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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . No Nooje (of Bfrth Marriage. or Deah esn rth d unless authetcate b the namu and ad ofthe sender. Thewrrnsd &oords,' ?? to the simple noujosmen ofao relat or deaic, subject dt to a enta for . BIRTHS. BRMq D5o. 29, t 10, Great Oharlotte-street, the wife of Mr. 9las Beedict, of a daughter. EAVES-Deo 28, at 81, William Henry-street, the wife of Mr. David Eaves, of a daughter. ENiON-Dec. 80, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N111~ho Ftarliam nod picatho. N. No Notlee of Birthb. Mr , or Death can be nserted unless alitheitiated th nam and address of tbs sonder. The words o cardis, or any almilar addition to the simple sanouncemaent of a marriage or death, subjoct It to payment as for an advertlsoueent. BIRTHS. GLYNX- May 81, in Sanlown Park, Wavortree, Mrm. Dashpor E. 6ilyn, of a daughter. ItAMsALg-Juino I, it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nduo, gatrdame, 4114 RS V* No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be inserted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The words No cards, or any similar addition to the simple announcement of a warrlage or death, subieot it to payment as for an advertisemenrt. BIRTHS. ADAM-Sept. 27, at 45, Victorla-road, Tuebrook, Mrs, R. Adam, late of Glasgow, of twins--on and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L Nidut wniardayoi and peatto. § N~o Notice of BItrth. Mariae, or Death can to insartcc o sinless aiutbeotieated bv the nameO aned address of thc sender. PThe words No cardsn or ny cimilar addition to the simpte a ?? of a marriage or deatil. nbilectit to payment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. t BAmLOw-8eiit 30, ai, Chiroh-road, Walton, the vifo of Mr. Josiah Barlowof f a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... **1* No Hotlee of hsli Manbtae, or IDeath can be 5s tued unles authenicaed ly tbe name nd addW b Q sender. The wod ao erdS, or any scilar addltb te the'nsimrle ?? af a msna4 oresb subject it to payment as for au adver~tleslezS BIRTHS. BAT,--a V 22, At the Stanley Hotel, Hoyliikoi the afe oi Mfr. YWiliEam l1, of a daughter. BA JUi~e 8, the wifa of Mr hass BamIbdl A Wllbrabam plinCe, Scotland ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Y o Noticc of Birth, Marr1iage, or Dcath can be lnserted .l by tI e ae and addre55 of the ecnder. Te ?? cards, or any sinrlar additdon to the eimplo announcement of a nmariage or deatb, subiect It to paymenM rfor an nalverttssmeott BIRTHS. ADBISON-Oct. 4, at 21, rarron-street, thi wilo of Mr. William Addison, of a Ron. FoULiEe--Oct. C, at 12, Cilfton-road, lirkenhead, the wife of Sir. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE WATER ENGINEER. The interment of the remains of Mr. Thomas Duncan, late water engineer of this borough, whose death at Leamington we announced a few days since, took place yesterday afternoon in the Smithdown-lane Cemetery, in the presence of a very numerous assemblage of sorrowing friends, who by this last sad act testified their respect for the memory of the deceased and the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ,4rttl, Varriwoef, and Patio.. NoNotice of Birti, Marriage, or Death can be Insertel iilcless authenticated bY ?? name an(I adlraem of the Reader. The wort vo carels, or any 91milar adliltioc to the siniplo announeemnt of.a marriage or death, Sibjecet it to payment flat for ias adcertisement. }311tells. ANwrfsoN-JuIy 31, nt 14, Richmond-lgrove, Qteen'ls. roac, I ertio, the w ife .1f 3r. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iiJflI~)gt, au4 ¢0ath0. % . ho Notcle of 0hth, M or Deat sa be nsred nlesbe a uttlosted br the na and addr 1 the nODwS Thevwad Ko oad,t a any imilaradton to the dmple a.nonnoet Ot a m rige ewt subject it to, pnen as for n advereent BIRTHS. HAWIlr-Ieb. 2, In MilI-row, Wellngton.road, Waver- tree, the wife of Mr. Benjamin Hewitt, of a son. HYDsoJan. BO, the wife of Walter Hyde, Esq., Edgeley ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 3rd instant, at East Cliffe, Preston, the wife of Charles Fryer, of a Lon. On the 2nd. instant, at Grin isargh House, near Preston, the wife of Jerald T. Tuuly, Esq., of a son. MARRIAGES On the 2nd i£stant, at St. Oswald's Church, Old Swan, by the Rev. Richard Bolden, Charles Frederick Finuey, Esq, Elm Vale, Fairfield, near Liverpool, to HarrietRhoda, youngest daughter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 18AesnAWZ.-C ?? the 16511 lest,, at SUOlfod PrIOMs War. wickshlre, 0y the Rev. S., Garrard, viaand unele of the bride,. aesieted by' thc itev. A. A. Bagohawe, incumbent of Worrnhll. Der. 17L&,e o Rev. Alfred Drake Bagahawre, M.A., of Shirland Res- tolv. ?? she same county, to Frances Murgaet. younger dausghter of the l at'3gev. S. Garrard, late vicar of Belfordi PxIore. ~A~t~ -asrrr.-o te 2nd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE MARIQUIS 0OF HASTINTGS. The Marquis of Hastings died at his residence, Grosvenor Square, London, at twenty minutes to one o'olook onTe- 'dy afternoon. The deceased peer, Henry Weysford Charles Plantagenet Rawdon.Hastlnge, fourth Marquis of Hastingsv was the second son of the second maxquis by the Baroneas Grey de Rutbyn. He was born In 1842, 50 that be wastconly 26 lears of age. ...