Advertisements & Notices

... Public Amuoemeto. N O TIC E. MISS BATIEMIAN- In conscilenco of tho grcat over- flow to all parts. of the Ilorle, Iola thle anxiety of tle iOi'~libt to wit ness Mirs Itateinan's grect itproainof LE'AH, Mr. .Slipsoln tOer~ to announce Its R,.petitiois EIVERY EVENING durcing tie, '%VciI. P1IEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. TUN UER THEMANAOFikI ONT Or M lIt. MERCEnR IL. SIMIV'I1ON E~NGAGEMENT FOR TEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vubtic $Iohuul BUmMINAm FINANCIAL CoMPANY LI M I T E D. ifAr/TERLOC .STREt £IIIlsNGHAM.fiZ CAPITAL nALFA.MILLIONc RESERVE FUN'D, £12,000. DEPOSITS received at INTEREST. DV'A.NOES mado UpOIl approved Real and Othor A Sfecitieg so, talso. Buiiditces io coursof erectio. CALEB LAWDEN, Chalirman. EDWIN GWYTHEII, Dopnty.Chalraman. eUsoaY AL3LBUTT, Secretary. C2 VRlE METROPOLITAN RAILWAY CARRIAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION SALES * CARRIAGES. M R. N, EASTON will SELL by AUCTION, In lMlL at the George Hotel, Hull, on TUESDAY next, at Twelve prompt, SEVP ERA L EXCELLENT VEHTIOLR. :149 OWTHORN. Of FALUABLY TYTRE RENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, hel by bMr. NA'UTHANIEL EASTON, at the George Or Hotel, Whitefriar;ate, Hull, on TUESDAY, the Se- hei cond day of June, 1868, at Two o'clock in the after- up noon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURES AN V C0O MO ItT F 0l' , THE BED-. RIDDEN, BY V 11 L L OW AY'S IN T M E NT. This wouderlt Jintment acts like magic in reliev- ing and curina old sores, wounds, bad legs, ulcers, and eruptions of the skin; .4hen rubbed on the surface it penetrates and purifies each tissue on its passage, and exerts the most wholesome influence over the internal Strnctures. It heals by cleansing all animal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING, &c. M. NORWOOD & Co.S C. RED CROSS LINE of Bal- tic Steamers from HULL to COPEN- HAGEN and KONIGSBERG, and St. PETEMSBURG TOWN, Weekly, or oftener if re. quired. ASHFORD LENA NARVA BOLDERAA LIVONIA STRELNA DWINA OCTA VOLGA DACIA ONEGA VIATKA And additional steamers to suit the trade. C. M. NORWOOD & CO., 77 Owners and Agents, Hull. HOS. WILSON, SONS & CO.'S First-Clnas :iSOREW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING, &c. As.J M. NORWOOD & CO.'S RED CROSS LINE of Bal- tic Steamers from HULL to COPEN- HAGEN and KONIGSBERG, and St. PETERSBURG ToWN, Weekly, or oftener if re. qeured. iSHFORD LENA NARVA BOLDERAA LiVONIA STRELNA DWINA OCTA - VOLGA DACIA ONEGA YIATKA And additional steamers to suit the trade. C. M. NORWOOD & CO., 89 Owners and Agents, Hull. H BULL TO EDINBURGH AND LEITH, X Whence there ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y VEN~GcJGRS BaTVFsk and KOIU IiV DRAYTON o __ it Ogit o'eO tk Vx. & MEEL HEN. i 5 S O T 0 O G Uoil L 'aI~ Ls I V E T, ii BiA w ?? iftowe% be onurpabend L~ ?? g00~l~o h n ~eason 1;ii,460 JON Y N IN Oo. CM~:,S na.~tb. dfro4f.; U1ppier ILoxes m;8 t0 ~OFl' OPEN s . Ti g lIDAYS. HR EoAbT R E y RO Y A L. cO 3Hr BYiRON. torthe ?? of h MOUARDN UING NIO NIGHT, G lULLIVE R TO DlOltOW (WIBDNEBDAYTloEb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lNOTIOX. RAT R1EDUUTION IN FURS ,IVJg ESTABLl8SlMENT, SUOEWT TUB ! ,~pM~IC1AEAL &: CO. have, aonording J0 C 1~er Ur oto L , made ;RiDU0flON Of 10,lprOntO ste5 cn tl 'RbIfHTK crI°E LIfE29TABLI8HMEN. D A Y. GREAT SALE Of ApIES' UNDERCLOTHING, VALUE, £02 153. 94, CARMICHAEL & ao. will offer for it e healsr setuiland olisa StOM~,purolhased s Hem t Mau ?? VirUO lGlasgow, at a dIg- &Z DI epar cente ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIoi TO ADVYRTISHIB. ?? alol ?? tU th YOR I'll ?? IntheDAILY IIli TRYOfP L'AII A.DVgiOTISESIENTSAuoI eito~edlOE three llneo In lon&th) ?? errlntO to Hons. 'nd Pan wantr opety2 a ir Sold\ ore Loto.oAuaflt. ui OUTIVE DAILY INSNet ONJI SHlILIN- ?? SuiX IETION fo a etio wek ON oboe that are trookeel ~~will b hre heoa rl Dur T.,SW Iol Ppx m~ew hthe Mourl are *Z~o enoe a, ?? att~endt fo.llown e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUNARD LINE. THEI BRITISH & NOBTH A IBRIGAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMIE1RIWS ALRPPQ ?? . MOUOOCO ?? ATLAS ?? RDIL OLYMPUB ?? i.Mur &UBTRALAiIAN. PALMYRA .. Watson A h'Mlohn. IUSSIA ?? Cook. eEHINA ?? SAMIARIA. ?? X.L. CUBA. I B*OT £ ?? oJUddla. C HULA .ll; dnondson. BIBERI A . HookIr. JAVA.. , . . . . .Mculay. 8I DON ?? Martyn. KUDAl .. Langlasod, TAMIFA ?? urphy. LALTA * Hal.s. TSIPOLI ?? ATLATION. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s l L~ORD ~AONG Lvr, ?? 'To HoodS BO1%~3. ?? .S. Low psbO g .: Lyver ,, §S ?? , alwdep h .5.lo Lioye hom 'look 8i'sad° lled. P.t -Admuffif.feom A~bnO.3d. HZATRE. ORUSOE. Tom m00en~er with Kr. Obules DM0o6's P Petlte comedy d ADvIO GRATIS. Jfr ?? ]David Wimher. af Odl h ?? ^imu Pautoaldme 'f BINSON OCRTUB ~~AH~~tCQOt lN VO TH FgawQuls glED&V iiND TH8 IN O lli WYILLCD br Ey>S J. BIBON, 9AOIAI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NqOTiCE TO ADVEBTIEBS. VAXD ADVM3IUESr~~e~i he ie MrrarOe LdAbamoub in gm 1 ?? &awt 0 ~ ~ en an imp to INSedTOl! NSowi an nir we)ON sla~ ~ ?? mM that ar okdwl acare h oa el WtestN ' no gdts=rnnt In14 . ?? e.~iute~tottndi follwingexrluattllou5:-il I 0 memu thatai~W nicst h mae by airtera can n rot joHN 0jOE hasto Let en excellent Free Corner J I~r1BI'VA`CL, Lodnra.well adapted for a new ...