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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A JAPANESEFUNER7 I The corresondent of the New an account o a funeral he - nd r S Bi E in Hiogo:- ?? wvr Eoles ornament ed a group of e *banereco - with long streamtes dg , tory of te deaI.Nex cia - dooitlt P ,eas with shaven heads, andev offerings to the deities. Tv.-oof th'andJ 1 n which, at a signal from a Silver-ton would strike as if to drive awayevil flt After these was the corpse, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~hih0,1 irizzye0, ?? glteatk1. § No Notico of Brth, Milarrtago, or Doath can bo Inserted unlesda uthenticated by the 05105 and ?? ot the aender. The word No eIr.s,. or any Nlimiar naddition to the simple anoullemrnent of a marriage or death, subject it to payment as for anu advortiement, BIRTHS. DAVIMS-Auegnst 7, at fia, Menzies-strnot, the who of Mr. T. H. Davies, of a daughter. EVAe -August ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N~iarringtf, and patho. *O No Notilooof i Irtl, Marriageo, or Death can be Inserted oulese sotheuticatoil bg tha naue and Address of the sender. The words ' ocards,' or anysiilar addition' to the alideii eanuounceeoiut ofa rnsris0 or death, oubleat it to eavaent as for en advcerth t.oi °t h BIRTHS. BAnxK;n-August 2:, at 22, Cami-strcot, the wife of Mr. Jblin Barker, of a daughter, stillborl. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 3;st ilt., at Golden iH 11, Lcyland, Ithc wife of T. M. Shuttlovr01th, Fsq., of a soIl. MARRIAGES On the 3rd int., at thle Parishi Clienc, Preston, M-. Ediwaid Spigbt to 51iss Janje Titteriogton; Mr. Thonas S.wift to Tis. Ann iolt; MrTl E(lward Norl., to Mliss Margaret Flititoff; Ir.l: Janimes Cbidicik to Miss Jan1 ooicldiison ; Mr. Joseh Orr to M'iss Mlarg.ret Knight; Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... } i ?? BIRTH. On the 29th June, at King William's Town Cape of Good Hope, the wife of J. M. Peacock, Esq., of a daughter. MARRIAGES Onl the 12tb inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, by the Rev. James Eckersley, B.A,, jun., curate, Mr. Frederick l Cowvard to Miss Mary Turnier, both of this town. On the 8th iest., at the Parish Church, Preston, Me-. Paul Westby to Miss Elizabeth Dickinson. Ois ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ng Wi^¢t, airday, and pat. la, ._ No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be fnserted u ?? muthenticated by the name and address of the mn sender. The words No cards, or any similar adrlition to the simple anonnouement of a marriage or death, in subiect it to payment as for an advertisement. my BIRTHS. EnasoltroeN-August 5, at Bandsido Farm, West Kirby, .a* Mrs. Theresa Edmonrlson, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TAB FUNBRAL.4 The intenmentof the remaius of the thit-three bodies ci4 now known to ave been the victnlim o this feaful oata t! stro he tock plai onTeday, in the chircrbvard abtached to the parish church oat; Michael's, 'amistch aiiveral demunatlationa of sorrow auddrrespect. 'At 'a meeting'lf 'of the friends end ?? .1 the deceased held'lix Xonday~ afterousdurin theprress of the soroner's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iN-Wi-, Warrinatoi, Anf peatuo. No Sotee of Birtb, Marlage, or Death can be iert uniess autentdated by the namer and addrews of the sender, The words No cards, or any similar aidition to the simple announcement of a marriage or death, eublect it to payment ais for an advertisertent. BIRTHS. BARTOW-August 14, at 6, Dieley-street, the wife of Mr. Willfam Barton, of a daughter. CIIEIITIIAi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Ata4 p~at. O.. No Notice of Birl4 Marriage, or Death can be ineerted smices auithcnticaed bir the name sad addreso of the sender. The words lo card,or any smilar'adlitiou to tleo siuople anniounicement ?? nmarrgo or death, subject it to paymnent as for an adyertisemout. J BIRTHS, BANNEni-August 23, at 12, Bleaufort-torraee, Sencombe, tho wife of ir. NY. b. Dieuner, of a daughter. CAmn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -1irfuo jardayfi atfdfai 1. No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be mesrted unlesm authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The words e No cards, or any simsilar ?? to the simple announcement of a marriage or death, subject it to payment as for an advertionment. BIRTHS. CARTER-July 16, at Whitestone, New York, the wife of Mr. Albort Lea Carter, of a son. DUNcAN-Augost 1I, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I)EATH OF THADDEUS STEVENS. A. telegram frt e: Ycrl announes thl ath of M. Thaddeus Stevens, ass stlb enti poli f the United 8tates. He was bon ioZ 05ledcnI, county Veronte on the 4th Apri, 1793, % a ide at Datmouth College in 1814, whence he remtaoved to Pennmylvania, SI where he studied law, and wag .aUed to the bar in B 1816. He was first elected to the state leglsiase In 1833, was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N. No Notice of Birth, MarrIage, or Death ean be tnserted uilrem ?? by tho ialaio ald addlress of the se ider. 'I'he words Nuo cards, or any imislar ablition to the shl'l le autioiuceiaeut of a iniarriago or death, subject it to paywent ns for ani advertlsoaeaut. BIRTHIS. AIIOAIIAMiS- August 6, at 48, Cabllestreot, the wile of Mir. Peter Aliihanis, of a daughter, BYRNv- Augusot 8, at 2(1, ...