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Advertisements & Notices

... M AS70T. BlEPFIiER AND SONS, AITONEEytS and VATXTERS, 'Te EAST-PAIRAIE AIJO PION ROOMS, LEUDS. TeEast pared. Auction ROOMS are within live minutel walk from thre vonrI,,my. etalio, a, near the Towrn Hall, and other pri-jcipil bauid- &In, en in ?? , e OmfPublic and professional business Pr i ?? Pal Entrance, Fas t'parad e; Go ods Entrance, Park Orossa-street. F 178 Thi Day --A Pay SMare and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11ub1ir Notices. nAE RAILWAY COJMPANY.-Ineoirporatod by V¶ Special Act of ftc Imperial Parliam-ent 30th andl~IstVictoria, 1867.- ISSUE of DEBENTURE ?? Dirdetore of the Conipany are prepared to cercive 'TE;N1ERS1 for the 8STJBORTP- TION if DEBENTURE SrOORK to an amount not exceeding £150o,500 to replace the preoent Debenture Oload Debt of thle tiempany ttboth same arocunt. The Deheotsixe Stock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U'~T'ffl~ VT3~,hreir ?? Side~ of Lot o, Ees5Auction 'ounce. Lerds Fi fTo-Sep. Te von ow. 7'I7ursdcru. aod Frciday, trext It *.een anl etc. 0 ESS3 RS. W151O1HTNGVTON ,,I SfN'S S3tO0e Ilv j. f of C('tUNA G1LASS, sod EA[RTIIENWAUE-d Ail the ni'w petterac in great vari~tY 13 7101 d M~e HEfPPF 1.and hO,1e. Auee0Ir1eT4rei Prrslir miin ry Notice. PI rlkisy In Wharfodals, YorkshIVS. d 5xnpcrrtent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rIEST OLI' rEFIt-' ADMTh W I? YORk ARTILLE?tY Henry. Ccl,, The Ris0? Hen. Toni F. C. CikVFNDTSIT, Mr. ?? Qrert'i0, Bradford, Titan [9th, ISA. 1. 'tt? m --ii nil1 vs ret into Osirt-re and ('amp at ,S¶'crl'ro' on f'oitri.- n u 'it in-i., icr ?? en dsye' permanent duty, and icr the A anei?i 101 riOT,, what' eilit?kt? p1cc sa the Cai.tli'-yard, on Fritt ty, the .iid Ia' e r ci ilir-'- ,.ik p in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,tW U-UM)IIAN, Cotmonr- ¶irit. 7tlry, tti( Frie~nds ore D'Q2- i11'~l~t fl LtI)9A 'Ll L ChC to ld n ?? ttit ardfo thoaday- o''ft 1C 2 icU~ ?? e,1?REHOLD LAND IICIRY,-T7 'o f~syaerit-titt norne( tiealt thll I 'in- J~hlti'oreeito jay a I'io~t andl IFard DItVID)END tol - rill be~ ;ev Otto to tho~e mpnoarber only who boaro not to to'ii in in' repe- of their ohootiet WOO Al Ill t01 '1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVEiTSER3si PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. g ersents Under the following heads, viz.: - aICt5 tP Vributz C- odT~act, ?? be Efe, AMD Manteb, ?? i thsjurnal at theo under-mentioned charges, PAD rB. PREVIOIJS TO INSERTION - AnY day (eXcept Saturday), fid. for Two LUNBa, Lnd lot saCh' additional line, 6d, ?? 6d. per line. t contsin about sixteen woris; a1b3ut first two n wordc per Ene aftero. A , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Tgrra-The besi 5s., aL Set £1, the old kidhlfpie he seein and all~informatian free. AMr. (l inen, Peeirn j,~t6_e0, land Hones, 29,Woodhonee-lanei. Ovr c rutes Hrone-war's PILLS ANDI Oe?'N=F-NT.-11EI:GT~ TE %It TeamYr.e-Tlhe journey from infancy t. sgee is bes,,t 'Site dman accidents or diseases, nearly alt of which sorb end~ i bi fl,~ the excellent medi carnents discovered ant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yO be SOS Or, a Millinery and DreclniH~king i TSTFOSED OF, a JFWiET LERY and FA~NCY T ?? uzi- ti: been 51-XceefLil_1Y 05ricd on toy a num~ ; yeers, Aptly E. BOar, Harrogate. THTS.1enr, .t2. V&lnation for stock and flxtu~ea about 31'li., al g _nOa 17. Wt-stanat, Lee. - 96,r~ ~w W *f 'Xei Riding, Studk and tf.xt n's nelaly .O ydc_.r1-rew-whne~led CA,-T. SS, Vicar-lane. ~~sSOL, a bautiful Mlark ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Messs. O~PR ad S S.a (Turday). 'YOUNG JciEPPE andt SONSi an Mesara.tHAIRDWICK, BEST, arid ~or~Gjei~tl Intiute h israSnow, Cheotni, and Oa., will Hell by Anction, Toeday ,aneveyd isdy utlacmlt cleasance be mrade, idouilacmlt Fr h .extellaive Stoiek of DRAPERY, HOSIERY, Cmecneach mooning at ?? e'cloek. 0 19001 f TbIP flap, at eleven o'clock. Messos. HARiDWICKg, BEST, and YO WOO,. csejointly with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. pREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. ,4ertieemrents under the following heads, viz. :- i j 2?rbate 'onttrart,) co be t, AND 5 [,nserted in this Journal at the undermentioned cearges, p PAIlD FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION:- Any day (except Saturd y), 6d. for Two MU, And for each additional line, 6d- On ?? 6d. per linse lbi, j two lians con sin together about sixteen words, about nine words ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVErRTIMERS. p'add s !pt js and aumbear Means mg a ?? ard to wrie, and ee w l lyrsonallv. AN Idt5rs i1 anaoter to Advergise5lM46 ?? 17k4 1ritevs tVA fc1). warsd to lhe propeulapgs, and she Printers have no wwre control over etem. c=nls ekoulod not iuo ant Oa. Omd QnLrMAL tesfUMonieas, butl copies onlu. *ftua001r%, UE. 15eacter, Qsobetne00e0, 15t AIAN any LadY recommend an eri need ...