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... THE NEW BISHOP FOR NATAL.—It is understood that Dr. Grey, the Metropolitan of South Africa, will leave England in the course of a few days, being accom- panied by the Rev. W. K. Alacrorie, M.A., incumbent of Accrington, and that as soon as possible after their arrival at Cape Town Mr. Macrorie will be consecrated for the diocese of Natal. The Bishop nominate is well known in London, having ...


... We have been requested to give insertioB to the annexed correspondence: St. Peter's, Roath, 29th July, 1868. Dear Sir,-In the leading article of this day's Daily Leader, headed The Bute Trust and the Cardiff Election, I see some sentences in which (I suppose from not having taken a verbatim report of my speech) the writer represents incorrectly what I said at the Catholic meeting, on Monday ...

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... ACCIDENT AT WESTON-SUPER-.MARE.-On Wed- nesday evening, as Mr. Henry Davies, of Weston-super- Mare, was returning in his carriage, accompanied by his man servant, an accident of a somewhat serious charac- ter befell him. It appears that as he was passing near Phillips's Royal Potteries, some men who had been out shooting discharged a gun close by the road. The horse took fright and bolted at a ...


... THE Sebastopol Trophy—the Great Gun of Cardiff-is to be taken away It stands where it should never have been placed, and was a centre, not of attraction, but of dust and mud, garbage and other unsightly things. Neglected and despised, this Exile of Russia had a forlorn appearance, and to each passer-by seemed to say— To what base uses may not even great guns come The destitute cannon would ...

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... TOILET GEM.—Mrs. S. A. Allen's favourite hair re- storer. and a delightful hair dressing the old and young are alike benefited, gray and faded hair is quickly change I to its youthful colour, and that beautiful gloss and lIaturallite colour given ,to it. A luxuriant full head of hair is desired by every one. In these days, when so much false hair is worn, who wouldl not cultivate a natural ...


... ACCIDENTS IN COAL MINES. The Home Secretary, in answering the question of Mr. Greene a few days ago in the House of Commons, as to the intentions of the Government with respect to the report of the Committee on Coal Mines, spoke as follows: With regard to the very important SUBJECT in which the hon. member for Bury St. Edmund's has taken such an interest, I can assure the Housethatit has ...

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... PRINCESS LOUISE.—On the occasion of her birth- day this week Princess Louise was serenaded at Windsor Castle by the choristers of George's Chapel. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION.—The Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have issued their Minute of the 2lst December, 1867, establishing Scholar- ships and Exhibitions for the encouragement of Scien- tific Instruction, with an explanatory ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE OUABDIAK. SIR,—As a layman, and an attached member of the Church of England, I shall be glad to avail myself of your influential and widely-read columns to refer to a few points in the controversy which has been carried on for several weeks about the proceedings of the Church Choral Association. To be brief, I will observe that it is clear from the case presented by the ...


... AOCO UCHMMEKT OF THE PRINGESS WALES. At 4.25 on the morning of the 6th instant, the Princess of Wales was safely delivered of a daughter, and every loyal subject will be gratified at the an- nouncement in the bulletin that her Royal Highness and the infant princess are going on perfectly well. Telegrams were at once despatched to her Majesty, at Windsor, to the King and Queen of Denmark, and ...

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... SIGNS OF WINTER.—The mountains in the Lake district, and those in the immediate vicinity of Kendal, were covered on Saturday morning with a thick coat- ing of snow, which is the first that has been seen in that locality this season. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE BY A PRIEST.—An extraordinary attempt at suicide was made at the Hotel-des-Invalides. A priest, aged about 50, was visiting the tomb of Na- ...

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... Mr. William Ody Hare, one of the oldest and best- known of Bristol citizens, died at his residence in that city on Saturday night. ADVICE TO MOTHERS.—Are you broken of your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth ? Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately it is perfectly harmless; it pro- duces ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR, —A letter has just appeared in the newspapers from Mr. G. T. Clark, in which there is a sentence which requires correction, inasmuch as it reflects un- justly on Mr. Fothergill with reference to the question of Education. The statement is as follows: Mr. Fothergii!, being a large employer of workmen, has always dec ined to promote education, and has thus ...