l~l 0 Cooeru 8, 0 reat Brook StreCet. TRIAPanid H1ARNESS for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H}1EATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. JT Uniter the management of Mr. M. H, STMtWS0N, JIM. BENEFIT of All. S- EMERY, Patronage of Captain HumphryK and Oflicers of 5thi Hilusars. THIS EVENING iWed'uesday9, Last Night but Three of NO ThOROU.GHFARE.' New rurd elaborate Scencry, supported by LT S. EMERY, slid a, loserful Corrnuary Dsoors open nt 7 p.m. Performance to commence at 7.30. ,HE BIRMINGHAMi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E~rabt%mtu'% ,^bbree¢. . AND W. MORTON, 15, HI Ga STBEET (Bull Ring), LADIES' SUM fER BOOTS .. from 3s, 3 Ditto, elegant Kid, Military Heels (sewn) . .. . 6'a. ad. GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER BOOTS ., , S. Ed. Ditto, ditto (ewnh), stylish ,, 9s. 6d. BOYS' AND GIRLS' IN GREAT VARMIETY. 122 rT1HE ShIOKE NUISANC& ESSRS. IB. HEWENS and SONS' Newly-invented M Patent SMOXE.CONSUMIXG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O TICEB. COUINTRY VISITORS are respectfully informed that LEAD' will terminate, Each Evening at TeN o'Ctoctc, - THEATUER ROYAL, ~BIRMIINGHIAM. LAST FOUR1 NIGHTS OF DIISS BATEMAN. Supported by Mr. T. SWINDOIIR'NE. m 0-N IGT (WEDNESDAY), October 7, ' LEAR. I Csk II.MI'S BArItNAN. To- mi ow laria).EAI Vriday, Ilimelit of Miss Blatemtan, Dean Milotnau' Play of .FA\ZlIG; Oil TlE, ITALIAN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pablc gottCCO. BIRMINGHA.M FINANCIAL COMPANY LIJIITED, OFFICES: F4ATERrLOO STREET, SIRtAIIHGHHM. OAPITAL ]jALF-A.MKLLION EESERVE FUND, £1,000, D EPOSITS received at INTEREST. AP)ANCES made nppon approved Real and Otlher A BeCeratlaes alo, UpOn Baildilieg ill couelo of orectIoiL VAlEB LAWDEN, Chairman. XDWIN GWYTHEIl, DeputyirOrlrsvo HENRY ALLIJTYT, Secretary. 61 THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~1ANTEDt (;terertc SERYANT. B goodl Plains COOk, about 20. W Aniot'lo-r servant k~pt. FOamt1) sinall.-Atcply, Iii, riqtol Rouad. C1io1 ANTED;j RI' Cxyeriencre eneraiB SERVANT. Must b, 11W ood' Plainc (m0 Accy o ~O Hu. elMS6 7ANTED a G~eneral SERcVANT (cotintrY Pcreferred), withl good, chricter -Al-r1lY, Si'. High Street. OiWN. i~TA T]~). c gool ccraljE~tAN'', oat undler 20?; Ooe Rot05- 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BrE BIRMINGHAM CONCERT HALL] T' OLES1J1iLL STRIdAEL PE('PRIMrOi J. JUE]) AN!D CO. (late Mr. ir. HOLDER.) TYNABATED SUCCRESS (IF' T ITE FIRItE le IE N D By Mr. CEIABtLII LAURII tile e,.lvi~ratvd C'lonit, frot Drury LaneI Thvaltri. IA-MICIvv, Hii~ hi. tvtrivaltlvd l illvt Icotla's 'The ell'.5tt vl1 beautiful 8(etwcv 11'a lnt, lvd by lnhltiw N-arlvttg and biian st CASC'ADE of REAL WATI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRURFIELD. - Two well-bullt Gent~eel RESIDENCES for BBALE; each containing two Sibling Roomcs, four Bed Rooms, &O. Not rentals £40. Price £410,, lo anImmeodiate Salo I wanted. 7VXTE~rVE anufcturtl; PRKISE, wit 1.apean Staves, one or three Iota.-Apply upon the Premdsesl. 112 WESTMINSTER ESTATE.-For SALE. Lot 15, 3s. per yard, *fronting Westminster Read (best part).-Apply, 43. Wat~erloo Steet. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Establfshed 20 Yeors at Bennett's Hill. ARTIFICIAL TEETH AND PAINLESS DENTISTRYO AR. ESKELL, SURGEON DENTrST, 39, BANZQEf7S HILL (Two Doors from tbe Top), ARTIFICIAL TEETH, from One to a Eet. combining the latest Improvements, Supplied at 10s. EAOH TOOTH, INCLUDING ALL CHARGES, On Gold Plates and Purest Matertsls, guaranteed. Partilt or complete Sets preportionatelv reduced ir. ptrice, andls ...