Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUMERAL OF THE REV. J. YATES, B,D. The funeral of the Rev. J. Yates, B.D., late Rector of Swanscombe, and formerly Mathematical Master at the 'Grammar School in this town, took place yesterday, at Aston 0huroh. The remains of the deo0asod gentlaman were conveyed from Swanscombe to London, and were brought by rarU on Thursday night to Birmingham, At the ceremony yesterday, the Rev. Hyla Rope ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IDEATH OF MR. ALDERMAN COPELAND. Intelligence reached Stoke-on-Trout yesterday morning- oif the death of Mr. Alderman Copelanid, at Russell Farm, Watford, oni Sunday evening. 'ihe deceased gentleman ,was taken suddenly ill at at party, about at fortnight ago, and from that lie never rallied. He lias 1eassed away ait the riple age of 71, leaving, a blank inl thle civic lifea of London, aiid in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. The charge for the insertion of announcements of Births is 2s 6d each. Announcements of Marriages and Deaths, properly authenticated, are inserted gratuitously, except, where special intimations, such as No cards, or Friends will please accept this notice, are added, in which case the charge will be 2s 6d each. MARRTA GES. October 6th, at St. Botolpl's, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *. No Notlee of BirmL Mspg, or Death ant be linrted unlo antbentfosateO bh Uame and axai Wo of the eAoder. addirorX oeardaorydae ition lo tle elmele nuommeuient of n ?? or deatb. sublect is to nagment ar for an advEomoauslt, BIBTHS. BU-RitouGHS-March 6, at 2, Town.row, West Derby, the wife of Mr. James Burroughs, of a son. CAnurT-MAsrOh 81, In Hornby-road, Walton, the wife of 31r. Robert ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... F , w ?lt2gSaB §#tbS. *f,* Noloeof mi a w Dath 6a be iat l. ?? the n ame ad drso2 the iender. The words b o rds. orw any sfmilas dditina to The pl announment o o ma e a deth subet th to naument - o an 6 sb=z nent, .. BUITHS. BsAGIIAM-In. 1iat l0o Dele-street, tbo wfle of Mr. Joseph BoanaD, of a son. ChAPfTRf-Jtan 10 at 11, Foley-street, Efrkdale, the wife of Mr. hip iarpenter, of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death canl blie srted tunlose authenticated bI the name and address of the sender. Tho words No esrde, or any ahnieur addition to till iimple announcerment of a Panrrisge or death, miuijeet. it to pluienat as for sa asedyrtiseeient. BIRTHS. x' Sone witless looby sent to our office All anuoinice- Ineut of the birth of a daughter to Mr. Jesse Leeson, . o4, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lt0~~ mXIe* a4 §*atb . t ?? vlfC'- S oath.J Minot to !int u Iw¢% eL*0 EmTimB. Citl T' b 0 X =iW Ift 1B. TIX.. . f - T-?Matsewh t7.t 25, Tb Etnb Prnc Park, 3lr& C:burlea Tptlos Ua3Do, of a Covigtej.:, C0lDoB-MUee 28, at 20i 8fckville-utrestk Besto, the 1 wil ot Mr. JopAh 0onnbr; of a 4aughter. OmDEN-GMarch, 24, at 10. llnove6stterae, 1qaont's- park Ltk:oodonthe wife of She 1o, A. F. urveD, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !1rot ?? 3r4 seatus. ?? EoMot e otaldb, aulae, Moahembenold ,nisre sutheailceied the mam' and addresseo the sander. The wrds' oc0aU, 5ait dul ?? to the simple announoement of a mudse or Ao, subject It to Wanmen to as ?? BMUTHS. A1110oI'-Aptll 19, In Bronughto-terrace, Crews, Me wife of Thonas Ashcroft, Beq., of twin daughtbe CnAwroRD-April 18, at to Poplar-strest, Everbin, the wife of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... %1 No Notfico of Birth, Afarriage, or Death cau 1b0 lnllOrte~ I rinlesis authenticated by the riani and addr1ess of tbh sesider. The worde No cards,'' or any nimilar addiltto, to thle ?? plo aunollncceneft of a mnarriage or death subject It to paynment aa for ant advortieeniont. BIRTHS. I3INOTIAM Noy. 20, ait Palm GTrove, Claiightio, the wife of Air. William Ilingliani, Of IL doelghter. CocmS ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A JAPANESEFUNER7 I The corresondent of the New an account o a funeral he - nd r S Bi E in Hiogo:- ?? wvr Eoles ornament ed a group of e *banereco - with long streamtes dg , tory of te deaI.Nex cia - dooitlt P ,eas with shaven heads, andev offerings to the deities. Tv.-oof th'andJ 1 n which, at a signal from a Silver-ton would strike as if to drive awayevil flt After these was the corpse, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~hih0,1 irizzye0, ?? glteatk1. § No Notico of Brth, Milarrtago, or Doath can bo Inserted unlesda uthenticated by the 05105 and ?? ot the aender. The word No eIr.s,. or any Nlimiar naddition to the simple anoullemrnent of a marriage or death, subject it to payment as for anu advortiement, BIRTHS. DAVIMS-Auegnst 7, at fia, Menzies-strnot, the who of Mr. T. H. Davies, of a daughter. EVAe -August ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? NIo Notte of Birth, K-Ist Or De -.adb) 'nsetthe sender. Th od ad, mry aimilar addition to the sinple Snoun eslt of a masrdsge or death, subject it to lamnt as for n advertisement. BIRTHS. ADLAnI5-June 6, the wife of Mr. William Adlard, jun., le, Heyworth-strect, of a daughter. Dixo.-Jnlo 4, at Thomton Lodge, Little Button, the wife of W. H. Dixon, Bsq., of a daughter. :3DINARDo-Juno 6, the ...