... SPORTING INTEbLIGENCE. ANTICIPATIONS OF THIS11 DAY'S RACES. There is every 1riosliCt (if a goest iiiettillg at I lereford, as man:? horses, wili arrive fromn (li clturnllau it, rhoe morning, inl ailltinit to those already in the city. my ooleetionls aie as uinder : Here- ferdohire Stakes, Veini or IIELEAi'.L : Nursery Plate, Dav)LuIlHT Coer or Gliso itMembers' cud Lord Batemant~'s Plate, ...


... *ANTICIPATIONS FOR THIS DAY'S RACES as My selections for this dlay's races are aus follow :-Great Yorh g, shire Stakes, CIIAisswooDn Gimcrack Stakes, ILAnY Mxusovatse 0' filly ; Nursery, BReOTHOER TOD SciussOLe.Tns or FRAORANOE C Saplrig Stakesg, STANDARD Bc~e; jensPlato, HENccEacTA ~, Cup, BIiorsctrse. ~c York, Thursday Night. VERITAS. oil ANTICIPATIONS FOR THIS DAY'S RACES 5, The follewing ...


... ' SHREWSBURY A-UTUMN RACES. PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY fYTHURISDAY). Horses marked thus ('I have arrived. Tue NEsv inOeT GDCoin 1us, value 200 cove, by aSUsbscrstsOll of la, sees each, switli 60 added twos-year-olds oct 110, three Oct 4110, four fist S1b, five., sivi, andi agedfstil: certain pernalties ansi allow mirjes; ossee round uahoitr osse misie andi one ftirlong.) Fiddlea, I 7r, 'Vauban, ...


... RACING FIXTURES. JUNE. Now Forestlunt . 29 1 Alexandlra Park 20 JULY. Jersey . 1 1 llungerfordl 10 I Market Deeping. .20 WVorcesterSummer 2 Pontefract 131 Huntingdon .21 Chelmsford Susir. 2 1 slington .. 13 Nottinghlam Sumr2l Cambridge 2 . Reading . 14 Southampton .. 23 linhgsbiury and Spilsby I. 4i Chesterfield 23 lendlon ..0 King's Lysi . 15 ...


... LEGER PROSPECTS, AND NOTES UPON THE FUTURE. If the Alexandra 'ark speculation did not answer the sanguine expectations of its promoters its a purely racing point of view, the victory gained by Orion over Knight of the Garter drew prominent attention for a tins to tohe Leger- market. In the hIuIsh of his hollow triunipla 2,000 to 100 was taken about the constellation, who travelled onwards ...


... PRtOGLA-MME FOR THIS DAY (FRIDAY). HlsM MAUSToc's3 PLATE. of 100 gc9 three-year-olds gat 1bOl, foar list7fb, two Ost 131b, six and aged VAs; three miles. The LrezroqED VICTUALLICOS' PLATE of 10 s050, addcd toe a Handicap of 5 covs each, Ift; winners extra; winner to be Il, fop 40 salve :five furlongs. The ALIL-AoED SELLING SowFIce of 25 cove, added to a Sweep- stokes of 3 soya each ; two-year ...


... , Yesterday, the annual battalion prizce shooting of the Birlhinghana Rifle Volunteers, was concluded by the CoIn- petition for the Challenge Cap, value G0 guineas, pre- sented by Mr. Dawes. The ranges were S00, 900, and 1,000 yards, SCeven shots at each ; slmall bore rifles There was a goodly number of comiietitors, and the sliootiiig occupied tie greater part of the dlay. Notwithstanding the ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCI WARWICk SPRIG MEETING. lJltewards: Duke of Hamilton, Marqsis of Hastings, Earl of ggrgeilarof Stamford, Earl Poulett. Judge: Mr. J. F. Clark. Thomas MoiGeorge. Clerk of the Course: Mr. S. , e o y _ _ _ _ _ YESTiRiDAY. H leay rain dmdng the nlght,,and up to noon, canused the course ffi tb bo I aky, and -dreadful going ; but fortunately no dsters ocurred in the three ...


... LINCOLN SPRING MEETING. ENT RIEB FOR THE LIN COLN'HIRFE HANDICAP. S penur, 4 yr e Redcap, RIO Specoluw, ai yr ount Palatine, 5 yra Corinne, y yrn Othbllo, 6 yr 3 Sciplo, 4 8r g Artealau, i yrs Beaatallc, 4 yrs Cavalier, 4 yrd C Lr, S Frte Clarice, 4 yr y Snowdrop, 3 yrs Grand Duke, 4 yrs Purveyor, D irs Uiphus, yeRa 'The P'ope, S yre Rabbit Trap, 4 Fro B tue hoel, S yro MiCtletoe, 4 yrn ...


... RACING 14ISTURES. RAY. t PBathi 10 Icroydon First, l~aspgieden ..12 Newark . 211' sltirnoor ..21 Epsom Summer. .26 JUNiE. 5 West Drayton. IIlc~ emny SNwo . 7 n ltcdditchi . ,,assielk ! t mospll . Navestocle 2 I Strsheley .. esctISlniOrl2 Cryo2dSiurner3ir Ascot.. IBisr li) .. =aceter . I3Beverley, llriff,. c.t Stockbridge . Sootlsvell 4Windsor Sulinisiri Alexaraok. ...


... H1UNTING APPOINTMENTS. Tshe WAumsr suesesnsE HOUNDS, at Eleven.-This day, Dec. 22, at Alitford Bridge; Thursday, Dec. 24, at Upton Wood ; Satar- rday, Dec. 2G, at Snitteraeld. 'lhe Nossen WAJi5wVCK55O;SlE HOUXDS, at Eteven.-This day, Dec. 22, at Stoneloigh Abbey; Wednesday, Dec. 23, at ilcekicy 11ouse ; Saturday, Dle. 2d, atTho Boot, Iloiely. Tile WseicEsTE'asissuE HouNts, at a quarter to ...


... (' Vl:i i . NVATE:lW0o(~islx:iAi. -hsnac was played tant Saturday afternoon last, oil the gronrell Of the foneeQr. Coleohill1 first hanidlead thle biat, to tile bowling of Msr i(siodey and WV. 14iidwell, and were di.5poseil of for 51 rum5. Waterloo tloarn went in, anu scored 40 only. III file secollI~ inning~s of Cole.9lillI they seored bulit tinac having exlsired, this Waterloo were unable to ...