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UARRIAGES. -. to tef

... ~ Ohilo evUin'aftdilrR - .b.. Chai rch cuti ofA r Hol Vmsin tboXRu1 laors. I .O Ind .iver, ld tluouis.Slo Mort P .~ s ila rw riaFrpOhr.,' j the Vs jh ?? aoa;tdgherofh Vlate Of 50314- , y heRev. Broolee H.S t dt Zati~mO CliM; IZZA B to BOtb^P seoa dau liter of the lae Mr. d T. 9t BISPlASDAuWYMS.,On the 4th hint., at bthe Paish nht!~bj!%.h of M&uu~t-' , by the Rev. E. ookey Theomad% Ed90ruPon o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 3;st ilt., at Golden iH 11, Lcyland, Ithc wife of T. M. Shuttlovr01th, Fsq., of a soIl. MARRIAGES On the 3rd int., at thle Parishi Clienc, Preston, M-. Ediwaid Spigbt to 51iss Janje Titteriogton; Mr. Thonas S.wift to Tis. Ann iolt; MrTl E(lward Norl., to Mliss Margaret Flititoff; Ir.l: Janimes Cbidicik to Miss Jan1 ooicldiison ; Mr. Joseh Orr to M'iss Mlarg.ret Knight; Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIA.GES. On the 18th instant, at thle Paelsh Chrurchi, Preston, M ji JaRms Ra1ynrc to MiSS Margaret Riley. On the 19th instant, at thc Paslsh Church, Preston, Mr. Thomas Joh nson to Miss Ellen Astley. On thoo 19th instant, at tilhe Paris Church, Preston, Mr. Thomas Goodwin to Miss Elizabeth ThoriMrvy. On the 21st instant, at St. Thoras's Church, Preston, by the Rev. J. P. Shepperd, lILA., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MLARRIAG('ES. On the 2Stb ultinm(, at ilte Prllish Clnurch, by the Rev. J. Eclerslcy, Williatm, soll of thle late Mv. Wlilliam Harrison, cf Blckpool, to Jaune, onily dailughtcr of MIr. John Sxwirbrick, of this ?? On thoe 2;th ultimno, at the Parish Church, Air. Adalni Mieek to Aliss Ann Aspden , Mr. Watson Powvell to Mlis, Janc 'illi- brand ;Mr. H ugh (Garstaiig to Miss Elizabeth Morris; Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAIRUG93I. Rev. ?? the MIt Wit., at the Cathcdrat Ubyli Mr. Edward To-John Bwneroft to AMn daughiiez a B WR~i '1OZOU a,1 of the city.I port, by the ithe 2fth Wit., at the Hiligeto Chaplel. Stoak, ter, to hmis %Ar.Joiuaih Dent, Mr. William Bwsrtt, of U311nch1.. Bfl&Dy--Gmz mI f C~headle. th Laby kth0S-V!Myl7 A aev St.SM.Jae n~ SehnsGreen of Dublin weM.Jme d.o Gren f ldukad71 't-Eia.thr duhter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IDEAH OF THE ARCOHBISor OCNTRR| I EATH OF CANERBUI The Right Rev. Dr. Longley, archbishop of Canterboury died on Tuesday at Addington pdace na Croydo. The London Gucardiana of Wednesday, saYS :-We~ deely rqmte to a nounce that the good old Archbishop of CainterbN died on Tuesday evening, at twenty.five nmnutes to twelve His grace was seized almost suddenly with bronohitie, on the 13th of ...

%* funded an ls B DV

... o 80Yoe et Birtb, 1l& e, C 0 Hunts s beirhns, UDy autboeaiaoteog b l the ndme ad addoa of th9 eooDs,. IAe PoGa no Cburdeb rsa Hlgher addlnmef to tbwie of M nno rudemell of a dagrhte ort :S ?? ?? tiois . BIRTHS. DlC b!LR -Aptll 17, at Clyde teonee, BritonMbIll, Surrey, the ife of George Dl undell, E.q, ot a son. BLEDU LS-Apiil 16, In Caureb rosd, H12her Tmnaote, the wife of Mr . L F Blundelll, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... % No Notte ot Blrth, Mariaga, or D cath ean be inserted E 11nloa8 ?? by the name and addresso' the .q dor. TU e words 'No ards, o any simltar ddiiin b s, the oimple anoonnoement of a marriage or dertb, ,riblot It te payment as for An advertisement. h BIRTHS. BATC1en7.Of-Feb. 8, at 103, Falkntr-street, the wife of I Mr. William Batchelor, of a daughter. BRATIr-Fob. 2, at 1, Perth-street, West ...

No Neiceof BOrt Ma

... ge, or Deh an bo In lte nnless nautenticated by the nme and addresof the sender. Thewords 1O a n simma t3 to the simple announcement of a mariag orde subseot It to pegment ns for an advertisement. BIRTHS. Dmy -Sept. 17, 'at Clifton. House, Elm Park, the wift otf Wilam C. Deeley, Esq., of a son. DIAXoND-Sept. 17 at 62, 1Prenton-lane, Higher Tran. mere, the w, eofir. William Diamond, of anon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF BARON DE ROTHSCHILD. The funeral of Bar-m James de Rtothschild took place at Par;s on Wednesday. It was, by his express desire, as plain as it could he; but the crowld whi(lh followed the corte, reached in one uinbroken stream from the Ruo Latfitte to Pbre-la- Chaise, If any proof was needed of the great charity of the deceased baron, it was given by the vrowd of poor .Jews who ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? No Notloe of Birth, Marwriaso, or Death can be inserted Aix msloaa authentlaedti bj the Damae and addresr oS ?? sexsdar. Tho wordo NIo cards, or any siilar addition to the simuple aunounnaentn of a marrae or death, lU} sub loot It, topayment as for anf advrtisemesnt. Owv Ca BIRTHS. He i ttuJN-Nov. 20, at 8outhport, the wie of the Rev. An SEamnder TAshv.wor, oi a daughter. AWet ?? 24, at 1, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .' No Netlee of Birth, Marriege, or Death can be Inserted unlesa authentcated by the namo and addrse of the sender. The words INo cards,' or any senlia addition to tho pimsla fnnouncement of a marriage or deatb, mublect It to payment ae for an advertiseonent BIRTHS. ArPE1rosI-Tuly 1T lu Loyal-streot, Everton, the wife of Mr. IHenry Appeiton, of a son. BRLL-July 1, at C0, Stanley-road, tho ...