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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... APPRENTICES WANTED to the Straw Bonnet Making and Millinery.—Apply to Mrs. HANXER, .31, Wellington Street, Merthyr. Established Twelve Years. 1H1 WANTED as HOUSEKEEPERS (man and wife to a Single Gentleman, at Cefn. House, i coals, light, and other perquisites in lieu of wages.—Apply ] TELEGRAPH Office, Merthyr. 1127 NOTICE. I IF the Wife, of David .Tone. who applied for a ( situation last week ...


... m. H. W. HARRIS'S SALES. MR. H. W. HARRIS, 1 AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENT, BEGS to inform the Public that all matters entrusted to his care will be punctually and carefully attended to. Rents collected. Fire and Life Policies effected on advantageous terms. Railway and other Shares Bought and Sold, and the daily prices obtained on application. Offices 140, HION ...


... ItiR. II. W. HARRIS'S SALES. MR. H. W. HARRIS, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENT, BECTR t» inform IHO PUBLIC that all matters entrusted to his care '.rill be punctually and carefully attenrled to. Rents collected. Fire and Life Policies effected on advantageous terms. Railway and other Shares Bought and Sold, and the daily prices obtained ...


... ^MR. H, V. IAITOS SALES. MR. H. W. HARRIS, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENEH^Vfe AGENT, BEGS to inform the Snblk that all matters entrusted to his cam pnnotually and carefully S1 t0- Rents eefeqie,}. Five and Life Policies effected on advantageousferaia. and the aaily prices obtained oi; .^mfi cot-ion. Offices :-140, Hioa Stiff &r, JITR TYDFIL. 1022 TO GENTLEMEN, AND OTHERS. MR. ...


... ABERDARE CATTLE AND PIG FAIRS, ALTERATION OF SITE. THE Local Board of Health for the District of Aberdare hereby f;ive NOTICE that, from and after this date, the Fairs fnr Horses, Cattle, and Pigs, will ùe held IN DUKE STREET AND MARKET STREET, In tire said district, instead of the Gadlvs-road, High- and Canon-street, as heretofore. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1868. By order of the Board, ...


... PONTYPRIDD UNION. SCHOOLMISTRESS WANTED. THE GUARDIANS of this Union an desiron: of receiving Applications for the appointment of SCHOOLMISTRESS at their Union AVorkhotue. The Salary will be per annum or such higher sun as may be awarded by the Poor Law Board on the repor of the School Inspector], with board, washing, and lodging in the Workhouse. Applications of Candidates, together with ...


... HARRIS'S SALES. MR. H. W. HARRIS, AUCTIONEER APPRAISER, HOUSE, B Jibx ATE, AND GENERAL AGENT, GS t» inform the Public that all matters Mteudp^f LnStM *° ^i8 care punctually and carcfully Q.fectpH R«nts collected. 'Fire and Life Policies RaiW a(Jjantageous terms. daily nrin *v °*her Shares Bought and Sold, and the •ffice^ ^Uincd on application. —:—1*0. I'linn STREET. MERTHYR TYDFIL. 1718 NOTICE ...


... MONDAY, Dec. 21, is the LAST DAY for TICKETS. 1868.— EIGHTEENTH SEASON.—1868. ) ART UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN. ONE SHILLING PER SHARE. 1,i>i:J.89fj Tickets have been sold In the seventeen pre- vious drawings, and 18,852 PRIZES distributed, including 4,454 Paintings, in amount varying from 200 guineas downwards, being One Prize in each 83 Tickets. The DRAWING for PRIZES will take place ON ...


... TROEDYRHIW BRITISH SCHOOL.The report of the ex- animation' of this school, by J. Bowstead, Esq.. H.M Inspector, lus just been received from the Council Office, London, and is highly satisfactory to all who are concerned. The report reads thus This school, which was re-opened by Mr. Houlson less than six months ago. has been very carefully instructed in elementary subjects, and has: passed au ...


... WANTED. WANTED, in r. small Private Family, a HOLS 12 MAID, who understands her duties; of unexceptional character and willing to make herself generally useful.—Apalv at the Telsxiitu'ii Otrice, I Merthyr. INCREASE YOUR INCOME. WANTED, bv thc~PHUI)ENT UNITED AKSCRANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, an ACTIVE AGENT for their Industrial Department, ill every town through North and South Wales. Very good ...