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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS. At 16 Woodside Terrace, on the 8l.t ultitn,), thb wife of Thomas Hannny, Esq.; a son. At 1 Granby Terrace, Hillhead, on the ;;lst' ult., AIrs W. H. Lyle; a son. At 86 Hospital Street, on the 31st alt., NMrs .Jvhn- Hetherington; a daughter. At 327.ialmarnock Road, an the s1st ultim%, MUr Archibald B. S5peirs; a Son. At 85 South Wellington Street, onr the 30th ultd, MA-rs . A. M'Lean; a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 29 Regent Parn Square, on the 1st instant, Mmr John B. &uthrie; a Son. At 10 Allanton Terrace, on the 1st instant, Mrs Walter M'IUim, jun.; a son. At 14 Gloucester Street, on the 31st ubinmo, Mrs Wm. Rose spirit merchant; a son. At 11 West Prince's Street, on the 30th ulthiud, Hirs Biclid. Moses; a daughter. At 40 Brown Street, on the 30th ult., Mrs George Phillips; a eon. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Pollokshields, on the 2d inataMt4 Mrs Gecrge Farquhar a son, - At 07Ring'sPark Plane, Greechlead, on the 2d inst., Mrs John Grant; a eon At 30 St Vincent Crescent, on the 2d inst,, Mrs A. Clark a daughter. At 274 bath Crescent, on the 2d'iinmb., the wife of Win. Guthrie, Esq%; a son. At 126 North 1Frederick Street, oa the 2d inst., Mrs Wm. Paris, jun.; a daughter. At Ardeer House, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 38 Bellgrove Street, on the 3d instant, Mm Thomas Newton; a son. At 10 Burnbank Terrace, on the 3d instant, Mrs David M'CaUl; a daughter. At Taylor Street, on the 2d instant, Mrs John Crookston; a daughter. At Brinscall Hall, Chorley, Lancashire, on the 2d instant, the wife of William C. Wood, Esq.; a son. At 137 Princeds Street, Edinburgh, on the 2d inst., the wife of Andrew ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 75 Bath Street, on the 5th instant, the wife of Robert Grieve, surgeon; a daughter. At 69 St Vincent Crescent, on the 5th inst., Mrs Roy ; a daughter. At I Victoria Terrace, Dowanhill, on the 5th inst., the wife of James Whyte, Esq.; a daughter. At 4 Linden Terrace Pollokshields, on the 5th instant, Mrs Robert M'flean; a daughter. At 10 Clyde Street, Anderston, on the 4th instant, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 402 Pariamentary Road, on the Gth instant, Mrs George Middleton; a daughter. At Threeneuk, Cambuslang, on the 6th instant1 Mrs Williamson; a son. At 220 Dumbarton Road, Mrs F. Kerr; a son. At 12 Hfllhead P1ace, Hlillhead, on the 5th inst., Birs Robert H. Craig; a Eon, At 10,3 Greenhead Street, on the 5th ?? GCeorge Laird; a son. At Duncan Street House, Nowington, Edinburgh, on the ...

BIRTHS At- Brighton

... Terrace, Covan, on thei7th instanl, Mrs John Park; a duughter. At Richmoud Via, Motunt Ven utn ; onithe-7 hM inst., Mrs;Andrew Ritchie; a so;. At 97 Taylor Street on the 5th inst., Mrsl David Kilgour ; a soIn. At 1 Corunna Street. on the 4th inst., Mrs John S. Wilson; a daughter. At Kincardine-on-Fortb, on the 4th.instan%, the, wife of Robt Johnston grocer; a son. At 18 Westbourne 'lerrace ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGE4 The following is the Registrar-General's retun births, deaths, and marriages in the eight plci3jpal towns of Scotland, for the week ending ,sttmrdsy January 4:- d a Ternpezaur M TOwNS. g Temg - --aEC 2i RZ;,3Eigh-| low. aun,4ret eat I eat . 144 GlaxleW ?? 355 230 342 40,0 22.5 3224 ?? . 152 . 78 1 I - _ fltnnlee . ,0 49 113 430 230 34 05 Aberdeen . 6 34 45 4B1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At I Granby Terrace, on the 8th instant, Mrs Jamb- OA-Dhel, *ia son. At Eden Cottage Pollokshields, on the 8th inst,, Mrs David Manwell; a daughter-still-born. At 35 Pollok Street, on the 7th instant, Mrs Hugh Ross ; ae on, At High Grove -Villa, Gloucester, on the 6th inst,, Mrs Robert Adams; a son. At Haddingsaton House, Holyrood Street, Edin. burgh, on the 5th instant, Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *BIRTHS. At 14 RPose Strcet, on the 9th inst., Mrs Andrew Picken; twin daughte N. AtX7 Arlington Street, on the 9th instaut, Mrs WVm. Murray; a daughter. . At 7 Proalwide, on thle 4th instanlt. Mrs Peter Steven; st o0. At 421 St Vincent St:eet, on the Qt4 instant, Mrs Rtobert Philp; a daughter. At 3 0 8t Vincent Street, on the 9th instant, Mrs James B. Waugh; a daughter. At 21 Caledonia Road, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 2 DXiddleton Terrace, on the 10th instant, tho- wife of Mr S. F. Scott, a daighter., At 3 Arnfield Terrace, Particek, on the 10th inath. Mrs Andrew Walker; a son. At 546 Gallowgete, ontlie 9th instant, Mrs Johbn Cowan; a daughter. At 9Q Houston Street, on the 9th instant, .Mm John Jas., Gow; a son. At East Park, Maryhill, on the 'Rh instant, Mx3 John Sha; * a son. At 2 Soutl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ROYAL MIAVRIAGE IN PERSIA. A letter from Tanis, of the 12th November, in the lfvditeur, gives somno details of tho marriage of his Highness 'Mosaffer Eddin Mlirza, heir to the throne of Persia:- The Prince is onty 10 years old, and the Princess of the same age. She is his cousin, being a daughter of the sister of the King and of Mirza Ilaghi Mian, better known as the Emir Nizanm, formerly ...