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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette



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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... THE time has arrived when the Electors of the United B roughs of Card.ff, C'wbridgc, and Llantrissant must put th .se questions to them- selves: Are we, or are we not. to be repre- sented in Parliament ? Are we to have a mem- her of hiu h character, able and willing to speak on the current qu stions of the time, to watch our interests and defend them when assailed, and to forward those ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR, —A letter has just appeared in the newspapers from Mr. G. T. Clark, in which there is a sentence which requires correction, inasmuch as it reflects un- justly on Mr. Fothergill with reference to the question of Education. The statement is as follows: Mr. Fothergii!, being a large employer of workmen, has always dec ined to promote education, and has thus ...


... Complaints having reached us that a difficulty is some- times experienced, in the outlying districts, in pro- curing copies of THE CARDIFF AND MERTHYR GUARDIAN, we beg to inform our friends and the public generally, that copies of the paper can be had punctually direct from the Office on the following terms Unstamped copies, 2s. 2d. per quarter, or 8s. 8d. per annum Stamped „ 3s. 3d. „ 138.0d. ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—Mr. Tilly's letter in your contemporary the Daily Leader would surprise me, only that I know the shameless manner in which Liberation Society advo- cates can reiterate untruths. It appears that when Mr. Bardsley and myself are present, he can keep out of our reach, but can be very bold when we are at a distance. When at Cardiff, the united testimony ot all ...

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... PRINCESS LOUISE.—On the occasion of her birth- day this week Princess Louise was serenaded at Windsor Castle by the choristers of George's Chapel. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION.—The Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have issued their Minute of the 2lst December, 1867, establishing Scholar- ships and Exhibitions for the encouragement of Scien- tific Instruction, with an explanatory ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE OUABDIAK. SIR,—As a layman, and an attached member of the Church of England, I shall be glad to avail myself of your influential and widely-read columns to refer to a few points in the controversy which has been carried on for several weeks about the proceedings of the Church Choral Association. To be brief, I will observe that it is clear from the case presented by the ...


... THE IRISH CHURCH-THE ELECTIONS. WE should be inclined to apologise to our readers for again adverting to the question of the Irish Church, were it not obvious that it is still the vital question of the hour, and that some months must elapse before it subsides into a matter of secondary importance. Through- out the United Kingdom, in November next, 44 Church and State will doubtless be the ...

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... ACCIDENT AT WESTON-SUPER-.MARE.-On Wed- nesday evening, as Mr. Henry Davies, of Weston-super- Mare, was returning in his carriage, accompanied by his man servant, an accident of a somewhat serious charac- ter befell him. It appears that as he was passing near Phillips's Royal Potteries, some men who had been out shooting discharged a gun close by the road. The horse took fright and bolted at a ...


... AOCO UCHMMEKT OF THE PRINGESS WALES. At 4.25 on the morning of the 6th instant, the Princess of Wales was safely delivered of a daughter, and every loyal subject will be gratified at the an- nouncement in the bulletin that her Royal Highness and the infant princess are going on perfectly well. Telegrams were at once despatched to her Majesty, at Windsor, to the King and Queen of Denmark, and ...

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... THE ACCIDENT TO THE MAIL TRAIN.—The in- quiry was resumed on Tuesday, and continued on Wed- nesday, but no result had come to hand at the time of our going to press. THE ORDER OF ST. PATRICK.—There is a rumour that the Order of Patrick, vacant by the death of Lord Farnham, will be conferred upon either the Karl of Mayo or the Karl of Longford. LORD RODEN.—We are happy to announce that highly ...

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... CHESTER CATHEDRAL.—A canon residentiary in Chester Cathedral becomes vacant by the preferment of the Rev. Dr. Hugh M'Neile to the Deanery of Ripon. It is worth £500, and is in the gift of the Bishop of Chester. THE BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS.—Lord Auck- land, Bishop of Bath and Wells, has, in consequence of continued ill health, devolved the work of his diocese upon the Right Rev. Bishop ...

IGlamorganshire County Roads Board

... Glamorganshire County Roads Board. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be holden at Swansea, for the said County, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of April, 1868, the Justices then and there present will, at Half-past Twelve o'clock at Noon, pro- ceed to the ELECTION of a MEMBER of the COUNTY ROADS BOARD, in the room of William Perkins, Esquire. Dated the ...